Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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wow. Just wow.

New consolidated LTC restrictions:

A semi-automatic pistol may not be carried with a round loaded in the chamber. A revolver may not be carried with a round directly under the hammer or in the chamber adjacent thereto which is next in order to fire.

A licensee may not carry both a concealed firearm and a knife with a blade in excess of 2 and one-half inches.

A licensee may not wear or be in possession of so-called body armor or other anti-ballistic protective garment while carrying a firearm.

A licensee may not aim his or her firearm at a vital organ of another person; a so-called "K-5" hit shall be prima facie evidence of pre-meditation to inflict a fatal wound.

Anyone wanna take bets on any of these? :-D
I think trying to figure out what's in the bill based on the news reports from the press conference is just going to get us nowhere. Clueless legislators talking to a room of clueless reporters leads to vague or completely incorrect wordings of what the legislation actually does. It's going to take someone knowledgeable actually reading the bill and parsing through all the "strike this" and "add that" language to actually figure out what it does.

This is what I should have said. Thanks. ;)
Looks like CMP rifles (ala CT and NY) and 03 FFLs are bust. I wonder how it will impact interstate purchases via 03FFL. Where does the purchase technically take place? Usually, one just records the transaction with no seller as a "registration." Will an out of state purchase brought into the state have to go through a dealer? Need text...
I read this more along the lines of like "the state defines the restrictions (or lack thereof) choosable in the system. EG, they might be getting rid of the CLEOs ability to do things like "With clown shoes" or "Only when making deposits at night" or other frequent random bullshit some CLEOs are known to pull.


I read it to mean the current license restrictions of high capacity, concealed or not which are the distinctions between A and B.
Of course, this is probably just wishful thinking on my part, and I have no idea if such a provision would be allowable under ATF regulations for FFLs.

It's a good question, I've seen dealers facilitate private transfers though without putting the guns in their book, not sure if this is different than that unless the guns HAVE to be put in the book for some reason, but if both buyer and seller are standing there I don't see why they would have to.

That's a possibility but think of how it's worded: "same conditions and restrictions". Does that mean all LTC's will be exactly what the words mean - license to carry - , or does it mean every last one of us will be restricted to "target/hunting only". [thinking] I highly doubt they'd try to pull the latter. Again it's all still in proposal land so I'm very curious to see how this one is worded in it's final stage.

I take it to mean that LTC-B becomes LTC-A and there is no change in the ability or propensity to restrict. The only change here might be an itemized list of restrictions that will probably include the ability to resctrict an LTC-A to 'B' or lower status
I don't agree as it being totally our fault, we are 271,000 strong, in a state of 6.5 Million, even if we all vote against something, 5% voting for and 95% against doesn't do anything. They have pared us down until we are statistical noise.
Exactly. We lost the battle way back when other brutal Massachusetts anti-gunowner laws brought us down from 1.5 Million in number to ~300,000. Now we are irrelevant, politically speaking, in this hideous one-party controlled social-welfare state.
I don't agree as it being totally our fault, we are 271,000 strong, in a state of 6.5 Million, even if we all vote against something, 5% voting for and 95% against doesn't do anything. They have pared us down until we are statistical noise.

Lets take half of that. 130,000 people is a strong force. In other countries thousands of people go out to the street and block the city. Take France for example: back in the 80's and 90's, when students opposed a move by the government, they went out and "burned the city". I don't imply that we should go and 'burn the city', but if we sit back quietly and don't gather in the thousands and interrupt city flow, we can't complain. Nothing will be achieved by "talks" and negotiations.
wow. Just wow.

Anyone wanna take bets on any of these? :-D

New consolidated LTC restrictions:

A semi-automatic pistol may not be carried with a round loaded in the chamber. A revolver may not be carried with a round directly under the hammer or in the chamber adjacent thereto which is next in order to fire.

A licensee may not carry both a concealed firearm and a knife with a blade in excess of 2 and one-half inches.

A licensee may not wear or be in possession of so-called body armor or other anti-ballistic protective garment while carrying a firearm.

A licensee may not aim his or her firearm at a vital organ of another person; a so-called "K-5" hit shall be prima facie evidence of pre-meditation to inflict a fatal wound.

You have to be ****ing kidding me.

you got me
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I am more concerned about standardized suitability. I betchya that the suitability will be designed so that 20% to 30% of licenses on average across the state are restricted and many more denied based on standardized suitability.

They didn't do that to reduce the number of restricted licenses in Boston, ya know.

Unless one of the suitability categories will be population density of where you live, which would lead to an interesting court case some decade from now.
Are you guys really trolling this thread? WTF is wrong with you? People are here for accurate information regarding the shit we will have you deal with. Stop with the ****ing nonsense.
Everyone will please slow down. "We need to pass the bill to see what's in it."

This. There will be plenty to rage against once we have a chance to read the damn thing. Enough with the pant wetting and general hysterics.
New consolidated LTC restrictions:

A semi-automatic pistol may not be carried with a round loaded in the chamber. A revolver may not be carried with a round directly under the hammer or in the chamber adjacent thereto which is next in order to fire.

A licensee may not carry both a concealed firearm and a knife with a blade in excess of 2 and one-half inches.

A licensee may not wear or be in possession of so-called body armor or other anti-ballistic protective garment while carrying a firearm.

A licensee may not aim his or her firearm at a vital organ of another person; a so-called "K-5" hit shall be prima facie evidence of pre-meditation to inflict a fatal wound.

You have to be ****ing kidding me.

Please tell me this is a troll/joke. If not, I am immediately getting into my car and moving to a free state and living out of my car.
Are you guys really trolling this thread? WTF is wrong with you? People are here for accurate information regarding the shit we will have you deal with. Stop with the ****ing nonsense.

There is no accurate info yet. Nobody has actually read the damn thing. Trolls will be trolls though I guess.
My Boston Herald Comment:

"Business as usual in Massachusetts - more "feel good" legislation that does nothing to solve the problem. Tightened licensing on rifles and shotguns? Wow! These guns are involved in less than 1% of all firearm crimes. Yeah, that will make a dent. Background checks? Yeah, that will have a severe impact on criminals who steal or otherwise obtain their guns. End result? Law-abiding gun owners get screwed. We get to pay more money and our access to the wide variety of firearms available in free states is limited to the few that the Commonwealth has "blessed". Oh well. With any luck, the current House Speaker will go the way of his predecessors."

Regarding the carry restrictions list: It's satire, guys. C'mon, will ya?

When people are eagerly awaiting a piece of legislation and you intentionally mislead them you are hurting the community and being a tool.
Are you guys really trolling this thread? WTF is wrong with you? People are here for accurate information regarding the shit we will have you deal with. Stop with the ****ing nonsense.

There is no information yet. Everything in this thread is supposition based on scant reports by inaccurate mainstream media based on an inexact press conference given by an anti.

There's nothing to see here until there's been a detailed analysis by GOAL or Comm2A or at least a look at the bill itself.
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