Healey "closing the loophole" letter to gun dealers

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Damn go and shoot your ARs.

If you hide them in your safe right next to "How to cower in place" manual, you never really deserved to own one.

I went to my local range this past Wednesday and there were a lot of folks with their AR's there, including me. Yes, go shoot your damn AR's.....
I didn't get that much, just an unnamed club and unnamed town. I'd love to get a log showing the stop. I use the possibility of a PO arresting/charging and/or a DA prosecuting when talking to those who like what the AG did as examples of how this is a threat to the safety/freedom/family of people who have been nothing but law abiding. Having a documented stop would add to the credibility of my argument.

Won't be any log. The cop was camped out at the gate and asked the member to show him what was in his trunk. Member refused and informed the cop he was on private property then unlocked the gate, drove through, and locked the gate behind him. So not really a stop, just a cop being a dick.

The club member the called club leadership and the local PD to report it. It sounded like the cop got bitched out by the higher ups because he was gone by the time the guy left the club.
I went to my local range this past Wednesday and there were a lot of folks with their AR's there, including me. Yes, go shoot your damn AR's.....

Yup, (and please don't see this as bragging, there's nothing to brag), I went to the range 'bout 8 times since the "ban" and 3 out of them was with an AR.

If the scum on the hill will make us pause before we go out and do what is constitutionally ours - we let them win, in the worst of ways.
Look, man, no offense... but what exactly is this petition supposed to accomplish?

The point is to make a point that we aren't a "handfull of right wing nut jobs". But an actual large number of people. CNN isn't going to include us in any polls. Nor any other major news organization. All the public sees are the B's numbers of "the overwhelming majority of the people support gun control.". We all know it's horse shit. But most of the head in the sand people dont, they just plain don't see it. Honestly I'm just looking for any and every way to make our voices heard. Even if it has no legal standing whatsoever. If our legislation starts seeing thousands of politically motivated people all massing signing petitions and sending emails it's bound to have an impact. That's how I feel /hope at least.

Other than that I just really am trying to do anything I can like I said. And I don't think we should just be holding out for the magic smoking gun that solves this. Every little bit helps as far as I am concerned. Sorry for the long winded reply.
Yeah, not to shit on people trying to help, but this has about as much impact as a facebook like.

Yup exactly a hell of a lot more people go on face book than come here. It's also a guarantee that the people posting here are of like mind so what's the point. Get your discontent out there in places where people that might actually think twice about it but wouldn't normally be privy to our perspective can see it. We should all be shouting from the roof tops so to speak.
Heavy-duty arms and gear sought
Herald Staff Friday, August 05, 2016

City police, saying they are “out-gunned and undermanned,” have sent a list of demands to the mayor and police commissioner. They include:

Long guns for patrol officers with “ample ammunition”
Extra loaded magazines
Ballistic shields
Ballistic helmets
Heavy armor ballistic plates for bullet-resistant vests
Adding more police officers to the force

Interesting, because Maura Healey said this about those long guns the police want to get:

It’s no surprise the Orlando killer chose an AR-15 style assault rifle. It’s a weapon of war, originally created for combat, and designed to kill many people in a short amount of time with incredible accuracy. It’s in the same category as weapons chosen by killers in Newtown, Aurora, and San Bernardino. These are not weapons of self-defense. They are weapons used to commit mass murder.

So, Maura, our Boston police want weapons that are of no use for self defense, but are designed to murder as many people
as possible in a short amount of time. With incredible accuracy.

What a weasel.
Just got a spammed out mass response from Spilka. Pretty much what I expected.

Dear Friend,
Thank you for contacting my office regarding Attorney General Maura Healey’s recent enforcement notice related to the Massachusetts assault weapons ban. Since her announcement, I have spent time researching the language and legal history of the state’s assault weapons ban and the Attorney General’s action.

The goal of the 1998 assault weapons ban is to keep deadly weapons of war off our streets to best protect public safety and reduce gun violence in our communities. This law, Chapter 140, Section 121 of the Massachusetts General Laws, expressly bans “copies or duplicates of the weapons, of any caliber.” Therefore, it appears that the Attorney General’s clarification of the definition of “copies” and “duplicates” is consistent with the legislative intent of the 1998 law.

