Update: As expected, I did not receive a reply to my first email. I waited seven days with no response. After seven days, I composed a second email, this one not quite so flowery, in which I informed my LO Sgt. Spinale that I would be waiting an additional seven days for a response, and after that , I would start calling Chief Mazzie, Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria, my state rep Wayne Matewsky, and my state senator Sal DiDomenico to get a status. I did not inform him I had also contacted Comm2A as well. Today (11/15/2013), the day after I sent this second email, I got a call from Sgt. Spinale first thing in the morning. His tone was aggressive, asking why I was threatening to call everyone in the state and saying these things take time you know. I informed him politely that it had been 155 days since I applied. I then asked him what the status of my application was to which he informed me that my app has been approved and is waiting for Chelsea to issue the license and pin. I must say his attitude was rude and aggressive, with no feeling of remorse for a process having taken four times as long as it is supposed to. Even if the length of time was completely out of Everett PD's hands Sgt. Spinale could have shown compassion for my long wait time and attempted to explain where the issue is, but he did not. I do not know how long it will take to actually get the license and pin, and he could not say.
To me, if it walks like a duck, shits like a duck, and tastes like a duck, it's a duck. I have read in these forums of relatively short lengths of time for LTC/FID processing in other communities, and I have had friends who applied for LTC/FID in other communities whose applications were processed in much shorter lengths of time. Therefore, I have to believe the problem in Everett is in the Everett PD itself, and that can only come from Chief Mazzie. I know Comm2a sued and won, but clearly the message has not been heard and obstruction is not only expected, it is the default policy handed down from the top.