Halloween May Be Cancelled In Your Town...

From another thread...

I know this year sorta feels like it's been Halloween since March, more or less..

Still, toward the end of October there will be a ton of kids wondering how to dress, and a ton of politicians realizing they FINALLY have a plausible reason to cancel the haliday. Last year they tried it with ticks or skeeters, can't remember which excuse it was.

Maybe kids will just walk around WITHOUT masks?

What's the protocol to give candy this year? A grab bowl of candy corn is obviously out. I suppose the modern trend to "miniatures" (no offense, @minininjer ) probably helps, but still, would you let your kid come home with a pillowcase filled with candy from random strangers, during a pandemic? Sit behind Plexiglas shields on the porch with a trebuchet to deliver the candy to the sidewalk?

I heard Worcester has cancelled Halloween. How long before EVERY city and town does, at least in Liberal Occupied territory?
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