Gas prices raising 30 cents/gallon TOMORROW!

I filled my tank last Tuesday and paid $2.69 a gallon, this morning I topped off the tank at the same station and gas was $3.34, just drove by the same station on the way home and now it's $3.37. At this rate, I figure by next week it should be up around $4.50! [roll] :x :x
In Fargo as I type this we are at 2.90-3.00 The lower price is for ethanol. Most gas stations are either devoid of customers or if there are vehicles at the pump they are few in number. A phenomenom I observed today is that traffic flow is app. 5 miles per hour below the posted speed. This is true all over our city and in all speed zones. It would appear that folks are a bit angry as to the prices and refusing to buy.
In Marlboro, prices range from $3.30 at a Shell and the Circle M across the street from it to $3.14 at the Exxon a mile down the road, to $3.14 at the Shell a mile from that, to $3.00 at a Mobil a mile or so past that an back up to $3.10 at the Hess 1/4 mile past the Mobil.

Needless to say, I topped off my Subaru and the 5 gal Jerry can at the Mobil station.

Then I called my wife and my best friend to tell them where to gas up tonight.

Wonder what this will do to propane prices if anything?
My best friends buddy just called up from FL last night. He says that he could not get gas. The stations around his house were tapped.
About time- but it's anybody's guess as to whether or not anything will come of gouging being "looked into."
We've gone over the $3 mark. It won't go back down below $2 in our lifetime...
We've proven we'll pay for it, and they'll see we're grateful it isn't higher.

Or am I a pessimist? :x
They'll form a committee, spend millions investigating it, fine the companies and the gov't keeps the fine money. NO rebates or relief for those that were gouged. Markey is right, some of us have gone thru this before and we got screwed then too!

I don't expect that we'll ever see prices below $2.50/gal in our lifetimes.
Well, this is just a second hand story [wink] "Heard of a gas station in a local city where the owner filled up his tanks a few weeks ago and then promptly closed down...he's waiting for the prices to get to $4-5 a gallon before he'll re-open."

Buy cheap,sell's the American way :? [twisted]
One of two things will happen: either he'll go broke waiting for it to happen, in which cas it's all his loss, or everybody else runs out of gas, and the people who absolutely have to get gas will be happy that he took the chance. Call it price gouging, profiteering or anything else you want, but it's better than the government deciding that gas will be sold for no more than $2.25 a gallon, then watching while everybody runs out of gasoline while they try to come up with some sort of bureaucratic rationing scheme (probably based on your SSN and the I Ching).

I just got home from a doctor's appointment. To look at all of the out of state plates here in Maine, you'd hardly know that there was a gas crisis at all! It was just as busy out there today as it has been any other Labor Day weekend!

I can see it grandkids are never going to believe that I remember paying less than $1.00 a gallon at some point in my life!
KMaurer said:
One of two things will happen: either he'll go broke waiting for it to happen, in which cas it's all his loss, or everybody else runs out of gas, and the people who absolutely have to get gas will be happy that he took the chance. Call it price gouging, profiteering or anything else you want, but it's better than the government deciding that gas will be sold for no more than $2.25 a gallon, then watching while everybody runs out of gasoline while they try to come up with some sort of bureaucratic rationing scheme (probably based on your SSN and the I Ching).


I'd prefer a combination of scratch-off tickets and BINGO... More interactive [roll]
Chris said:
In my life? I'm still driving the same vehicle as I once filled up for < $1 a gallon. Truck will only be 10 years old next spring.

Yeah, I know. Right now it wasn't that long ago that we paid <$1 a gallon, but by the time I have grandkids, they probably won't even know what gasoline as we know it is. Kind of like when they did away with Regular instead of Unleaded. I was on my learner's permit 10 years ago! ;)
Holy thread oldness. [shocked] [laugh]

Edit: Admittedly, believe it or not, this is one of the things I like about NES. A lot of other boards
purge old threads, which sucks if someone posts something epic, because then it is often not

I didn't mean to dig this one up from the grave, but it is funny to see people's reactions to gas at $2.55. At the time, it was ridiculous. When i got my license gas was $1.35/gal. I remember at the time that $2 / gal was the rumor, but no one believed it. People even said, "hell, i ain't buying gas if it gets higher than $3"... funny how times change. At least this re-post will ease people into the idea that they'll probably pay $4-5/gal in the not to distant future.
I remember back in 70 when no one believed gas would hit a dollar. when it did, everyone went out and bought cars that got high mileage. Then they forgot and continued buying the 8 miles per gallon boats and here we are !!!!
I work for a local oil company. This morning the owner showed me the fax for pricing that he gets 3-4 times a day. Overnight the price of #2 home heating oil went up 29 cents! Tomorrow morning we should be at $3.69/gal for heating oil. I truly feel sorry for the folks who were either too lazy, too stupid, or simply can't afford to lock in at the beginning of the season. This increase reflects at the gas pumps too, so fill up today on your way home!!!
I work for a local oil company. This morning the owner showed me the fax for pricing that he gets 3-4 times a day. Overnight the price of #2 home heating oil went up 29 cents! Tomorrow morning we should be at $3.69/gal for heating oil. I truly feel sorry for the folks who were either too lazy, too stupid, or simply can't afford to lock in at the beginning of the season. This increase reflects at the gas pumps too, so fill up today on your way home!!!


Granted, my house is small, but after I installed this system last summer, I topped off the oil in September. The next auto delivery was in December. They were expecting me to have 1/4 left (I didn't tell them about the new system, so their calculations were based on the old one), I had used 1/4 tank since September. Just got the second auto delivery on 2/24, 99 gallons. Total expenditure for this winter for heat and hot water -- $545.27

Thanks RoundGunShooter!
Hydrogen is a pipe dream. Remember the Hindenburg? Hydrogen.

The future is Hybrid vehicles. The military is testing them, both small like HMMWV's and larger cargo trucks. Looks promising.

You have no idea how wrong you are.

I will believe Honda Motor Company's collective engineering might on the feasability of hydrogen fuel cell cars long before your amateur comparison to 1930's technology.

Google FCX Clarity.
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