Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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All this bullsh+te we have had dumped on us legal, law abiding, registered, fingerprinted, back ground checked, with all the legal hoops of a 3 ring circus and then pay for such to be permitted with our hard earned dollars.

If I had known now compared to what I thought I knew when I first decided to become a firearm owner.

I would have just laughed at all us fools for thinking we had rights protected by the constitution.

That same constitution the ones that want to take them away from everyone proclaim gives them the right to do so.

I would have just bought what I wanted out of the back of someone's trunk.

I hope this State turns to Massachustan!

The lawless thugs running our state government will fit right in with the ones that will be running our streets.
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All this bullsh+te we have had dumped on us legal, law abiding, registered, fingerprinted, back ground checked, and permitted with our hard earned dollars.

If had known now compared to what I thought I knew when I first decide to be a firearm owner.

I would have just laughed at all us fools for thinking we had rights protected by the constitution.

That same constitution the ones that want to take them away from everyone proclaim gives them the right to do so.

I would have just bought what I wanted out of the back of someone's trunk.

I should have stuck with archery and stamp collecting
If had known now compared to what I thought I knew when I first decide to be a firearm owner.
I would have just bought what I wanted out of the back of someone's trunk.
Well according to the left, we buy 30 round per second clips for our ghost guns, so really what difference does it make if you do or don't?
Technically you are a federally prohibited person that simply hasn't been prosecuted according to her interpretation. You have committed a crime. You posses an unlawful assault weapon, which is punishable by imprisonment of not less than 1 year and not more than 10 years. This makes you a federally prohibited person. I don't know why you are even worried about your LTC.

I was worried at first, but not anymore. We are complying with both the letter and intent of the law. Her disinterpretation of the law doesn't make it illegal.
While we're playing what if, what if she declares that having purchased an illegal assault weapon makes you "unsuitable" and your LTC renewal is denied?

Unsuitable is desided by the LO, your local CoP would need to cooperate and the local CoP does not take orders from the AG. Isn't going to happen.

Technically you are a federally prohibited person that simply hasn't been prosecuted according to her interpretation. You have committed a crime. You posses an unlawful assault weapon, which is punishable by imprisonment of not less than 1 year and not more than 10 years. This makes you a federally prohibited person. I don't know why you are even worried about your LTC.

No, to be a PP you need to be Convicted.
I was worried at first, but not anymore. We are complying with both the letter and intent of the law. Her disinterpretation of the law doesn't make it illegal.

I agree with you on letter and intent. Unfortunately that's not everything important in some cases...
Would it be in her power to do that, i.e. pull all the LTC's for anyone who owns or has ever owned an AR or AK "clone"?

Nope! See 42!'s point below.

Technically you are a federally prohibited person that simply hasn't been prosecuted according to her interpretation. You have committed a crime. You posses an unlawful assault weapon, which is punishable by imprisonment of not less than 1 year and not more than 10 years. This makes you a federally prohibited person. I don't know why you are even worried about your LTC.

Not really. To be a PP you have to be "under information" by a competent court as a minimum. Insane rantings by an elected official don't reach that level.

Unsuitable is desided by the LO, your local CoP would need to cooperate and the local CoP does not take orders from the AG. Isn't going to happen.

No, to be a PP you need to be Convicted.

Correct, any LO/chief can declare you unsuitable for this or any other reason that they make up. What they don't do is take orders from any AG. After the 1998 law, Harshbarger "ordered" PDs to confiscate MA Dealer/Gunsmith licenses from those operating out of their homes. A couple of chiefs that I know had some colorful language about said letter (that was sent to all chiefs) . . . the message was basically that the chiefs don't take orders from the AG and they would let the licenses expire naturally but wouldn't renew them.

Not exactly, if you are under information, under indictment, charged with a crime then you are also a PP until adjudicated in your favor (or forever if you lose).

For now I'd just lay low and not buy/sell/build/register anything questionable. Give it 2-5 years to play out and then we'll see where we are.
Probably not without bringing charges against individuals... but individual police departments have wide discretion, so if you're in an 2A unfriendly town I think they could deny for any reason they want.

Yeah, I'm a little nervous being in the town of the Chief that was standing next to Maura at her little show.
I guess it is easy to get worked up based on her words.

I think Lens advice is good.

For now I'd just lay low and not buy/sell/build/register anything questionable. Give it 2-5 years to play out and then we'll see where we are.

I will also be careful what I take to the range or talk about.

I will try to pay attention but not over react, easy to say not to do
For now I'd just lay low and not buy/sell/build/register anything questionable. Give it 2-5 years to play out and then we'll see where we are.
The new post-Maura's madness definition of "Massprudence"? [thinking]
I can't even go 2-5 weeks without buying / selling / building / registering something. [crying]

I think I'm in big trouble. [banghead]
Yeah, I was just looking for the video to try and help me talk sense into my girlfriend who saw one article on this fiasco and is certain everything is fine. "Oh, it says that anyone who bought before that date is safe, what are you worried about" and shes having a hard time accepting that it isnt that simple.
Yeah, I'm a little nervous being in the town of the Chief that was standing next to Maura at her little show.

NES LEOs and a lot of good honest LEOs aside:

The elephant in the room is that a considerable % of LEO high ranks are for this ban.

I have no proof, but if you think otherwise, please PM for an ocean view mansion in Scottsdale AZ I'm willing to sell you.

As we know, LEO are exempt from this atrocity -

And it's not a thin blue line over here, it's a 25 meter high wall, 4 meters wide,
with sentries spread 20 meters apart - on your dime, of course.
It's Massachusetts, after all.
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Yeah, I was just looking for the video to try and help me talk sense into my girlfriend who saw one article on this fiasco and is certain everything is fine. "Oh, it says that anyone who bought before that date is safe, what are you worried about" and shes having a hard time accepting that it isnt that simple.

