House Review of S2284 (formerly SB 2265)

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Neg me if you want to, but I already called my Rep and Senator's office asking them to vote in favor of the bill if it gets up there today. It ain't gonna get any better and it could have been way worse. I'm hoping this will hold the dust down on any more anti-gun legislation for a while.

Neg me if you want to, but I already called my Rep and Senator's office asking them to vote in favor of the bill if it gets up there today. It ain't gonna get any better and it could have been way worse. I'm hoping this will hold the dust down on any more anti-gun legislation for a while.

I didn't go so far as to call my rep. Better to remain silent/neutral at this point.

As mentioned by many, it could have been a LOT worse. Anyone who's really worried about their FID being denied due to suitability issues either probably ought not to have guns (assuming the PD is correct), or has the ability to challenge it in a court of law (go Comm2A!!).

Everyone else (everyone who's 'suitable') should be unaffected. If we're serious about gun safety (safety from people who shouldn't have guns ) even we can be behind this, at least a little bit. I won't be vocal about it, calling it either a win or a loss.

And, as mentioned, by passing THIS, it may help keep any further ideas from the gun grabbers on the back burner for a while. If they couldn't get it into THIS bill, after all the meetings, hearings, comment period, etc., they won't have a chance to put it in anything else for a while. If it was a valid position, it would have been considered/debated in THIS bill. IOW - I don't think we'll see another "one gun a month" bill for the foreseeable future (Unless Grossman gets his way).
I didn't go so far as to call my rep. Better to remain silent/neutral at this point.

As mentioned by many, it could have been a LOT worse. Anyone who's really worried about their FID being denied due to suitability issues either probably ought not to have guns (assuming the PD is correct), or has the ability to challenge it in a court of law (go Comm2A!!).

You dont get it. It's not going to affect you so what's the big deal right?

And, as mentioned, by passing THIS, it may help keep any further ideas from the gun grabbers on the back burner for a while. If they couldn't get it into THIS bill, after all the meetings, hearings, comment period, etc., they won't have a chance to put it in anything else for a while. If it was a valid position, it would have been considered/debated in THIS bill. IOW - I don't think we'll see another "one gun a month" bill for the foreseeable future (Unless Grossman gets his way).

You are delusional.
Neg me if you want to, but I already called my Rep and Senator's office asking them to vote in favor of the bill if it gets up there today. It ain't gonna get any better and it could have been way worse. I'm hoping this will hold the dust down on any more anti-gun legislation for a while.

Wtf is this? Hope they will go away? It will never stop and people like you feed into it by compromising our rights one phone call at a time
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SECTION 65. Section 131M of said chapter 140, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 12, the words “for purposes of law enforcement”.
SECTION 65. Section 131M of said chapter 140, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 12, the words “for purposes of law enforcement”.

still regarded as second (third, fourth?) class citizens... no surprise there

I can't support this bill or even be neutral on it based on that alone
So I spoke to a Reps aid, and they are going to push to keep the FID Suitability option IN the Bill and apparently it has support to pass. Trying to find out what else is In or Out..
Thats too bad, I guess Comm2A will just have to sue and get that reversed once it happens a few times. I can't see that passing muster in Federal Court at all.

What a waste of time and money to do so.....and I guess the taxpayers get to foot the defense bill in court too.

So I spoke to a Reps aid, and they are going to push to keep the FID Suitability option IN the Bill and apparently it has support to pass. Trying to find out what else is In or Out..
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How does CMR override the law? (not being a jerk just not understanding) The wording is clear and it does not call out for a CMR to define anything.

Valid question. EOPS has a history of trying to "invent law" in their draft CMRs. And if that doesn't work, they do it in memos/opinions/etc. It's easy for them to skate by unless someone sifts thru the words with a fine tooth comb in time, plus CMR drafts by EOPS are NOT put anywhere where the public has access to them, you have to know they exist and call the EOPS Legal Dept to request them . . . I had to do that for a bunch of them a few years ago. Cockroaches don't like the light shining on them, so they hide the info from public sight as long and often as they can.

One could argue using the license for other than stated restrictions is no longer a lawful purpose.