I fully respect and support the Second Amendment, and I am committed to protecting the constitutional rights of hunters, sportsmen and collectors. I appreciate input from gun dealers and constituents in my district who practice gun ownership in a safe, responsible and lawful way. It is my understanding that licensed gun dealers and law-abiding, responsible gun owners who sold or purchased these weapons prior to July 20, 2016 will not be prosecuted. I encourage anyone who has further questions about compliance or the Attorney General’s interpretation of the law to contact her office at (617) 727-8400.

Wishing you a good rest of the summer.

Warm Regards,

Senator Karen E. Spilka

2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Middlesex and Norfolk
I fully respect and support the Second Amendment, and I am committed to protecting the constitutional rights of hunters, sportsmen and collectors.

uh yeah, but no you clearly neither respect nor support the Second Amendment. 2A has nothing to do with hunters, sportsmen and collectors.
I call that utter BS. If that was the intent then why are there the other items. Why didn't it just say no semi-auto rifles. Why have the no adjustable stock, lug, flash hider, etc language at all.
Just got a spammed out mass response from Spilka. Pretty much what I expected.

Yeah 2nd amendment is for hunting and target purposes. This shit really pisses me off. You're and elected official. Learn the law of the land and the document you swear an oath to

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I got the same letter from Spilka. It's not that I expected her to denounce Healey but it just pisses me off to a whole new level. They just don't get it. The AG's promise is meaningless. It will be a PO that charges and a DA that prosecutes, and an innocent person's life will get ruined.

Not to mention the BS way Healey has, apparently, created new law.
I got the same letter from Spilka. It's not that I expected her to denounce Healey but it just pisses me off to a whole new level. They just don't get it. The AG's promise is meaningless. It will be a PO that charges and a DA that prosecutes, and an innocent person's life will get ruined.

Not to mention the BS way Healey has, apparently, created new law.

You are asking politicians and lawyers in MA to support a conservative reading of COTUS and our rights. It just isn't likely to happen without a ton of leverage.
About two weeks have passed since Maura made her big splash.

The dust has settled a bit, the gears of justice have started to grind and I'm wondering if in a few more weeks we will all just go back to business as usual, taking our modern sporting rifles to the range and not bothering anyone.

I'm starting to think that's how it's going to go down. Maura pulls a fake law out of....thin air, we ignore it and the rifle crimes that were not happening in Massachusetts continue to not happen.

Legal action will eventually reverse Maura's Folly but by that time nobody will remember or care, except for us.

All assuming a Trump presidency of course.
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About two weeks have passed since Maura made her big splash.

The dust has settled a bit, the gears of justice have started to grind and I'm wondering if in a few more weeks we will all just go back to business as usual, taking our modern sporting rifles to the range and not bothering anyone.

I'm starting to think that's how it's going to go down. Maura pulls a fake law out of....thin air, we ignore it and the rifle crimes that were not happening in Massachusetts continue to not happen.

Legal action will eventually reverse Maura's Folly but by that time nobody will remember or care, except for us.

All assuming a Trump presidency of course.

If they asked to turn in all firearms I bet more than half would do it. Why, because this Screen Shot 2016-08-05 at 8.41.10 PM.jpg
About two weeks have passed since Maura made her big splash.

The dust has settled a bit, the gears of justice have started to grind and I'm wondering if in a few more weeks we will all just go back to business as usual, taking our modern sporting rifles to the range and not bothering anyone.

I'm starting to think that's how it's going to go down. Maura pulls a fake law out of....thin air, we ignore it and the rifle crimes that were not happening in Massachusetts continue to not happen.

Legal action will eventually reverse Maura's Folly but by that time nobody will remember or care, except for us.

All assuming a Trump presidency of course.

I don't think it's clear that she's done just yet.

"But in an appearance this week on CommonWealth’s podcast, Senate President Stan Rosenberg said the only communication that his office received was notification the day before the press conference of the event and some of the details of the topic.

“No, no,” Rosenberg said, when asked if he was consulted on the AG’s directive. He acknowledged that Healey has the authority to interpret the law, but faulted the process that took place. “We found out the afternoon before. I think there needed to be more transparency to the public that she was working on it and there needed to be more consultation with the Legislature.”

But Roy Gonzalez, who dismissed the issue as a disagreement over “what is consultation, what is notification,” said Healey had no requirement to forewarn anyone – gun dealers, Baker, or the Legislature – about her actions."

* * * * *

Is the AGs office providing cover for the Legislature and Gov, or does the AG really believe she is above them all? If the latter hopefully this becomes a wedge issue to be exploited.
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