Ask her how she would like it she woke up one day and the Mass AG just declared her to be retroactively in violation of a law that could cost her $10k and/or 10years in prison (1st offense) or $15k and/or 15years in prison (2nd offense). All that separates her from an indictment is a promise not to indict in an enforcement memo...but that even that was couched with a statement that said the AG may interpret the law further at any time.

Now would she be worried...and angry?
Higher ups in the PD.,want to advance, the Chiefs are beholden to the mayors/selectman. If you want advancement , you've got to play with the Chiefs ball.
I'm teeing this one up. Don't let me down ;).
Higher ups in the PD.,want to advance, the Chiefs are beholden to the mayors/selectman. If you want advancement , you've got to play with the Chiefs ball.
I'm teeing this one up. Don't let me down ;).

I'm affraid it's a bit more than that.

Again:This is not to dump on all LEOs.

In MA specifically, although I haven't leaved here all my life, it's easy to see that "Rules for thee but not for me" and the general thought that "WE the government and its enforcement branch know better than you peons what's good for you" is a very common line of thought.

If you assume high ranking LEO in MA look at you as an equal human being, IMO, you're assumption is wrong.
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I'm affraid it's a bit more than that.

Again:This is not to dump on all LEOs.

In MA specifically, although I haven't leaved here all my life, it's easy to see that "Rules for thee but not for me" and the general thought that "WE the government and its enforcement branch know better than you peons what's good for you" is a very common line of thought.

If you assume high ranking LEO here look at you as an equal human being, IMO, you're assumption is wrong.

I'm not saying what you think I'm saying. I think the Chiefs for the most part are there because they represent their bosses views.
History shows it takes only 3%

No it does not. History shows that it takes charismatic leadership who are also in control of media outlets. Your 3% number is not only irrelevant, it is misleading and dangerous. If you do not have leadership and control of the narrative, you will simply be a larger group of domestic terrorists.
I'm affraid it's a bit more than that.

Again:This is not to dump on all LEOs.

In MA specifically, although I haven't leaved here all my life, it's easy to see that "Rules for thee but not for me" and the general thought that "WE the government and its enforcement branch know better than you peons what's good for you" is a very common line of thought.

If you assume high ranking LEO in MA look at you as an equal human being, IMO, you're assumption is wrong.

Was out with a friend this weekend who happens to be CLEO of a north shore city. He said he is totally against the AG's actions and his department will not be enforcing ANY of it.
Yeah, I was just looking for the video to try and help me talk sense into my girlfriend who saw one article on this fiasco and is certain everything is fine. "Oh, it says that anyone who bought before that date is safe, what are you worried about" and shes having a hard time accepting that it isnt that simple.

My wife sent me this the other day. She said it really helped her understand just what I was so upset about.

Was out with a friend this weekend who happens to be CLEO of a north shore city. He said he is totally against the AG's actions and his department will not be enforcing ANY of it.

Great. So 350 to go and we'll be in the clear. As long as none of the friendly CLEOs never die or retire. And as long as no DAs get a hair crosswise and decides that prosecuting a gun possession would be good for their career. And as long as Healey or any of her successors decide not to take a next step.

The only way this is fixed is by law. Free people cannot live under the threat of imprisonment on a whim.
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Don't know if this was posted yet, but it belongs here.

Whine whine whine whine whine whine. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/20...ing-gun-ban/5yz8YB5iI8JdpnEGqDw7bN/story.html

You may not agree with what people are saying to/calling Maura and Yvonne, but the fact that they are surprised by the reaction is mind-numbing.

Oh dear god, those comments. Love the scathing generalities they toss around after crying like babies about the verbal attacks launched from our end.
Great. So 350 to go and we'll be in the clear. As long as none of the friendly CLEOs never die or retire. And as long as no DAs get a hair crosswise and decide that prosecuting a gun possession would be good for their career. And as long as Healey or any of her successors decide to take a next step.

The only way this is fixed is by law. Free people cannot live under the threat of imprisonment on a whim.

Yes - I fully agree.
This whole issue would be a non issue if they just repealed the MA AW ban put in place in 1998.
When we adopted the Federal AWB into MA law.

So when our politicians say there is nothing we can do until the courts decide this case.
Which could be years.

They do have an action they can take. But choose to do nothing as some form of punishment to law abiding firearm owners.

So much for being concerned that lawful citizens may be improperly charged and arrested by a whole group of laws that are so poorly written they can't even figure them out!

That won't even take into account those laws being against what is written in the constitution!

Then they wonder why people are upset about their actions when they clearly could care less about what happens to us as long as they look like the crime fighting hero's of the DNC!
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Each time I state the US constitution has been void for n number of years, someone better versed in history than I am ups the ante. So I won't mention the number of years.

The fact stands that the US constitution has been revoked from being the supreme law of the land for quite a while now.

It's just a power struggle between groups of interest who gets to define what's "constitutional" and "what's not".

The next POTUS will have a lot WRT what's and what's not, via SCUOTS.
This whole issue would be a non issue if they just repealed the MA AW ban put in place in 1998.
When we adopted the Federal AWB into MA law.

This is my opinion too. I'd like to start rallying for a repeal of the MA AWB citing how thorough the process is to become licensed in MA and how we have to be upstanding citizens in the first place just to be licensed.
If it's any consolation for the law of unintended consequences, my neighbor who works at Smith & Wesson was just laid off this week. He was the sole provider of the house and his common law girlfriend he has been living with has been battling cancer for years. I am guessing that the house will end up being foreclosed now. So there are real consequences to these actions.
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