Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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I am not following you? What would be more easy, a lawsuit? Her edict did say July 19th was the last day.

Easy, as in it makes their rifle worth something, while everyone else sits there with worthless property. (at least the way it stands right now)

It's up to them whether they want to cash out, or not.
Maura Healy has shown an absolute disregard for the system of government in this country. She is more concerned with furthering her political career than doing what is right for the thousands of people in the Commonwealth that she is supposed to be protecting.

Over 50 senators, representatives, and even governor Baker have expressed concern or even outrage at her actions yet she cares not a whit. She is using the Commonwealth and all of its citizens as nothing more than pawns in her political agenda, and as such has shown without a doubt that she has neither the ability nor the right to wield the power of her office. I call for her removal from office and hope everyone else that cares about our way of life and government in this country and state will do the same.

Petition * Massachusetts State House: Maura Healy to recall her position as Attorney General * Change.org

Everyone here should sign that if you haven't already.
Maura Healy has shown an absolute disregard for the system of government in this country. She is more concerned with furthering her political career than doing what is right for the thousands of people in the Commonwealth that she is supposed to be protecting.

Over 50 senators, representatives, and even governor Baker have expressed concern or even outrage at her actions yet she cares not a whit. She is using the Commonwealth and all of its citizens as nothing more than pawns in her political agenda, and as such has shown without a doubt that she has neither the ability nor the right to wield the power of her office. I call for her removal from office and hope everyone else that cares about our way of life and government in this country and state will do the same.

Petition * Massachusetts State House: Maura Healy to recall her position as Attorney General * Change.org

Everyone here should sign that if you haven't already.

Look, man, no offense... but what exactly is this petition supposed to accomplish?

Senate President Stan Rosenberg says Attorney General Maura Healey should've engaged public about 'copycat' assault weapon crackdown

Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg said this week that Attorney General Maura Healey had the authority to issue an enforcement notice cracking down on "copycat" assault weapons. But more public outreach should've happened, he said.

"A lot of us felt that there needed to be some public engagement," Rosenberg, a fellow Democrat, said during an appearance on Boston Herald Radio, the newspaper's internet radio station.

Healey had the authority for the crackdown, however, he said. "It's in the law. There's no question about it. It's in the law."

Healey's office has said it is closing a loophole in a 1998 assault weapons law exploited by the gun industry. The move caused what gun dealers said was a rush on rifles.

Rosenberg said he was in the Senate when that law passed.

"And they reached the balance, and it got put into law, and this is the first time that that particular provision has been actually implemented," he said. "But most people forgot about the provision, people didn't understand it, and so it sort of felt like it came out of left field because there was no public discussion and preparation for that."

More @ link
He's covering his ass because they finally counted the names on the watch list we all signed or called his office to put our names on last Saturday.

I feel like he's not even really doing that. He's kind of just soothing the people who may have had slight concerns about the method, not the result. He's still firmly behind Healey.
I guess it is easy to get worked up based on her words.

I think Lens advice is good.

I will also be careful what I take to the range or talk about.

I will try to pay attention but not over react, easy to say not to do
And... What parts are ordered on line.

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Maura Healy has shown an absolute disregard for the system of government in this country. She is more concerned with furthering her political career than doing what is right for the thousands of people in the Commonwealth that she is supposed to be protecting.

Over 50 senators, representatives, and even governor Baker have expressed concern or even outrage at her actions yet she cares not a whit. She is using the Commonwealth and all of its citizens as nothing more than pawns in her political agenda, and as such has shown without a doubt that she has neither the ability nor the right to wield the power of her office. I call for her removal from office and hope everyone else that cares about our way of life and government in this country and state will do the same.

this need to be a press release there should be one every day out of the organizations it is the only way to truly put pressure on and ruin her ambitions it will speed things along instead of dragging them out
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He's covering his ass because they finally counted the names on the watch list we all signed or called his office to put our names on last Saturday.

I feel like he's not even really doing that. He's kind of just soothing the people who may have had slight concerns about the method, not the result. He's still firmly behind Healey.

Yeah, this is what you call "covering his ass"?

"And they reached the balance, and it got put into law, and this is the first time that that particular provision has been actually implemented," he said. "But most people forgot about the provision, people didn't understand it, and so it sort of felt like it came out of left field because there was no public discussion and preparation for that."

No, we didn't forget about it or misunderstand it. There is only one person who is now, intentionally, misunderstanding it.
Sounds like he is as full of shit as Healy.
Yeah, this is what you call "covering his ass"?

No, we didn't forget about it or misunderstand it. There is only one person who is now, intentionally, misunderstanding it.
Sounds like he is as full of shit as Healy.

It's enough to sooth over some of his constituency, which is all he gives a shit about come election time. It's enough that if it stands he can say "I told you so!" and if it fails he can point out how he was against it. Typical political pandering. No one's questioning that he's against us.
So here's another what-if. What if someone broke into a hypothetical person's house and stole several thousand dollars' worth of legally stored "assault weapons." Would his insurance company still have to pay or could they get out of it because they were illegal?
So here's another what-if. What if someone broke into a hypothetical person's house and stole several thousand dollars' worth of legally stored "assault weapons." Would his insurance company still have to pay or could they get out of it because they were illegal?

To add to that, would the victim of the theft get his rifles back if they were recovered since they are "contraband"?
So here's another what-if. What if someone broke into a hypothetical person's house and stole several thousand dollars' worth of legally stored "assault weapons." Would his insurance company still have to pay or could they get out of it because they were illegal?

