Most chiefs will REFUSE to issue a new LTC while one is still in force. No law prevents it, it's just a "policy" of most chiefs not to do it.
Many have tried before you and been rejected (for an early "renewal").
Then that might be a good time to lawyer up. It's bad enough when you receive lesser treatment than others in your state. Now, you're getting lesser treatment than others in your town. It's a question of fairness, and I am part of the collective unit that pays the chief to treat everybody in town the same.
This is different than moving to the next town and your new chief overruling his friend next door. This is your current chief moving on to bigger and better things and a new chief taking over.
Admittedly, it could work against you too, if the new guy is more restrictive.
I appreciate your explanation of "what it is." I agree wholeheartedly. Only in Massachusetts could something so simple be turned into a giant cluster-f.
BTW, GOAL is apparently sponsoring a bill for 2007/2008 that will attempt to correct the confusion and inconsistency that the discretionary powers of the chiefs is causing. Even at the Mass Chiefs website, there is a document issued by THEIR OWN attorney that dissuades them from applying excessive restrictions - you've probably all seen it by now.
I read that since 1987, the majority of states has made it easier and to concealed carry, over 30 states if I recall correctly. This freaking state has made it harder, even for people with the full license.
Why am I complaining (rhetorical)? Many worthy people are being outright denied or getting class B, and forced to get notarized references and take proficiency exams. Meanwhile I picked out an awesome AR15 and Walther 9mm, that is being put aside just for me, when my permit is ready (any day now they tell me)