Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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"But in an appearance this week on CommonWealth’s podcast, Senate President Stan Rosenberg said the only communication that his office received was notification the day before the press conference of the event and some of the details of the topic.

“No, no,” Rosenberg said, when asked if he was consulted on the AG’s directive. He acknowledged that Healey has the authority to interpret the law, but faulted the process that took place. “We found out the afternoon before. I think there needed to be more transparency to the public that she was working on it and there needed to be more consultation with the Legislature.”

But Roy Gonzalez, who dismissed the issue as a disagreement over “what is consultation, what is notification,” said Healey had no requirement to forewarn anyone – gun dealers, Baker, or the Legislature – about her actions."

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Is the AGs office providing cover for the Legislature and Gov, or does the AG really believe she is above them all? If the latter hopefully this becomes a wedge issue to be exploited.

I think the words I'm looking for are Lying Sack.
Has someone confirmed this, i searched but nothing came up..

The State's Attorney's General of Virginia, New York, Massacheusetts, and one other east coast state, along with DHS, FEMA and the A D L had a teleconference yesterday describing huge plans for gun confiscation in those states.

Amazingly, someone either risked their life or hit the wrong button because the supposedly private teleconference went out as open access to state and government agencies.

The plan was to use police and all the other agencies listed above to bull rush the gun owning citizenry and seize their guns and to do it very quickly so a counter operation wouldn't have time to muster.

They then began to ridicule those who would be on the front lines in this operation and laughed at how easily they will be thrown under the bus.

Turns out some of the people being ridiculed were actually listening. It was police listening over their computers in their cars. Apparently they have made disks of the 2 hour meeting and only distributing it to other trusted police members. The source of this story is Mark Koernke of The Intelligence Report at The Micro Effect and Liberty Tree Radio.

[link to www.indianafreedomtalkradio.com]

Listen 20 minutes into the 8am broadcast for 8/4/16 for this to surface.

Apparently, the cops don't want to release this publically because it could all be an op to see who would leak sensitive information.
Has someone confirmed this, i searched but nothing came up..

The State's Attorney's General of Virginia, New York, Massacheusetts, and one other east coast state, along with DHS, FEMA and the A D L had a teleconference yesterday describing huge plans for gun confiscation in those states.

Amazingly, someone either risked their life or hit the wrong button because the supposedly private teleconference went out as open access to state and government agencies.

The plan was to use police and all the other agencies listed above to bull rush the gun owning citizenry and seize their guns and to do it very quickly so a counter operation wouldn't have time to muster.

They then began to ridicule those who would be on the front lines in this operation and laughed at how easily they will be thrown under the bus.

Turns out some of the people being ridiculed were actually listening. It was police listening over their computers in their cars. Apparently they have made disks of the 2 hour meeting and only distributing it to other trusted police members. The source of this story is Mark Koernke of The Intelligence Report at The Micro Effect and Liberty Tree Radio.

[link to www.indianafreedomtalkradio.com]

Listen 20 minutes into the 8am broadcast for 8/4/16 for this to surface.

Apparently, the cops don't want to release this publically because it could all be an op to see who would leak sensitive information.

I have heard all kinds of ideas floated around, from nothing will happen to penalizing people who own them.

My opinion is that since they know most of the guns that are here due to the FA10 system, they will say there is a 30 day turn in and amnesty and then if you are caught with one you will face years in jail and a 10K fine. If you got your gun from a dealer then you are screwed, I am in that boat. The problem is that there may be one or two guns out there that were bought out of state and never registered when they came back.
That leads me to wonder about a CT style, register your guns (again) and if you don't and we check the records and find an FA10 and no new registration you are toast.

It would take some time for them to manually go through all the FA10's or maybe they will hire the same programmers that did Obamacare to write something to go through the description of the guns and match them up with the AWB list
I doubt they will try any confiscation or turn in plans before the election. If they did, it would pretty much grant a fast lane pass for Donald to the White House. I'm really surprised he's not talking about the Maura Healey issue right now, but there's still plenty of time, maybe he's saving the best for last.

The way this goes:

- Hillary gets in: Maura has free reign over MA gun owners, turn them in, you're all felons, no more semi-auto's, no more magazine fed guns, we know where they are, play by our rules "or else" Hillary appoints liberal activist judges to the Supreme Court and everywhere else she can, 2A faces an uphill battle. The Firearms industry in the US suffers dearly. Remember folks, the firearms industry is the only one here that has actually prospered in the last few years. The USA does not make much of anything anymore, but we damn sure know how to make good guns and ammo. S&W, Colt, Remington, Marlin, H&R, DPMS, Bushmaster, Windham, Winchester, Federal, the list goes on.......

