Gilet jaunes: yea or nay


NES Member
Jul 23, 2012
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They're French. And they're pissed. And they're not the elite rich that runs the show and fuques everybody and their mother. And they haven't rigged the system to fuque everyone else.

The control freaks they protest are kind of like the US ones. Like Joe. And Liz. And Beto. And........

I'm not a fan of socialism, although I believe in a minimal safety net. If people actually work hard, don't live on drugs, indolence, crime, and victimization, then I'm happy to help them. If you do nothing but sabotage your own success, then, sorry, no sympathy from me!

The gilet jaunes like to trash the rich elite shops, the liberal elite hypocrites who look down on us as deplorables. I don't like it, yet in a way I do.
I can't say yea or nay, as I have no idea what they want, or are trying to accomplish.

Other than p!ssing off everyone without a yellow vest. And destroying other people's property. Rich or not, you property is just that.

As far as I can tell, the French periodically do this. Then, there's a book (Tale of Two Cities), real revolution, or musical that comes out of it.

Vive la difference, I guess.
I dunno. I do know that if you get out of the truck at the commercial jobs with out one of those on you'll find out what "pissed off" is all about.

Same sh*t different day?
I'm not sure, but I do know Macaroon is a DB and they are pissing him off, so, that is a plus I guess.
You know, the Nazi's cleaned up the streets. So I liked that about them.

Same with the yellowvestipukes. Sure they are doing some good. But they are a mob that wants whatever and is causing harm. They are violently anti-Semitic. They trash streets and close shops. They've gone out of control.
They stand up for themselves, which is more than we can say about us here, except you think that waving funny signs, wearing your Sunday church clothes, in front of an empty state house, is standing up. In that case, we do plenty of it. Those yella fellas will butt heads with law enforcement, zero fuggs given. The American way seems to be pussy hats and bitching on the interwebs, talking the talk about civil wars, but never actually walking the walk.
I know, you guys will disagree with me, call me a leftist, a statist, and other assorted insults, but I'm good with that. Seems to be the new NES thing.
They stand up for themselves, which is more than we can say about us here, except you think that waving funny signs, wearing your Sunday church clothes, in front of an empty state house, is standing up. In that case, we do plenty of it. Those yella fellas will butt heads with law enforcement, zero fuggs given. The American way seems to be pussy hats and bitching on the interwebs, talking the talk about civil wars, but never actually walking the walk.
I know, you guys will disagree with me, call me a leftist, a statist, and other assorted insults, but I'm good with that. Seems to be the new NES thing.

You have a fairly unique perspective, so I, for one, welcome your views and comments.
Part of the problem is I think the gov there has inserted interlopers to diffuse the message, etc. eg, if they control the appearance of the protest then they limit its growth....
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