Get your butt to Boston - GOAL Super Alert - Wed 28th!!!!

One of the more official non-official anti's(*)...

(*) Maybe the former US diplomat who said that
Massachusetts is far more dangerous than
any country she was ever posted to.

...made an extended plea to ban ghost guns. Because
right now it's perfectly legal to make a gun containing no metal, and
right now it's perfectly legal to make a gun with no serial number.

Some guy in the front row spat out "liar!" when she walked past
after finishing her presentation. Perhaps a tad too loudly.
It yielded a cacophany of harrumphing,
and two visits from concerned guards.

The guy must have felt bad, because he apologized to Naughton
after the meeting was gaveled to a close.
We need a unifying slogan that appeals to everyone.

As a youth I was inundated with the word "Tolerance".
I was supposed to "tolerate" others feelings, beliefs, lifestyles, political inclinations.
But I ask you: "Where is the TOLERANCE" for Gun-Owners and for guns?

I have to suck it up and appreciate your "needs" while repressing what makes me happy?

F*uck that!


And so should YOU!
The anonymity is killing us. It would be like Paul Revere not knowing Sam Adams or Dr. Joe Warren or John Hancock, or...

Without those guys... We'd still be speaking English.
First guy (or two?) I met, I gave the Secret NES Handshake.
They didn't reciprocate, so I figure they may carry Glocks.

ETA: Caps.
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The anonymity is killing us. It would be like Paul Revere not knowing Sam Adams or Dr. Joe Warren or John Hancock, or...

If it weren't for those guys... We'd still be speaking English.

هل زرت لندن مؤخراً؟
Oh sorry... you meant the English language and not the modern English dialect, "have you been to London recently?"
I like the idea of NES Bingo shirts. We should have another hat run too.

There are different versions out there:

I have absolutely no sense of style, but NES tee shirts would help with this...
On the one hand the general concept is delightful.
_Something_ like a lapel pin customizable with screen names
in a large-enough-to-read font would also be great.

But not at a hearing.

While this time I didn't testify, I made sure to wear a polo shirt.
And I was jealous of the guys that wore button-down shirts
who presented an even more presentable image to the legislators and audience.

(Don't worry - when it finally hits the fan,
I think the NES uniform should be a browncoat.
And "I Aim To Misbehave" trumps "I Will Not Comply",
but it ruins the effect to print that on the coat someplace).

It's almost like a 1-up, 2-down cellular intelligence network actually works, or something!
This ^ is beyond my pay grade...
I don't think we have the Need to Know.
And yes Kemo Sabe, I mean "we".
I was coming off a last half shift and couldn't make it but what's the next step for them? Are they going to try to get these bills through somehow? How's it looking for the PRO 2A crowd?
Yeah, I was out of Shithole MA all month (boy it was awesome) so not sure what the next step? This is committee, so they vote to send it to the bills to a chamber right? When should we start calling people on specific votes?

I was coming off a last half shift and couldn't make it but what's the next step for them? Are they going to try to get these bills through somehow? How's it looking for the PRO 2A crowd?
BTW, was there any mention of how pathetic the MA judicial system is in regards to lack of prosecution and putting obvious gun criminals back out on the streets with nothing but wrist slaps?

Yes a few times it was pointed out that there are multiple DAs that fail to prosecute gun charges.
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