- Trump gets in: Maura puts it on the back burner (but still burning) Trump appoints impartial judges, maybe even ones that respect the Country and the Constitution, the Constitution has a better chance of being upheld, 2A cases get heard and judged properly. All other Constitutional cases are judged appropriately, People can return to a sense of normality, and go about their lives without fear of intrusion or persecution from an overbearing government. Maura gets voted out or physically removed from office, dis-barred and eventually works as a cashier at Sears.
I know folks who work at FEMA locally here in MA who would be the people who would theoretically be doing the confiscating if FEMA were involved. Not ever going to happen.
Man the tin foil is strong today. Are you guys putting the shiny side close to your head? Or on the outside? I don't know if mines working right. [tinfoil]
Are people really not bringing certain types of rifles to the range over this?

Everyone should go about their business as usual. Shoot your AR/AK whatever. The citizens of Massachusetts are NOT the criminals here. The Criminal is the AG who has openly violated the Oath of Office.
Everyone should go about their business as usual. Shoot your AR/AK whatever. The citizens of Massachusetts are NOT the criminals here. The Criminal is the AG who has openly violated the Oath of Office.

You want to be the test case? The piece of shit AG has the support of the legislator and the governor (and probably popular opinion). They are just getting warmed up.
I know folks who work at FEMA locally here in MA who would be the people who would theoretically be doing the confiscating if FEMA were involved. Not ever going to happen.
Its funny you say this I have friends in similar jobs. When ask show up to a house with ar's and ak's known patriot and you have to take them. They laugh and say I'm doing nothing and calling my union rep.
And no overtime is worth the risk
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That remains to be seen. Are you saying we should keep the ARs home in the meantime?

I am not planning to take mine to the range for a while, I AM going with other guns, I have a couple. I will finally get around to shooting my K98's and some of my US Military Trainer .22's

and of course my Ma Deuce... [rofl] just kidding, I wouldn't take it to the range... Well maybe I am lying about having one.
It crossed my mind to put an ad. in the newspaper that I owned AK's and was going to the range. I was going to give the time I was leaving and the route I would be taking. Altogether I would pass through one city and four towns.

I supposed I would state in my ad. that I bought my guns legally and in fact the law did not change during the week of July 20th.
Has someone confirmed this, i searched but nothing came up..

The State's Attorney's General of Virginia, New York, Massacheusetts, and one other east coast state, along with DHS, FEMA and the A D L had a teleconference yesterday describing huge plans for gun confiscation in those states.

Amazingly, someone either risked their life or hit the wrong button because the supposedly private teleconference went out as open access to state and government agencies.

The plan was to use police and all the other agencies listed above to bull rush the gun owning citizenry and seize their guns and to do it very quickly so a counter operation wouldn't have time to muster.

They then began to ridicule those who would be on the front lines in this operation and laughed at how easily they will be thrown under the bus.

Turns out some of the people being ridiculed were actually listening. It was police listening over their computers in their cars. Apparently they have made disks of the 2 hour meeting and only distributing it to other trusted police members. The source of this story is Mark Koernke of The Intelligence Report at The Micro Effect and Liberty Tree Radio.

[link to www.indianafreedomtalkradio.com]

Listen 20 minutes into the 8am broadcast for 8/4/16 for this to surface.

Apparently, the cops don't want to release this publically because it could all be an op to see who would leak sensitive information.

The host sounds exactly like "That Guy".

We've all met and experienced him at least once in our lifetimes, usually in situations where there's no escape, and you just listen and nod

in polite agreement with his ramblings rather than create an even more uncomfortable situation.

You know, the one that's seated next to you on a cross country bus trip to hell, trans Atlantic flight, the cell mate that takes a liking to you while spending

the weekend in the county lock up... That Guy

Better link.. http://www.indianafreedomtalkradio.com/Archive/TheIntelligenceReport.
The host sounds exactly like "That Guy".

We've all met and experienced him at least once in our lifetimes, usually in situations where there's no escape, and you just listen and nod

in polite agreement with his ramblings rather than create an even more uncomfortable situation.

You know, the one that's seated next to you on a cross country bus trip to hell, trans Atlantic flight, the cell mate that takes a liking to you while spending

the weekend in the county lock up... That Guy

Better link.. http://www.indianafreedomtalkradio.com/Archive/TheIntelligenceReport.

Yup I've met the guy, back in 1995, we had a mechanic that worked on our Volvo; he would explain while working on the electrical system that the CIA had put tracking devices in all the electronic ignition systems. I don't know what are you supposed to do at that point in the conversation except node your head and make agreeable smalltalk... ?
If they asked to turn in all firearms I bet more than half would do it.

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