Gun Parlor does it again…

I've never done either of those things lol

But.....keep in mind here.....the buyer isn't on nes bitchin about what he paid. The guy here is bitchin about what his buddy paid. There is an odd chance that the guy that actually bought the pistol is OK with what he paid 😁
We call it Chrising not bitching
Reality check time: Every shop in MA is currently charging crazy money for stuff about to be banned here forever. 🤔
You need to get out more. The only thing that has universally gone up in price are 8/1 ASFs that will be grandfathered since we can no longer get them (had to be here on 8/1). Off roster handguns that need frame transfers continue to sell for the same old prices. Good shops you pay essentially what you pay in NH plus tax plus transfer. Bad shops continue to charge more than this. Gun Parlor is not the only shop relying on stupid people to succeed. The mill has a loud obnoxious well placed shop that caters to the stupid and the ignorant. It is always a viable business model.
How many people on this thread that are calling the buyer a fool and getting ripped off by GP bought an AR for $1500 or more, knowing it is truly only worth $400? How many here have paid more than 11 bucks for a 30 round mag?

Yet, you feel perfectly fine with your decision. Value is in the eye of the owner.
I'll admit that I have over-paid for guns at times. Sometimes, you know about it and you do it anyway... and sometimes it comes as a surprise at some later date and you get a little pissed, but what are you gonna do about it? Live and learn if you are lucky.

I've also found my share of bargains. And some I over-paid for at the time are now worth up to 4 times what I paid for them. Go figure. :)
It seems to me that more and more people have just stopped relying on good ole' solid word of mouth personal advice / experience and only rely on what they read in magazines or on the always reliable and accurate interweb. This site is loaded with perfect advice when it comes to buying and what shops to avoid. I think when it comes to firearms, there is a lot of fear involved due to inexperience and the dreaded gray area of MA laws. Those that have disposable income will just spend the money to get it over with and then over time, realize the error of their ways. We all hope it only happens one time.
Who hasn't bought on implulse as a newby or bought from a scumbag dealer due to a multitude of reasons? My first purchases were from bASS Pro. Luckily, I bought during their Fall hunting sale back when it really was a true sale. I saved a lot of money plus rebates. I had no idea about the RATS NEST in North Attleboro until I read about it on this site. I only bought supplies from him because he had them in stock, nobody else did, and I didn't want to wait. I don't think Amazon was invented then. After reading about his business practices, I have never stepped foot in there again. Gun Parlor is another and my newest shop, never to step foot in, is Shooting Supply in Westport who has cranked his prices near 80% above what he was charging for certain items prior to 8/1. I found what I was looking for elsewhere at the pre 8/1 price and it was ordered, so F' him and shops just like his! I understand not everybody can get the same pricing based on their sales volume, but gouging is unacceptable!

The Consumer Reports followers and believers are another one of my favorites! When you get advice from technicians who have been in the business for well over 30 - 50 years and you do the opposite of what they tell you to do because of what a magazine says, you get what you deserve. When it comes to items that will break down, it's always best to ask the ones who will repair them before buying.
Which was exactly my original point... although apparently not very well made. ☹️
And the grandfathered stuff will continue to go up in price right up until 10/23 when dealers will no longer be able to sell. Then it will be the private market and lots of people will "know what they have". In all seriousness, it's the new pre-ban and the price can only increase since there will be no more of them beyond the supply in the state today. That is just free market.

If I knew of a dealer with 8/1 stock that was in demand and they were selling it off at pre July prices, I would offer to buy them out in a heartbeat. Some of what I have in stock I got from other dealers in the state that either did not have the channel to sell or didn't understand supply/demand of what they had.
You can't screw the willing...

This x 1000. Consensual screwing isn't rape lol

OK, then I should not have made this tread as a warning to others here and not be helpful?

Do you remember when they we sending Mura EVERY 4473 as part of their punishment?

It's OK to take out accessories from a purchase (i.e. the mags)?

I understand big boy rules and all. But since this is a community of fellow gun enthusiasts, I kinda think its in all our best interests to share the good bad and ugly so we can support the good dealers and warn others about the bad.

If you don't agree and think well tough shit for anyone that pays these prices deserve it, look in the mirror and think what kinda person am I? Either you are a friend to the community (Especialy fellow NES'rs) or not...

We call it Chrising not bitching

LOL and BITE ME! [flame]
I've never done either of those things lol

But.....keep in mind here.....the buyer isn't on nes bitchin about what he paid. The guy here is bitchin about what his buddy paid. There is an odd chance that the guy that actually bought the pistol is OK with what he paid 😁

No he's not OK with the price and the mag BS.

Yeah, I'm reminding everyone that GP is still shitty... And I included why they are still shitty...

I guess that makes me a horrible person...

If I post a deal in the Deals and Steals thread, that's OK

But posting a warning about a non deal I'm and a**h***...

At least the username fits... lol
OK, then I should not have made this tread as a warning to others here and not be helpful?

Do you remember when they we sending Mura EVERY 4473 as part of their punishment?

