Hat off Indoors?

I’m an Army vet also and I don’t bother removing my hat indoors even in a restaurant. I just don’t care and think it’s a stupid tradition that isn’t really worth thinking about.

If someone is offended by it, they are welcome to f*** right off. Life has more important things to worry about.

Army and Air Force Vet.
I take my hat off indoors, its a force of habit. Then I feel like an idiot for taking it off, so I leave it off because I feel like I'd look even stupider if I took my hat off and then put it right back on. This is right up there with me not wanting to throw trash in the trash can. It's shit like this that makes me enjoy the amount of grief I gave my leadership - because these rules are just plain retarded.
My son wears a hat constantly. I have him take it off for the National Anthem, church service and prayers. He asks why I always take mine off when we go in church, and I say I can't break the stupid habit, but he can have his on during bible study or work parties, just remove it for prayer.

As veterans, they passed a law that authorizes a salute at the national anthem instead of a hand over the heart - should we remove our hats outside when we salute now?
I was taught by my father that it is polite to remove one's hat whe indoors.

I don't often wear a hat. When I do, I prefer the fedora that my wif bought me in Paris years ago.

All 3 of my brothers wore hats on a daily basis as they were welders. They all started going bald in their 20's. I still have a fairly good amount hair, so there is that.
Army and Air Force Vet.
I take my hat off indoors, its a force of habit. Then I feel like an idiot for taking it off, so I leave it off because I feel like I'd look even stupider if I took my hat off and then put it right back on. This is right up there with me not wanting to throw trash in the trash can. It's shit like this that makes me enjoy the amount of grief I gave my leadership - because these rules are just plain retarded.
My son wears a hat constantly. I have him take it off for the National Anthem, church service and prayers. He asks why I always take mine off when we go in church, and I say I can't break the stupid habit, but he can have his on during bible study or work parties, just remove it for prayer.

As veterans, they passed a law that authorizes a salute at the national anthem instead of a hand over the heart - should we remove our hats outside when we salute now?
I also remove my hat In churches or for the anthem. I also prefer to salute since I earned the privilege to do so. Since a ball cap is not a military uniform, yes you should remove it inside or out before rendering your salute. At least that’s what I was told.
I'm an Army vet. I don't take my hat off indoors merely because I'm indoors, but I'll often take it off indoors if I'm talking to someone, and usually when I'm eating.

Soldiers can keep their headgear on inside if they're under arms,
It’s amazing how many soldier don’t even know this. I used to go to the chow hall armed to pick up meals for the other guys on duty and since I was armed, I did it with my cover on.

As everyone who served knows, the favorite game in the army is the “gotcha game.” If some dooshbag troop of any rank sees another troop doing something they think is against some regulation, they have to open their festering cock holster and call you out.

It got to the point where I would just ignore them and go about my business. Yes I would completely ignore any remarks or questions from higher ranking individuals in the chow hall and keep walking. If they persisted, I would tell them to call the PMO with any questions regarding my uniform. My commander was a decent guy and knew we didn’t have time to deal with any bullshit on duty.
When I was on active duty, It was pure instinct to remove my cover when entering a building or put it on when going outside. I mean timing it perfectly so it was doffed at just the right time.
First leave from basic, not wearing a hat, I still kept reaching for it constantly.
Made me hate wearing hats.
Until I got a bald spot and it would get sunburned if I didn’t have a hat on.
Now I wear one all the time and hardly ever doff it..
Same. Someone once told me that consistently wearing a hat (baseball cap) will make you go bald one day. That scared me enough. Ironically, all my hat-wearing friends are balding(ed).
I never wore a hat until a couple years ago. I’m totally bald to the point I just shave it off now. I started wearing a ball cap because my doctor warned me to either put sunscreen on my head or wear a hat. The hat seemed easier.
I'm a non-veteran in an office full of veterans from various services. All of them wear hats all the time. Even in meetings, pictures, field visits with stakeholders, etc. I swear they go to bed and roll out of bed wearing a hat. I never thought much of it. What really gets me is when someone is trying to have a conversation with me in sunglasses. Take that shit off, it's not that sunny out.
Not military… My hat comes off at the table. That’s what grandma taught me to do. In a bar it stays on my head. Most times when I walk into my house I take it off.
I was in the military, so I guess have whatever made up moral high ground some of you seem to think exists.

The only place I don't wear a hat is church or an event that warrants that level of gesture. Eating pizza with my kids at the local pub? Lol.
Also, make sure to bring your hat when you're riding around on your horse and buggy or walking to work because you don't want to expose yourself to the elements too much.
The US went to shit after WWII when they started designing cars where the driver couldn't wear his hat while driving due to the lowering of the roofs. The removal of bench seats. The addition of FM radio. Mag Wheels. Reclining seats. Sport cars and not the Family mode of transportation. Absolute anarchy. Baby making machines is all they were.

You raise a good question and one I’ve been debating on myself.
I don’t wear baseball caps or less expensive hats like Tilly etc.
I have a few really nice hats. (100% pure fur felt.)
I find there is no good place for me to set my hat in restaurants anymore.

When I was a kid and on the road with my dad I remember there being hooks and the like near the booths or areas in the restaurant that I could place my hat, jacket etc. those seem long gone.
I look at it and say if they have left the tradition of giving me a place to put my hat then I can leave the tradition behind of taking my hat off in their place. However even with that said I still debate if I should be taking my hat off albeit while leaving my hat on lol.

