Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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This is my opinion too. I'd like to start rallying for a repeal of the MA AWB citing how thorough the process is to become licensed in MA and how we have to be upstanding citizens in the first place just to be licensed.
But then why do we lose so many people who were turning their lives around to gun violence?
you people must be giving them guns!/sarc
But then why do we lose so many people who were turning their lives around to gun violence?
you people must be giving them guns!/sarc

Must be from stloen guns from other states. Seems like most gun violence doesn't involve AW so it only makes SENSE not to penalize MA gun owners.
This is my opinion too. I'd like to start rallying for a repeal of the MA AWB citing how thorough the process is to become licensed in MA and how we have to be upstanding citizens in the first place just to be licensed.

Will never happen in this state, the sheeple are to scared of the killy black guns. We will be seen as terrorists just for pushing for it. And our legislators are too afraid of the voters (same sheeple)
It seems as to me that The Tree of Liberty has been cut down with the Constitution of the United States!

The citizens of this country are being killed by terrorist and the politicians want to disarm the people.

So they both are against the people of this great nation.

This goes against everything this country is based and formed on.

Mark my words "Someday the people will once again form local militias and retake control of the local and federal govt that are destroying our nation!".


The Tree of Liberty will once again regrow and be strong!
Will never happen in this state, the sheeple are to scared of the killy black guns. We will be seen as terrorists just for pushing for it. And our legislators are too afraid of the voters (same sheeple)

We should push for it even though it's unlikely. A couple days ago I would have been happy with going back to 7/19. Now I think we should push to get our rights back extending to pre AWB. If nothing else it may show the other side how much we could push for.
I agree with Ben Cartwright SASS and Skeeter.
We should be pushing for this only.

It fixes both problems.

The most important would be protecting innocent people from being convicted by the laws of 7/20 and could be passed through legislation faster than any courts could issue a judgment.

The second is the loose and confusing language of the AWB laws written as they stand now.

But this will never be allowed to even get to the floor to be voted on.

That is the reality of the situation.
We should push for it even though it's unlikely. A couple days ago I would have been happy with going back to 7/19. Now I think we should push to get our rights back extending to pre AWB. If nothing else it may show the other side how much we could push for.

I would be on board with this. They are forcing us to go through the court system rather than fixing this legislatively so we should go full throttle and go for repeal of the AWB. Although I don't have much hope of the SJC picking it up if it got to that point as they seem to be unwilling to pick up AWB cases.
I would be on board with this. They are forcing us to go through the court system rather than fixing this legislatively so we should go full throttle and go for repeal of the AWB. Although I don't have much hope of the SJC picking it up if it got to that point as they seem to be unwilling to pick up AWB cases.

The SJC is state court. They would uphold any gun ban.

Perhaps you meant SCOTUS -- the federal Supreme Court.
Oops. SCOTUS was what I meant. I'm sure we'll probably lose in state so the feds would be our only hope.

But with a 4-4 tie on SCOTUS and this being so-called assault weapons, I think there is zero chance we could get 5 votes for us and a non-zero chance that we could get 5 votes against us.
Remember the attorney general has already said that the assault weapon ban is useless and only focuses on cosmetic features so using her words against her we should be able to repeal the whole thing

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Remember the attorney general has already said that the assault weapon ban is useless and only focuses on cosmetic features so using her words against her we should be able to repeal the whole thing

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

ah ha! That is why she is banning not based on cosmetics but how it operates, so she has changed the law to no longer look at cosmetics at all, which is why the question on what it bans
ah ha! That is why she is banning not based on cosmetics but how it operates, so she has changed the law to no longer look at cosmetics at all, which is why the question on what it bans

Except that the mini 14 with a folding stock is banned and the mini 14 without the folding stock is not banned.

Makes no sense.
Except that the mini 14 with a folding stock is banned and the mini 14 without the folding stock is not banned.

Makes no sense.

Exactly. It makes no sense so let's propose how it's COMMON SENSE and show people that it's not and hasn't been the gun in MA. Look at how things have been just fine since the "AWB" even with "copycat weapons." We're upstanding citizens so let's do away with a MA AWB that shouldn't have been there in the first place... or would they rather go back to pre 7/20/16 and leave it be? Personally I'd like to actually push for removal of the ban.
The more you show an anti (or uninformed) the more they will try and take. Sad but true.
Demand full time warp back to the 90's. Full stop. No compromise.

The special snowflakes will have to just suck it up and deal with facts and real life.
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The more you show an anti (or uninformed) the more they will try and take. Sad but true.
Demand full time warp back to the 90's. Full stop. No compromise.

They special snowflakes will have to just suck it up and deal with facts and real life.

+1 This^^^.

Anyone else hear that the AG is kicking around the idea of imposing a fine / making guns shops buy back all the AR-15 that were sold on July 20th? Heard it from a friend of a friend who is an FFL.
Anyone else hear that the AG is kicking around the idea of imposing a fine / making guns shops buy back all the AR-15 that were sold on July 20th? Heard it from a friend of a friend who is an FFL.

Friend of a friend. Not gonna happen, she's not stupid enough to make this easy for us.
Not sure if this has been asked already... Since even under Healey's new enforcement order, "original" pre-bans are still legal to possess; if a LEO sees you at a range with an "assault weapon" does your mere possession of said "assault weapon" provide probable cause for the LEO to detain you and start asking questions -- given that the assumption that possession of any "assault weapon" would be prohibited is an invalid one? Is the LEO permitted to proceed with his/her assumption that your particular "assault weapon" is a banned one?
Not sure if this has been asked already... Since even under Healey's new enforcement order, "original" pre-bans are still legal to possess; if a LEO sees you at a range with an "assault weapon" does your mere possession of said "assault weapon" provide probable cause for the LEO to detain you and start asking questions -- given that the assumption that possession of any "assault weapon" would be prohibited is an invalid one? Is the LEO permitted to proceed with his/her assumption that your particular "assault weapon" is a banned one?

Well, until he conducts an "investigation" how would he know otherwise? [sad2]
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