Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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That's the thought that keeps me nervous as hell, next time some lunatic or terrorist decides to use a freaking rifle to go on a rampage the deadline will come when all Mass AR/AK owners who have had these in their possession for YEARS and never once even got a F'in parking ticket will be forced to liquidate all their AR's and AK's. This shit is real and it's going to happen mark my words. This latest BS is just a feeling out process with a much higher agenda.

So you should be thinking about how you will respond when the government asks you to line up and turn in your guns.
This this this this. If this stands that's the next step. And thanks to the FA10 they already know where all of them are.

They won't confiscate. It would work until some patriot decides he's not gonna let them take his rights, they kill him, and it sets off a firestorm that will make Dallas and Baton Rouge look like a walk in the park. This is where the country is headed, if Hillary gets elected.
Dude, her minions are all over this forum for sure so they already knew that shit.

Stop eating our own for crying out load.

Yeah man, by that reasoning my assault weapons ban educational video caused this.

They are essentially going after ALL semi-auto guns now. This was inevitable. I just didn't think it would be through a path other than legislation. I also owe a huge huge huge apology to all the guys on NES who shit-talked our efforts. They were half right. We were "successful" in stoping things the way things like this are supposed to happen... we just overlooked the illegal shit our .gov will pull.

It's a slow boil. No firestorm around these parts. If anything you'll get people who are really serious pushed into different parts of the country, and then they will hold out there. It wont JUST be about guns either. It will be about the entire degradation of civilization.

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So you should be thinking about how you will respond when the government asks you to line up and turn in your guns.
I've already responded and moved the F**K out of Mass. I'm not even shopping in Mass anymore, my family lives in Mass and outside of visiting them I am not giving that State a freaking dime, Car insurance, registration everything else is going to NH.
Yeah man, by that reasoning my assault weapons ban educational video caused this.

They are essentially going after ALL semi-auto guns now. This was inevitable. I just didn't think it would be through a path other than legislation.


I'm glad to know that even though you are going to be a lawyer you aren't completely evil. Read Atlas Shrugged. Rand lays out the playbook pretty much exactly the way it is happening, and just as members Boris and 10fSSD have probably seen before.
Healy "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

What precedent is that? I'm honestly curious. Turn-over orders have come out with the NY safe act and in CA. She can't prosecute for the purchase and possession that took place BEFORE that date because she's estopped by what she said about 7/20 That said, if she makes an announcement that GOING FORWARD you have X time to get rid of these illegally purchased Assault Weapons or she'll prosecute, I don't see why she's prevented from doing that.


Commonwealth v Kelley

You can't change the burden of proof after the fact. In essence she has changed the definition of proof for what an Assault Weapon is after the fact.
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Based on the wording would this new enforcement restrict the ability to legally ship a firearm out-of-state via a FFL? I'm asking because I'm considering shipping mine to my girlfriend in Arizona where she can legally own and possess it, before I head out there next year away from this $(#%astic state.

Oh crap, I shouldn't type while I am watching TV and drinking...

I mean un-indited felon. Oh well they won't read it anyway

I prefer undocumented felon.

Isn't this the same way the loaded chamber indicator, "ten ton" trigger, and EOPs lost went down?

It appears the AG thinks she is above the law since HC got away with lying and deceit!!!

That's probably part of what is going on here.

Back when Bill Clinton was in office they tried to claim that blow jobs were not sex. And got away with it.

Fast forward just a few years and all the high school girls are giving away blow jobs and saying it's just like kissing.

That movie "Clerks" even made fun of that assertion.

So when they let Hillary off - they set a precedent that the law does not matter any more.
I'm glad to know that even though you are going to be a lawyer you aren't completely evil. Read Atlas Shrugged. Rand lays out the playbook pretty much exactly the way it is happening, and just as members Boris and 10fSSD have probably seen before.

To be fair this is somewhat an MA phenomenon, or at least its not nationwide yet... and by that I mean I think there are some hold-outs. This state has deep deep roots in corruption. We literally invented Gerrymandering.

I prefer undocumented felon.


I just want to be treated line an undocumented worker/citizen...

- - - Updated - - -

That's probably part of what is going on here.