I still remove my hat if entering a home other then my own.
So far, the prevailing argument/commentary for taking off a hat, seems to be simply "That's how I was raised/taught."

Haven't seen anyone say WHY or HOW it's actually rude/disrespectful. Just that they were taught that it is. I got bored/curious, so I browsed through the definitions of polite, respectful, etc...

Polite - having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people.
Respect- a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Considierate "careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others"

.... how does someone taking off a hat accomplish any of those things? You wearing/removing a hat, doesn't hurt me, inconvenience me, show admiration to me, etc. It's a hat. Now I see your hair, instead of your hat. Big deal?

Opening/holding a door, benefits someone. Thanking someone, is recognition. Showing me your hair, is just showing me your hair. Or lack of. It's really hilarious when you think about it objectively. "I'm gonna show you my hair, because I respect you." Sure, boss. Whatever floats your boat, lmao. I'm glad you went with that, instead of showing me your feet? Then again, some NESers might be into that... 🤷‍♂️

OP, can you actually specify HOW the hat hurt you? Inconvenienced you? I mean, you went from "Oh, look, a hat" to "they suck as a person." Obviously there has to be some great, specific harm that was done to you, right? Did the hat have a message that insulted you? Did the person look over at you, and say "Screw you, I'm wearing a hat just to slight you?"

For the Shakespearean tie-in - "Do you wear your hat at me, sir?" "No, sir. I do not wear my hat at you, sir, but I wear my hat, sir." What great offense. Oh my. Someone has to die via sword. :rolleyes:

Post military, I had the habit of taking my hat off indoors. Until I realized it doesn't benefit or negatively impact anyone at all, so I asked myself why I bothered. And stopped caring. A minor argument can be made that it hinders identification on security systems, but that's not an etiquette element.

In historical days, there were certainly different situations where taking off a hat/helmet for recognition served a functional purpose. Identification to a stranger, subservience to a lord/royalty/whatever. When hats were big and flamboyant, you take them off so they don't smack someone, lol. But sitting at a restaurant, seeing someone 20ft away wearing a hat, and deciding that it offends you....that's just looking for a complaint for the sake of wanting to complain about something.

In summary. Wear/doff your hat however you want. Judge people, if it makes you feel good. Seek validation online, if that's your thing. You do you. I wear a hat. But not at you, sir. [thumbsup]
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In summary. Wear/doff your hat however you want. Judge people, if it makes you feel good. Seek validation online, if that's your thing. You do you. I wear a hat. But not at you, sir. [thumbsup]

Yeah, that's Option 1. You see someone wearing a hat and then shrug and go about your day. I'm very much in agreement. Except that, as I posted the first time, if I know you're judging me? Well, then I'll definitely wear my hat "at you." Because screw you for judging me.

Or, there's the OP's Option 2: You see someone wearing a hat and "in your head you're thinking 'he sucks as a person.'" I am very much not in agreement.

I get it: military conditioning is effective. I still don't carry stuff in my right hand when walking, and I still approach all vehicles from the front or side. But the hat thing? Nah. I'm not a soldier anymore, and it's not 1957 anymore either.
If I knew you were judging me for it, I'd just wear it harder
Your word choice has me cracking up, by the way.

Immediately imagined having lunch, looking over at you wearing your hat hard, and thinking "I say, now there's a gentleman wearing his hat hard. I don't think I've ever seen a man wear his hat harder. Bravo, sir."

Not sure what that actually translates to. Straining your forehead, like you're struggling to use your scalp to keep the hat in place?

Either way, bravo.
Allow me to throw a curve to the discussion:

What about wearing the hat backwards or sideways? I think there may be times for backwards, but sideways will always just be stupid.
I walk with a cane and wear a cowboy hat.
Also a Veteran.
I always take my hat off in a restaurant. Also when I am talking to a Lady, both indoors and outdoors.

I also tip my hat and smile if I walk by a woman outdoors.
When I am walking through the myriad hallways at the VA Hospital, I leave it on so I have a free hand to open doors, but as soon as I walk up to a female receptionist or meet a female doctor, nurse or technician I always remove my hat completely in their presence. Women notice stuff like that, and even the young ones appreciate it!

But I don't remove my hat upon entering every building, I don't wear a uniform anymore!

( I will also take off my hat when entering a court room, but I haven't been in one since I was called for jury duty back in 2008.)
I can attest that @Skysoldier adheres to this practice. Not long after we had moved to New England, I took Mrs. Mountain to one of the Monadnock car shoots. She remembers Skysoldier as "that gentleman with the nice manners".

Personally, I'd never wear a hat to a nice dinner but otherwise it would be situational for me. My FIL didn't like hats on in the house and I had no issues going with the house rules. I'd wear a hat in my house, and he was good with that because it was my house rules.
you only remove your cover indoors if you're not under arms.
i leave my cover on as i am always under arms.

As veterans, they passed a law that authorizes a salute at the national anthem instead of a hand over the heart - should we remove our hats outside when we salute now?

i just salute at the brim of whatever cap i'm wearing, the statute doesn't require removal of headgear.

Proper conduct during the national anthem is actually controlled by a federal statute: Title 36 of the U.S. Code, § 301. It states that when the national anthem is being played AND a flag is displayed:

(a) Designation.—
The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.

(b) Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed—
individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note;
members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and
all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.

(Pub. L. 105–225, Aug. 12, 1998, 112 Stat. 1263; Pub. L. 110–417, [div. A], title V, § 595, Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4475.)
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