Harvard Sportsmen's Club

My vote is for larger.

My rationale is we could use multiple smaller chains to rig it versus two larger chains that would increase the chances of someone shooting the links and decoupling the target from the stand.

If we used a smaller target it would be less durable and would get plinked into oblivion a little faster than a larger and girthier target.

I believe we are talking about the public range target at the 100...which has no chains.

I did notice that someone hung another steel target using rubber at the 100, which was there as of Sunday night.

I believe we are talking about the public range target at the 100...which has no chains.

I did notice that someone hung another steel target using rubber at the 100, which was there as of Sunday night.
In that case that sounds like a better alternative to chains for sure.
Yeah, I went this morning and it was empty. I spray painted the MGM target which seems to be holding up well. Can't say the same for the steel silhouette hanging next to it.
I’d vote smaller. Any larger and itll be similar to throwing a baseball at the side of a barn
I think a large and a small is good. The smaller for obvious reasons but a larger one for people to build confidence and have fun. I would like to eventually teach my daughters to shoot at 100 and steel gives that fun feedback.
Yeah, I went this morning and it was empty. I spray painted the MGM target which seems to be holding up well. Can't say the same for the steel silhouette hanging next to it.
I don't know of many clubs in the area that use the MGM target and am curious how it works out at Harvard. It's been great so far, we recently turned around one that had been at 100yds that developed a slight curve to it after a few years of use. That and one post had a chip in it so i ordered a replacement a few months back... but haven't replaced it yet.
Saturday was beautiful at the club. Didn't hear another gunshot until 10AM at least. Guess the biathlon folks skipped out - didn't see them - so we got the 65. That snowbank works great for holding target stands. Nice to find out my shooting mat actually insulates from the snow pretty well.
I don't know of many clubs in the area that use the MGM target and am curious how it works out at Harvard. It's been great so far, we recently turned around one that had been at 100yds that developed a slight curve to it after a few years of use. That and one post had a chip in it so i ordered a replacement a few months back... but haven't replaced it yet.
We will have to spin it about every month or two, its taking a lot of hits!
We use MGM plates racks (and a few other MGM products) at Hopkinton Sportsmens, and they get a lot of hits since they are left out for self-service use. They have the expected wear and tear - plates can get a bit beat up with extensive use and sometimes something breaks. We've never had anything big break, just small easily replaced parts the bargest being an occasional plate (very rare). MGM is great about replacement parts, spare bolts, etc. so they are well maintained and any problems addressed very quickly (we keep some spare parts in stock). The club pres makes his rounds with spare parts and a wrench when needed.

The club is very happy with both the product and service from MGM. (Mike Gibson Manufacturing).
I didn't realize someone hit the port-a-potty at the 50. It looked like maybe the plow hit it, but I guess not based on the email.

I don't even know how you could get enough speed to be able to hit it like that. It was very icy there over the past couple weeks, so maybe someone came in too fast. The entranceway and that area was just a sheet of ice.
The whole parking lot & club house area has been a complete sheet
of ice since the storm rolled through last week.

Did someone maliciously whack the John (ewww) or was it just ma**h*** driver stupidity trying to
get down the access road?
I thought a plow hit it but maybe someone just slid into it. Either way it's pretty messed up. I'm guessing the club just bought a porta potty. Just what I always wanted.
The whole parking lot & club house area has been a complete sheet
of ice since the storm rolled through last week.

Did someone maliciously whack the John (ewww) or was it just ma**h*** driver stupidity trying to
get down the access road?
doing donuts in the 50yd parking lot while shooting full auto AK in the air same time.
cause Mericaaa!!!


ps. AI refused to render me a matching picture. it`s a damn conspiracy. :)
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