It's OK to take out accessories from a purchase (i.e. the mags)?

I understand big boy rules and all. But since this is a community of fellow gun enthusiasts, I kinda think its in all our best interests to share the good bad and ugly so we can support the good dealers and warn others about the bad.

If you don't agree and think well tough shit for anyone that pays these prices deserve it, look in the mirror and think what kinda person am I? Either you are a friend to the community (Especialy fellow NES'rs) or not...

LOL and BITE ME! [flame]
I think you are more angry at your friend than you are at the GP....

GP are scumbags, always have been and always will be...
I was not able to help him, but I'm posting this to help others.
Thank you. It is a public service announcement.

Business exist to make money, and we need them to make money so they will be there in the future. But there is a distinct difference between making money and ripping people off when you can. I am sure that when I bought my Glock, the dealer made a reasonable profit, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but, lets assume he pays the same price from the distributor as Gun Parlor... so GP tacks on another 40%. That is excessive in my humble opinion. Taking the 2 magazines out of the box? That's just slimy.

Did the guy deserve to be taken advantage of? Maybe. In today's world, everyone has a cell phone in their pocket and he could have easily done a quick search to see what they sell for. Hell, maybe he did, and decided it was worth it, not to keep searching for what he wanted.
But I am with the OP on this one. Gun Parlor are scumbags, who will rip off a customer if they get the chance. I prefer not to do business with companies like that, and appreciate the heads up.
GP didn’t keep 2 mags, they kept all 3 15 rounders and gave your buddy a 10 rounder, probably a shitty promag garbage mag 😂

Yeah... Nah... All my glocks came with the factory amount of 10's. I guess if I buy a car and they take out the factory installed spare, its perfectly OK

I think you are more angry at your friend than you are at the GP....

GP are scumbags, always have been and always will be...

Nope... I'm passing along a story and outing a dealer so others can shop there knowing that they might pay over msrp and not get all the factory items.

If that still want it, OK by me.

ETA: I would have not know anything about this as I do NOT shop there. So my buddy took one for the team and I'm passing it on.

I'm also kinda shocked they are selling anything glock including a t-shirt after Mura spanked them a while back...
No he's not OK with the price and the mag BS.

Yeah, I'm reminding everyone that GP is still shitty... And I included why they are still shitty...

I guess that makes me a horrible person...

If I post a deal in the Deals and Steals thread, that's OK

But posting a warning about a non deal Iand a**h***...

At least the username fits... lol
Here's the thing.....this is all in how your wording this thread.

You said
"They screwed us years ago and are continuing to do so"

They did screw us years ago by turning over info to the state to save his ass. That's screwing us. Your buddy paying a high price for a glock missing 2 mags isn't screwing us. Hell.....your buddy didn't even get screwed.....again.....consensual screwing isn't rape lol

If you want to "warn" nes to stay away from gp just post the prices they are charging and say don't bother going there.

As far as my user was my call sign in Iraq......I didn't choose it it was bestowed upon me. 😁
No he's not OK with the price and the mag BS.

Yeah, I'm reminding everyone that GP is still shitty... And I included why they are still shitty...

I guess that makes me a horrible person...

If I post a deal in the Deals and Steals thread, that's OK

But posting a warning about a non deal I'm and a**h***...

At least the username fits... lol
The mag sounds like bs (but maybe there's more to the story) but if he wasn't okay with the price, why did he buy it? Did they hold the gun to his head?
I bought my Sig P220 Compact SAS from them shortly after arriving in MA and receiving my LTC. That was their old location that was a combo gun shop, import and classic motorcycle shop, and barber shop if I recall correctly. Pricing was normal free state level and the odd combination actually gave it a cool vibe. They had one of the Paul Smart Ducati tribute bikes there-


Of course if you know where to go at the Mill, you can still get the guns and bikes vibe there. I've spent much more at the Mill.

Yup. And you can get deep in to Ducati discussions too and trade older Ducati parts for gun parts.
Here's the thing.....this is all in how your wording this thread.

You said
"They screwed us years ago and are continuing to do so"

They did screw us years ago by turning over info to the state to save his ass. That's screwing us. Your buddy paying a high price for a glock missing 2 mags isn't screwing us. Hell.....your buddy didn't even get screwed.....again.....consensual screwing isn't rape lol

If you want to "warn" nes to stay away from gp just post the prices they are charging and say don't bother going there.

If you think taking 2 factory included mags out of the case is not screwing us (gun buyers) and charging more $225 over MSRP (with the two less mags) is perfectly reasonable. Then I don't know wat to say...

I understand your point, but this is a warning that I'm posting here that the GP will try and screw you if you do not know better, I want people to know better! If you want to pay it, go for it, but do it willingly.
If you think taking 2 factory included mags out of the case is not screwing us (gun buyers) and charging more $225 over MSRP (with the two less mags) is perfectly reasonable. Then I don't know wat to say...

