Franconia, NH police Shooting Vid

In God We Trust

NES Member
May 21, 2010
Emmond's Field in the Two Rivers
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I am not a fan of the Monday morning quarterback thing, but it is blatantly obvious what monumental mistakes were made here. I guess the officer had previous dealings with the shooter and felt too comfortable dealing with him.

Just forward all the way to the end of the video to see it go down.
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This is the one where the kid claimed he was being constantly harassed by the cop and claimed self defense, no?
Yup, the passerby witnessed the murder, grabbed the dead cops gun, and killed the murderer.

.....Investigators say when McKay stopped Kenney a second time a mile up the road, he used pepper spray to subdue him. According to police, that's when Kenney shot the officer four times and the proceeded to run the officer over with his car.

State Attorney General Kelly Ayotte said a passer-by, Gregory Floyd, 49, witnessed the incident and rushed to the officer's aid. Investigators say Floyd grabbed McKay's gun and ordered Kenney to drop his weapon. According to Senior Assistant Attorney General Jeff Strelzin, Floyd fatally shot Kenney when he tried to reload his gun.

Ayotte said the state has decided Floyd's actions were justified and he will not be facing any charges.

According to police, there was a previous incident involving McKay and Kenney. Back in 2003, Kenney was convicted of simple assault and resisting arrest for an incident involving McKay.

Family members said Kenney was ski champion Bode Miller's cousin. Back in September 2005, McKay pulled Bode Miller over on Route 116 for going 83 mph in a 40 mph zone.....
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FWIW this topic has been beaten to death on NES like a stadium filled with rented mules and dead horses, and a whole clan of vikings or whatever with large hammers doing the beating. If you use google search and type in things like "Bruce McKay" or "Liko Kenney" and confine it to, you'll probably find a half dozen threads. At least. Maybe more with manual searching here.

FWIW this topic has been beaten to death on NES like a stadium filled with rented mules and dead horses, and a whole clan of vikings or whatever with large hammers doing the beating. If you use google search and type in things like "Bruce McKay" or "Liko Kenney" and confine it to, you'll probably find a half dozen threads. At least. Maybe more with manual searching here.

I remember the subject being brought up, but I don't remember seeing the video anywhere. I thought it was just released.
I remember the subject being brought up, but I don't remember seeing the video anywhere. I thought it was just released.

That video has been out for years, as well as the other one where Kenney went full retard when McKay "pinged" him because he was loitering in a school parking lot somewhere, I believe. He basically did a rendition of that kid throwing the temper tantrum in the library and then getting tased, minus the taser.

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