Guide to gun rights in your Massachusetts town

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I've never had anyone tell me that Arlington was anything other than green. I've heard of slowness in app processing there, though, but that's about typical for probably 75% of the towns/cities in MA. The guys that get their licenses in under a month in MA tend to be the exception rather than the rule.


Thanks Mike, Someone was telling me that someone retired in Arlington recently (don't know if it was the CLEO or the licensing clerk). So wasn't sure if anything changed.
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I just recieved my LTC-A ALP from the Freetown PD. It took 5 weeks (35 days) from day of application. The licensing officer was very polite and helpful, and was even nice enough to let me apply the 2nd day back from his vacation. I called last Friday to check on the status of it, he let me know that it was being printed and he would mail it when received.

I wish the process was shorter, but I can't complain compared to plenty of other people.

Requirements prior to applying: 2 notarized letters, membership at shooting range, and standards (2xID, proof of residency, etc.). There was no justification needed for ALP, no meeting the chief, etc.
Northbridge is still as Green as Im sure they come. Just dropped off my application last night, I am getting the LTC, already submitted to the state, and now its the waiting game...oy.

Zero trouble at all. Just needed the application, certificate, and of course the $$$.
Just got my LTC-A in Leominster. Restrictions: None! Took a little while to get it, but other than the wait it was smooth, and anyone I dealt with was really nice.
Took exactly 3 weeks after the interview for me in New Bedford. I got an employment restriction because I handle large amounts of cash at my job. The process went smoothly and everyone I dealt with was really nice.
I feel that Dracut should be RED

It took my friend 75 days to get his Class A and they restricted him to hunting and target.

they said they restrict all new issues. they do remove the restrictions on your renewal though

maybe a fourth color is needed????

this is discouraging...i applied for my LTC-A and am currently waiting for an interview in dracut. should have another 2-4 weeks to wait for that. i'll report back as to what i recieve.
I would like add Mattapoisett to the list of green towns. I was upgraded from hunting and target to Class A unrestricted without even asking at my last renewal.
Needham, 6 weeks (+ a day or two). Found it easier to deal with the lt thru emails. Left a few messages with him to set up the appointment but he never responded. Sent him an email, he responded in 10 minutes.
Every time I see this thread it saddens me.
The whole green, red and black premise is disgusting.
I feel for the folks that don't get an unrestricted on the 1st go round and more so for those in a black town.

I think this is an issue that is often overlooked... If your background and other checks are clear, you should get an unrestricted if that is your request. It's a shame the system is micro managed down to this level.

I'm grateful I'm in a green town...
I have an unrestricted LTC-A and am thinking about buying a house in Lynn,ma....Does anyone know if Lynn is still green? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
unrestricted LTC-A in Somerville. Just got it today. I was a first time applicant too.
what's the lowdown on Watertown, MA? Still RED?

Unfortunately, Watertown is as red as it can be. Not only they put restrictions on all Class A LTCs (excluding some "special" cases), but they also require a safety class certificate on EVERY renewal. There was a recent case when a person took the chief to the court for this renewal illegal requirement, and lost. The judge sighted with the chief. I had several students recently applied in Watertown, all got restricted Class A. Unless something have changed in the last couple of month, it's still red.

Moreover, the chief is such an a$$, he requests all original issuing authorities (chiefs) to downgrade non restricted LTCs for all people who moves to Watertown.
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Moreover, the chief is such an a$$, he requests all original issuing authorities (chiefs) to downgrade non restricted LTCs for all people who moves to Watertown.

That might make an interesting legal challenge for Comm2A to tackle! [devil]
I can happily report that Marlborough is still green. I dropped off my renewal application with Sgt. Oldroyd on August 18 and picked up my unrestricted LTC-A in 8 weeks. That was a relief, because my previous LTC, issued in Medford, was Target/hunting restricted.
I can happily report that Marlborough is still green. I dropped off my renewal application with Sgt. Oldroyd on August 18 and picked up my unrestricted LTC-A in 8 weeks. That was a relief, because my previous LTC, issued in Medford, was Target/hunting restricted.
Was there an interview with the licensing officer? Around 5 years back, a fellow club member got an unrestricted license from Marlboro, but that was only after a rather uncomfortable interview where the licensing officer was very aggressive and tried to bait him. Perhaps the licensing officer has changed, or his experience was unusual.
Was there an interview with the licensing officer? Around 5 years back, a fellow club member got an unrestricted license from Marlboro, but that was only after a rather uncomfortable interview where the licensing officer was very aggressive and tried to bait him. Perhaps the licensing officer has changed, or his experience was unusual.

About 5 years ago, I was looking to get licensed in Marlborough, but opted to wait until I bought a house (not in Marlborough) because of the attitude I got from the licensing officer there. It was as if he was trying to convince me to not get my license. So it might not have been completely unusual.
About 5 years ago, I was looking to get licensed in Marlborough, but opted to wait until I bought a house (not in Marlborough) because of the attitude I got from the licensing officer there. It was as if he was trying to convince me to not get my license. So it might not have been completely unusual.
The fellow that I spoke with said that at the beginning of the interview the licensing officer was very hostile. He kept his cool and didn't respond to the baiting ("Are you one of those gun nuts?" yadda, yadda, yadda). Halfway through the interview, the licensing officer turned nice, and he got an unrestricted license.

This fellow thought that the licensing officer was deliberately trying to provoke him, and that if he rose to the bait that he would have gotten a restricted license. It seemed to be a "test" of the applicant to see if he was "calm" enough to be given an unrestricted license.

This was some years back, so perhaps the licensing officer has changed (or just changed his tune).

I only met this fellow once, but he struck me as a very mild-mannered, soft-spoken engineer type. He wasn't someone that gave off any vibe of being a hothead.
Was there an interview with the licensing officer? Around 5 years back, a fellow club member got an unrestricted license from Marlboro, but that was only after a rather uncomfortable interview where the licensing officer was very aggressive and tried to bait him. Perhaps the licensing officer has changed, or his experience was unusual.
There are two licensing officers in Marlboro, Sgt. Moran and Sgt. Oldroyd. My meeting was with Sgt. Oldroyd, so I can't comment on Sgt. Moran. It wasn't really an interview - he took my application and check, and looked in his filing cabinet for the form I had mailed in when I moved to Marlboro. Upon locating everything, he spent about 15 minutes typing into the computer. He used a cheapo USB-cam to take my picture, and that was that. At one point, as he was waiting for the computer to respond, I started chatting with him about his sidearm and about Riverside gun club to which I belong, but it was just idle chit-chat. He's very professional and was nothing but businesslike. It may have been related to the fact that I'm in my late 50's, I was professionally attired, and I've had a LTC-A in Massachusetts for 10 years. Or he may just be always like this. Go figure.
I'm not sure which licensing officer this fellow spoke with. The applicant was in his 30's and I think he told me that he wore a suit to the interview. I think this was his first LTC.

That said, I'm getting this second hand, and the discussion was several years ago. So take that with a grain of salt.
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