That's not a what if. They are illegal, you're claim is denied and relevant details will be forwarded by your insurance company to the police.
I haven't posted here in a long time, but this issue has brought me out of the woodwork so to speak. I apologize if this has already been hashed to death, but I don't really have the patience to go through every post in a thread this long.

Let me preface this by saying that I worked in the statehouse for almost 7 years as a staffer. I left about 3 years ago. I've seen how all this BS plays out, particularly toward the end of formal sessions.

I have a very hard time believing this happened without Senate and House leadership getting a heads up. Nearly everything that happens in that building gets negotiated and planned behind closed doors. Most “public debate” is just for show. It's disgusting. Do you think the AG was actually going to risk the legislature repudiating her enforcement notice? Of course not.

More likely than not this was all strategically planned from the get go. Why do I think this? It's all about timing. Do you think the AG pulled July 20th out of thin air? It was a date PRIOR to the end of formal legislative sessions. That date was important for three reasons:

(1) it was close enough to the end of formal sessions to avoid any real chance of legislative momentum among the rank and file. Those of you paying attention saw how hard it was to get people mobilized. Tarr's legislation wasn't even filed until something like the 29th. NOTHING gets through the legislature without the speaker and senate president's blessing. This date so close to the end of formal sessions meant neither of them had to take a meaningful public stance on the issue. They were able to just say “we didn't have the time.” (despite the July 31st deadline being completely arbitrary)

(2) by picking a date prior to the end of formal sessions, it means that the legislature could have acted if it wanted to. This will allow the AG to later claim this inactivity as de facto legislative ratification of her enforcement notice. 11 days was just enough real-world time that this could have been stopped but not enough in statehouse time for there to be any real risk on the AG's part.

(3) there is an election in November. The AG isn't up for reelection until 2018 so this election can't be about her. It's also a presidential election cycle, meaning voter turnout will be higher than normal. More voters means more gun controllers voting and a bigger electoral cushion for incumbent democrats.

And there you have it. That date gave both the AG and legislators what they wanted. The AG gets her big gun control win, publicity, and progressive street cred for when she runs for governor or US senate. Anti-2A legislators (which is most of them) got to see new gun control policy implemented without even having to cast a vote.

Do you think half the legislators signing on to these letters or co-sponsoring bills are actually opposed to this enforcement notice? If you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. The Massachusetts legislature loves to let other branches make law and enact policy so that they can avoid political or electoral accountability.

tl;dr version: The disdain in that building for individual liberty and personal responsibility is so thick it practically drips from the walls. This state is an oligarchy, not a republic.
tl;dr version: The disdain in that building for individual liberty and personal responsibility is so thick it practically drips from the walls. This state is an oligarchy, not a republic.

I could not agree more. Additionally, they view our (not their) Constitution as an archaic document written by oppressive elitists. Bit of a twist considering who are the elitists now.

And for the record, a multiple choice quiz from Miriam Webster's definition of oligarchy:

: government by the few

: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes; also : a group exercising such control

: an organization under oligarchic control
So here's another what-if. What if someone broke into a hypothetical person's house and stole several thousand dollars' worth of legally stored "assault weapons." Would his insurance company still have to pay or could they get out of it because they were illegal?

If it doesn't say "Colt AR-15" on the side, and it passes the features test, then it's not an assault weapon. So no.
Here's a response from my local Rep Thomas Walsh(12th Essex). He sent to me on the 30th. I didn't think I'd hear back to my lengthy message, but was surprised a bit by his response. I mentioned I'd noticed he wasn't among the reps on the initial letter and was even more surprised to find he sent his own letter to the AG because he had missed being included.

Mr. Nxtgto87,

My apologies for the delay. I had hoped to respond to everyone individually last week and was planning to sign on to the letter to the Attorney General asking for clarification. I am sending a copy of the House letter to the Attorney General asking to be included among the members who are concerned about these actions. I have attached the letter her. I take full responsibility for the delay, and will keep a more watchful eye in the coming weeks. Thank you for contacting me with your concerns.


Tom Walsh
The disdain in that building for individual liberty and personal responsibility is so thick it practically drips from the walls. This state is an oligarchy, not a republic.

Your post is frightening and eye opening in both its summary of events and conclusions. There is no trust to be had in MA government.
Not sure if this has been asked already... Since even under Healey's new enforcement order, "original" pre-bans are still legal to possess; if a LEO sees you at a range with an "assault weapon" does your mere possession of said "assault weapon" provide probable cause for the LEO to detain you and start asking questions -- given that the assumption that possession of any "assault weapon" would be prohibited is an invalid one? Is the LEO permitted to proceed with his/her assumption that your particular "assault weapon" is a banned one?

Don't worry about it, cops aren't going to be stopping you at the range. Let's not create problems until they exist.
I saw that too. I'll ignore it until there are some verifiable facts.

What do you need?

It was Cape Ann Sportsmans Club and a Gloucester PO.

Whether he was a "lone wolf" jerk or whether he was sent there by management we'll never know.
There is a report floating around that exactly this happened on the north shore.

If you mean the incident at Cape Ann, it sounds like that officer got a talking to from his superior. He also wasn't in the range, which is private property. I highly doubt any cops who are members of a club are going to be stopping any fellow members.
What do you need?

It was Cape Ann Sportsmans Club and a Gloucester PO.

Whether he was a "lone wolf" jerk or whether he was sent there by management we'll never know.

I didn't get that much, just an unnamed club and unnamed town. I'd love to get a log showing the stop. I use the possibility of a PO arresting/charging and/or a DA prosecuting when talking to those who like what the AG did as examples of how this is a threat to the safety/freedom/family of people who have been nothing but law abiding. Having a documented stop would add to the credibility of my argument.
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