Went to the bay state coin show yesterday. Spur of the moment decision after my wife took my son and his friend to water country - I was free. I brought a few coins that I've fallen out of love with. Nice coins, just no longer for me. I walked the floor looking for treasure - my first choice is always treasure. After two laps I didn't see anything that I needed to add to my treasure chest. I turned my attention to some older, poured and tarnished silver bars that I like. I'm short silver anyway - have almost all gold and little silver. I ended up trading a few raw gold coins for some nicer old silver bars. I was able to get 84:1 silver for gold even with the more collectable silver bars. Very fair IMHO even with silver falling out of favor recently. Had positive experiences with a dealer named Walker from Waltham. He's a part time dealer, show's only, with a full time job in IT security. Walker had a nice selection of modern and vintage silver bars among other items. Had another enjoyable Stephen Vorchheimer from CT. Steve had a nice selection of silver bars as well.
I'm planning on going to Nashua in Aug. Maybe I'll try to be a regular at the shows. I really enjoyed it.