I'm not 100% sure that ALP was ever truely defined and was more of an accepted term used prior to "No Restrictions" or the stated restriction scheme we now have.


Neg me if you want to, but I already called my Rep and Senator's office asking them to vote in favor of the bill if it gets up there today. It ain't gonna get any better and it could have been way worse. I'm hoping this will hold the dust down on any more anti-gun legislation for a while.

This passing will take the wind out of their sails so that legistraitors won't give serious consideration to more anti-gun bills (which will be filed every session) for a number of years to follow. If this bill is killed, you can bet that next year there will be even greater pressure to "pass something" and that something will be a lot worse due to our losing some key players to retirement. That is not a chance that I'd like to take and I consider that to be a sure bet.
If this bill is killed, you can bet that next year there will be even greater pressure to "pass something" and that something will be a lot worse due to our losing some key players to retirement. That is not a chance that I'd like to take and I consider that to be a sure bet.

You guys continue to compromise. There is no bet that another one won't be down the pipe next year. All it takes is for something to hit the news.

You guys are crazy to be fine with this.

"Well yeah I got mugged, but it could have been worse and he's not going to do it for another couple of years so I'm fine with it..."

You guys continue to compromise. There is no bet that another one won't be down the pipe next year. All it takes is for something to hit the news.

You guys are crazy to be fine with this.

"Well yeah I got mugged, but it could have been worse and he's not going to do it for another couple of years so I'm fine with it..."


The only plus in this bill is that it forces police departments to document their activities in order for com2A to use against them.

We have won nothing except that our loss was not as large as our enemy desired.
The only plus in this bill is that it forces police departments to document their activities in order for com2A to use against them.

We have won nothing except that our loss was not as large as our enemy desired.

If I'm not mistaken FID's were shall issue prior to this. This is a lose regardless of how much money you have for an attorney.
If I'm not mistaken FID's were shall issue prior to this. This is a lose regardless of how much money you have for an attorney.

Turn around Derek, you're preaching to the choir.

We are taking a significant hit here - my assertion was that the hit would have been a death blow without the effort organized here and by GOAL.
The compromise issue is a tough one, it works in cases where there is not an overwhelming agenda on side not to compromise. My gut tells me in mass it will go:
1) Well they are only making me register the transactions
2) Well they only want to check who I am before giving me an FID
3) Well they only want me to have a certain type of gun
4) Well they only want me to have a certain # of Guns and Ammo (No need for an arsenal)
5) Well they want me to be safe and keep my firearms locked in my trunk even with an LTC, its for the kids safety
6) Well they want me to think about my purchases so they limit my purchases to 1 gun per year and 1776 Rounds of ammo
7) Well they want everyone to feel safe so they are givin me a sign for my yard that says GUNS ON PREMISES
8) Well they want my doctor to insure he feels Im ok to have a gun licenses and that Im not to stressed so I only have to get cleared every 3 months
9) Well I only hunt so I dont really need a handgun, they will give me 50.00 or I only need a firearm for defense, a pistol will suffice but they gave me 100 for each AR
10) Well to make everyone feel better I can now visit my gun at the local State Gun Range in Boston on Saturdays from 7:45am to 8:00am however I can still maintain my LTC for a lifetime at no costs

Compromise in massachusetts is the gift that keeps on giving.....sorta like gonorrhea
Turn around Derek, you're preaching to the choir.

We are taking a significant hit here - my assertion was that the hit would have been a death blow without the effort organized here and by GOAL.

GOAL did all the damage control that could be done here but anyone suggesting that their reps vote for this in hope that the bogeyman goes away is smoking crack.
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All I know is that I was up for an hour or so in the middle of the night, trying to fathom how rational people could think that (in any way, shape, or form), a COP should hold ANY sway on how a non-prohibited citizen of these United States protects himself and his family in his own home. This state is so fu*ked, I hope a federal lawsuit is brought as soon as possible.
You guys continue to compromise. There is no bet that another one won't be down the pipe next year. All it takes is for something to hit the news.

You guys are crazy to be fine with this.

