Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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The one thing I don't see in the highlights is the one thing Massachusetts should have been doing for the last 20 years.. There's no mention of reporting metal health commitments to NICS. WTF? that one is a no-brainer.

Yeah, kind of effed up we haven't been doing that. I think current MA law prohibits dissemination of mental health data to NICS or anyone else for that matter, so they legislated themselves into a corner on that one. Maybe someone with more knowledge can clarify why this hasn't been happening in the past
Gun owner apathy is shocking

I don't agree as it being totally our fault, we are 271,000 strong, in a state of 6.5 Million, even if we all vote against something, 5% voting for and 95% against doesn't do anything. They have pared us down until we are statistical noise.

G.O.A.L. membership......~18,000....that's it.


I wish I had an answer.

The majority of gun owners won't lift a finger to help out.

G.O.A.L. and the NRA can't fight the good fight on best wishes and go get em! mentality.

It takes a strong membership and a very serious amount of cash.

I have re-doubled my efforts to encourage everyone I know to open their wallets and join and clear up a bit of time to make your voice heard.

It seems odd that this is needed but it is.

Could involved gun owners have made a difference here? I would like to think so.

But with only ~18,000 of them opening their wallets....we never stood a chance.

Sure I expected Deleo to not support gun rights...

As I said last week, what a painful cut it is when the biggest traitors are the majority of gun owners themselves.

Harsh? ....perhaps....someone tell me I'm wrong....
I'll also add that in 2013...Anti-Gun groups out spent Pro gun groups by 17 to 1, that's correct.

When I run into a hunter/shooter that's not NRA or GOAL and won't join because....I don't have 30 bucks....I could just spit...

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Some see it differently, and with pretty good cause.

I would love to hear the explaination.......
I would love to hear the explaination.......

See any GOAL or NRA thread. I think there are plenty of legitimate gripes, I have some of my own. That said, I'm a GOAL and NRA member. I think Comm2A contributions will get us farther, though.
I'll also add that in 2013...Anti-Gun groups out spent Pro gun groups by 17 to 1, that's correct.

When I run into a hunter/shooter that's not NRA or GOAL and won't join because....I don't have 30 bucks....I could just spit...


You have a cite for that 17 to 1 reference?

I would love to hear the explaination....



Not sure where you're living, but here in MA gun owners are pretty solidly in the minority.

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See any GOAL or NRA thread. I think there are plenty of legitimate gripes, I have some of my own. That said, I'm a GOAL and NRA member. I think Comm2A contributions will get us farther, though.


GOAL serves its purpose, and the NRA is nice, I guess, for making a show of force at the national level, but neither pulls much/any weight here in MA. Litigation is sadly our best bet in many cases.
See any GOAL or NRA thread. I think there are plenty of legitimate gripes, I have some of my own. That said, I'm a GOAL and NRA member. I think Comm2A contributions will get us farther, though.

No lose Heller....period

People who bash the NRA are folks who would have showed up in the Captains Bridge on the Titanic and would have wanted to start a discussion over flawed rivets and faulty steering....

We are being slaughtered in the media, by politicians and weaseled by the majority of guns owners who have plenty of time to bash the NRA and Goal over semantics but at the end of the day contribute nothing to the cause.
No link to it yet, here's the name and docket number: HD4253 By Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Robert A. DeLeo and others relative to the reduction of gun violence. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
lol? probably more likely that all LTCs (other than for politicians/cops/ruling class) are going to be restricted now if the state is going to be allowed to set a uniform policy on suitability and restrictions

If that were the case, logically, all the green towns would be red.
No lose Heller....period

People who bash the NRA are folks who would have showed up in the Captains Bridge on the Titanic and would have wanted to start a discussion over flawed rivets and faulty steering....

We are being slaughtered in the media, by politicians and weaseled by the majority of guns owners who have plenty of time to bash the NRA and Goal over semantics but at the end of the day contribute nothing to the cause.

This really isn't the place for this discussion... but the NRA had almost nothing to do with Heller. They fought against it being taken further, and then when it looked like it would succeed they climbed on the bandwagon. That was a SAF victory, not an NRA one.
I remember NRA wanting nothing to do with Heller. It was ... Gura ? Who ran with that , and NRA hopped on at the last possible second.

NRA did give us McDonald thpugh
No lose Heller....period

People who bash the NRA are folks who would have showed up in the Captains Bridge on the Titanic and would have wanted to start a discussion over flawed rivets and faulty steering....

We are being slaughtered in the media, by politicians and weaseled by the majority of guns owners who have plenty of time to bash the NRA and Goal over semantics but at the end of the day contribute nothing to the cause.

Agreed. No NRA, we'd be porked completely. They have their own faults like any organization, but they fight the fight for us and have, for the most part, kept BS legislation at the Federal level at bay. Federal laws affect us all, and trump state law, so it's important to give them support.

Now, if they could just cut down on all their junk mail they send us, they could probably save some coin and redirect it to fighting anti 2A laws.
No lose Heller....period

People who bash the NRA are folks who would have showed up in the Captains Bridge on the Titanic and would have wanted to start a discussion over flawed rivets and faulty steering....

We are being slaughtered in the media, by politicians and weaseled by the majority of guns owners who have plenty of time to bash the NRA and Goal over semantics but at the end of the day contribute nothing to the cause.

You need to study the history of the Heller decision.

I advocate NRA membership for any gun owner, but I'd never contribute beyond that. The money is much better kept local.

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that's not it. That's the report from McDeavitt.
There are many others with different numbers but the numbers are real. I really hate to post it as it simply entertains the petty discussions of those who are blind to the seriousness of the issue and want to perfect "while Rome burns Nero fiddles" with trivial nonsense while ignoring the fact that 99.9% of gun owners have sold us down the river.
The Patch sites have been saying the following:

The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) must establish a specific and uniform suitability standard for both licenses to carry and FID cards.

Now, in the one hand something like that has to happen because the current "identical people can be treated totally differently depending where they live" system was begging to lose an equal protection lawsuit. But on the other hand you know it won't be green town suitability standards that will be adopted as statewide standards :(
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You need to study the history of the Heller decision.

I advocate NRA membership for any gun owner, but I'd never contribute beyond that. The money is much better kept local.

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that's not it. That's the report from McDeavitt.

At the request of some I don't want to further get off topic, I'll end with I have studied Heller extensively. The NRA did NOT want to go to the SC as the stakes were high. Once it went there the NRA WAS involved EXTENSIVELY, and from the get go.
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