Back when Bill Clinton was in office they tried to claim that blow jobs were not sex. And got away with it.

Fast forward just a few years and all the high school girls are giving away blow jobs and saying it's just like kissing.


Wish my neighbors wife felt that way, hubba hubba
Looks like Dark horse is shutting down.

Until all the madness pans out we have very little incentive to stay in business. It's not worth the effort when the state is deliberately trying to impede your ability to run a business.
As a result we are going to slow things down here considerably.
We are no longer accepting any work order past closing on Saturday. We will still be here to finish all our current work orders which will take a few weeks. You can still come by to pick stuff up when it's complete but after Saturday we aren't taking any more business. Obviously we will still contact customers when their orders are complete. This may or may not be a permanent arrangement.
AGAIN AFTER CLOSING ON SATURDAY WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY NEW BUSINESS- that includes sales, transfers, orders, Gunsmithing, refinishing, etc.
If you want Glock frames or some work done please come in on or before saturday. If you have an questions feel free to stop by or call. Messaging by facebook is the easiest way for us.

What precedent is that? I'm honestly curious. Turn-over orders have come out with the NY safe act and in CA. She can't prosecute for the purchase and possession that took place BEFORE that date because she's estopped by what she said about 7/20 That said, if she makes an announcement that GOING FORWARD you have X time to get rid of these illegally purchased Assault Weapons or she'll prosecute, I don't see why she's prevented from doing that.


She's not prevented but it would be difficult. The difference is the NY etc were new laws created by the legislature. She's trying to put a new spin on a 18/22 y/o law. It's been enforced one way for 18 years. People have in good faith legally purchased and registered these guns with the commonwealth. She can't, on her own, now say "they're actually illegal turn em in" without running up on that. I think she may be estopped but IANAL. Sure the legislature could pass a confiscatory law but that's different. She's executive. Hell im not positive she's going to make this stick - especially if we make a big stink.
How many felonies do you want to be charged with?

I figure that once I've achieved getting charged with one felony, I'm pretty much screwed anyway. Adding a few more don't matter. I'm lean and have minimal body hair... I'll never survive a day of prison.
That's the thought that keeps me nervous as hell, next time some lunatic or terrorist decides to use a freaking rifle to go on a rampage the deadline will come when all Mass AR/AK owners who have had these in their possession for YEARS and never once even got a F'in parking ticket will be forced to liquidate all their AR's and AK's. This shit is real and it's going to happen mark my words. This latest BS is just a feeling out process with a much higher agenda.

If you turn them in you are part of the problem. Claim you sold them out of state, bring them out of state and put them in storage, give them to a free-stater to hold for you, or start using them. But, don't liquidate them.
Civil Disobedience fellas - study the 60's guys.

Blocking highways pisses off normal people - finding loose shells pisses off the people at the top. The have to pay the bills and manage time.

I drive 80% of the time for work if anyone blocks a highway I'm on I'm shooting. I'll be there sat and I'm in for other protests and such. But if anyone blocks a highway I'm going hunting. Seriously the most annoying thing you can possibly do
Guy in work told me.there's a good sized.fire going on in Charlestown. Do we dare to dream? [laugh]

There were so many choppers and sirens right around the time today's rally was starting I expected hear about a massacre. NOT kidding. There were one or two large fires in c-town, but no, she's not homeless tonight, if the address posted 2 or 3 thousand posts back was accurate.
What difference is it at that point? [rofl]

The distinction between an AW by Healey's "copy" definition and one by the "evil feature" definition is a moot point: They are both illegal now and she has gone on record absolving you of prosecution. Therefore an AR with evil features is now just as legal as one without. As such there is no reason to pin a stock or remove bayo lugs since the legality of the gun has been decided independent of those features.

The rifle is an AW whether it is a copy or has evil features or both: There can be only one felony.
I don't really know any of you guys and I really don't care. I have been a lurker forever and a green member for a little. I have never been to a protest/rally, I don't go to town hall and voice my opinion. Maybe I just don't really like people in general.
And it pisses me off how livid I actually am over this.
I will be down there tomorrow standing with the people that believe how I believe. I may not know anyone, but it won't matter.
Our voices will be heard.
Molon Labe Brothers.

Be at the Saturday GOAL rally
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