"Well yeah I got mugged, but it could have been worse and he's not going to do it for another couple of years so I'm fine with it..."


There are others with more "inside knowledge" than me wrt what went on at Bacon Hill, but I can tell you from a 1-on-1 discussion with my State Rep that he and they have no stomach for dealing with more anti-gun bills (or even pro-gun bills). They recognize it as a "third rail" much like the abortion issue and prefer to dodge the issue completely. They know that public opinion about guns has changed and numbers of applications have sky-rocketed, making this a dangerous topic for them to deal with. My Rep told me that if it died in committee and he never had to vote on it at all he'd be most pleased . . . and it wasn't because it had good or bad stuff in it.

Give them something that they can point to and say "we did it, we gave you an anti-gun violence bill, now go away and don't bother me" and future attempts (at least for a number of years to follow) will all die in committee.

The chiefs that like to deny people are like cockroaches, they do their dirty work in the "dark", and they avoid the light at all costs! Having to present a rational reason in front of a judge is NOT something that they want to do, thus the number of denials (that aren't statutory) will drop significantly. Given a good case, my IANAL reading of this bill is such that this is ripe for a USDC case (with the proper plaintiff) and would likely result in overturning the entire suitability scheme for both LTC and FID as being arbitrary and capricious and thus unconstitutional. This is a case where they may well have given us a "gift" by giving themselves enough rope for us to hang them in Federal Court. After it is signed into law, Comm2A said that they will probably have something to say about the law . . . it may be time for me to up my monthly contribution to them. I have high hopes about this, but acknowledge that it will take some years to be adjudicated.
You guys continue to compromise. There is no bet that another one won't be down the pipe next year. All it takes is for something to hit the news.

You guys are crazy to be fine with this.

"Well yeah I got mugged, but it could have been worse and he's not going to do it for another couple of years so I'm fine with it..."


I'm with you on this Derek

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GOAL all the damage control that could be done here but anyone suggesting that their reps vote for this in hope that the bogeyman goes away is smoking crack.
this, I am happy with the job done with what we had to work with but **** asking my reps to support this, that's not something I am capable of.
GOAL all the damage control that could be done here but anyone suggesting that their reps vote for this in hope that the bogeyman goes away is smoking crack.

In MA we'll always be waiting for the other shoe to fall. With the push from your forum and from GOAL we dodged getting terminal pneumonia and ended up with a very minor runny nose.

There are a lot of unhappy anti-gunners out there in both houses along with Whiney Rosenthal that are crying out loud.
I'm not making any calls, but I am looking at this as a lot better than it could have been without GOAL and some help from retiring legislators.
There are others with more "inside knowledge" than me wrt what went on at Bacon Hill, but I can tell you from a 1-on-1 discussion with my State Rep that he and they have no stomach for dealing with more anti-gun bills (or even pro-gun bills). They recognize it as a "third rail" much like the abortion issue and prefer to dodge the issue completely. They know that public opinion about guns has changed and numbers of applications have sky-rocketed, making this a dangerous topic for them to deal with. My Rep told me that if it died in committee and he never had to vote on it at all he'd be most pleased . . . and it wasn't because it had good or bad stuff in it.

Give them something that they can point to and say "we did it, we gave you an anti-gun violence bill, now go away and don't bother me" and future attempts (at least for a number of years to follow) will all die in committee.

if they are that fed up with it they wouldn't have considered passing this one. next year will bring new legislators maybe even a new speaker, and all of them want to leave their mark on something I am sure

I personally can't back something now under nothing more than blind hope we avoid something in the future

you deal with the enemies you can see

I'm not making any calls, but I am looking at this as a lot better than it could have been without GOAL and some help from retiring legislators.

this I agree with
Those commie bastards in that state won't stop. You should know that by now. The stuff that they didn't get this time will be in the next go around, count on it.

This. Sure some my look at it as not that bad. Could have been worse. At the end of the day people lose rights in a a state where you have very little rights to begin with.

They will continue to chip away until we have nothing.
The Senate version of the bill was 'acceptable'. This compromise version isn't. It goes May Issue on FID. It's better than he House language but it's merely the difference of Bubba using lube first.
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