I understand your point, but this is a warning that I'm posting here that the GP will try and screw you if you do not know better, I want people to know better! If you want to pay it, go for it, but do it willingly.

Did GP not disclose the price and number of mags prior to purchase ? Did you buddy not ask what came with the gun ?
This is just free market, since the GP almost certainly did not tell the customer they were getting 3 mags.

What is slimer is quoting $600 for a G43x, and when it comes time to buy telling the prospective customer that the dealer re-thought the price and it was $850. I lucked out and this happened right before a NES WTS came up for a 3x at $600 (mint condition, great seller, only downside was the hour drive - and he met me in the middle (literally).

Back in 93 when there was the mad run to stock up on AR pre-ban magazines, some otherwise reputable firms cancelled accepted orders that were in the pipeline and advised customers they could submit a new order at the higher price.
If you think taking 2 factory included mags out of the case is not screwing us (gun buyers) and charging more $225 over MSRP (with the two less mags) is perfectly reasonable. Then I don't know wat to say...

I understand your point, but this is a warning that I'm posting here that the GP will try and screw you if you do not know better, I want people to know better! If you want to pay it, go for it, but do it willingly.
I never said that price was reasonable. I certainly wouldn't pay that for it. If a new gun owner doesn't do his research on gun values b4 buying a gun imo the only person to blame is the buyer. That's my opinion.

But your point is definitely out there in nes has high prices on glocks and may skim a mag so steer clear. Got it.
The mag sounds like bs (but maybe there's more to the story) but if he wasn't okay with the price, why did he buy it? Did they hold the gun to his head?
JFC - OP is just trying to save NES folks a couple of hundred bucks on a G19. He tried to do the same with his buddy, who didn't listen, so figured he would let us all know.

I don't know about you, but I appreciate it when someone offers advice that saves me a couple of hundred bucks. But. in typical NES fashion, no good deed goes unpunished.
My thinking is there are really only two logical responses to this thread.

1. Thanks for the heads up. I don't like doing business with scumbags.
2. Thanks for sharing. I already knew the Gun Parlor are scumbags.
This is just free market, since the GP almost certainly did not tell the customer they were getting 3 mags.

Fine.... Some of you are OK with the price and only one mag. Got it... He got what he deserved. And others will get what they deserve all the while GP is making more money off uneducated buyers, warnings like mine are not welcome here and caveat emptor...

Maybe I was wrong to post this as a warning to other NES'rs?

You guys must have lots of love for Zero Hour and the $1000 Glocks.
If you think taking 2 factory included mags out of the case is not screwing us (gun buyers) and charging more $225 over MSRP (with the two less mags) is perfectly reasonable. Then I don't know wat to say...

I understand your point, but this is a warning that I'm posting here that the GP will try and screw you if you do not know better, I want people to know better! If you want to pay it, go for it, but do it willingly.
Admittedly we could have 48 of these threads for every shop that is garbage. Although one could argue GP is kind of exceptionally smelly garbage.

This is another one of those places like The gun room that's never going to go away though it is what it is and a bunch of rubes are going to keep doing stupid shit with that shop. I think years ago when the owner was dumb enough to talk to the media about AWS or something we had like a hundred pager or something about that shithole, guys still in business. The high info end of the gun consumer thing in mass is still a relatively small number of people.... and most of that is because the others are doing the ostrich thing where they just keep their head in the ground for as long as possible for seemingly no apparent reason like the two guys I was talking about earlier.

Us: "don't tag that redhead thats always down at loopy o tooles, shes got the clap!"

Retard: "i slept with that redhead you warned me about and now i have the clap!!!!"


And the grandfathered stuff will continue to go up in price right up until 10/23 when dealers will no longer be able to sell. Then it will be the private market and lots of people will "know what they have". In all seriousness, it's the new pre-ban and the price can only increase since there will be no more of them beyond the supply in the state today. That is just free market.
It is. And I wouldn't change that. Besides, it's critically important that the dealers survive. If that takes massive price increases on "about to be banned" guns and lowers (i.e., "grandfathered stuff" as you more correctly put it) to keep the dealers in business, so be it. It boots me out of the marketplace for now, but that's a different issue.
Fine.... Some of you are OK with the price and only one mag. Got it... He got what he deserved. And others will get what they deserve all the while GP is making more money off uneducated buyers, warnings like mine are not welcome here and caveat emptor...

Maybe I was wrong to post this as a warning to other NES'rs?

You guys must have lots of love for Zero Hour and the $1000 Glocks.
I got boned by Zero Hour when I was a newbie.

Guy that owned the place was a character.

Also Gun Parlor can EABOD.
It is. And I wouldn't change that. Besides, it's critically important that the dealers survive. If that takes massive price increases on "about to be banned" guns and lowers (i.e., "grandfathered stuff" as you more correctly put it) to keep the dealers in business, so be it. It boots me out of the marketplace for now, but that's a different issue.

A ton of dealers are asking crazy prices on "ASF" and lowers. I'm not complaining about that at all. That is understandable, but we still have 1.5 months before glocks are outright banned.
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