How "concealed" is concealed?

Cross-X said:
Is that what it is? I thought it was a graphic representation of his last failed dating relationship! (Said while ducking and running!)

Part of Marine Corps training is a class on "How to ruin a good relationship 101" [smile]
Adam_MA said:
BTW... I also prefer IWB carry. I found the best holster in my opinion to the the CTAC holster from Comp-Tac. I have recommended this holster to everyone I talk to about holsters. Folks that actually do try the holster, are hooked. One of the cool things about the manufacture (aside from unbelievable customer service) is that they offer a 30 day return policy. So if you don't like it, you can return it.


The manufacturer is a really good guy. I also have a CTAC. I ordered different belt clips for mine from Comp-Tac (I originally got it from Gunner's Alley), he talked me out of the ones I ordered (J-clips), into better clips,and I had already paid for the J's. He ate the difference in price, sent me the better ones.

The only thing I can say bad about them is they don't make one to fit a Smith Sigma (for my son-in-law).
Cross-X said:

Getting some new clothes, and a new belt or two, is not necessarily a bad thing. Some would consider it is just another price to be paid for carrying a concealed gun in MA.

Yea, but now when it means that you have to start shopping at a new store... [smile]

I haven't found a fat store that carries the clothes that I wear. And anyway, I like shopping at regular stroes, I don't want to start shoppping at a big and tall... Because at 6'1" that's not tall. So, I know why I'm shopping there. [grin]
C-pher said:
Yea, but now when it means that you have to start shopping at a new store... [smile]

I haven't found a fat store that carries the clothes that I wear. And anyway, I like shopping at regular stroes, I don't want to start shoppping at a big and tall... Because at 6'1" that's not tall. So, I know why I'm shopping there. [grin]

6'1" may not be tall in your neighborhood, but if you lived where I do...
You could always try a store that has a Big and Tall section in it... Then you could slip in there when no one is looking, and grab what you need... Kinda like when you are in the video store and slip behind the black curtain when you think no one is looking, only to find 2 mothers with 10 kids in tow when you emerge looking all flustered! [devil]
Cross-X said:
Be very, very careful when deciding to openly carry a firearm when all you have is a Class B LTC. Loaded or unloaded.


Getting back on topic, ... [offtopic]


Hey, you ASKED for the cite, and I gave it. Then a "be careful", yet nobody on here knows anyone who this even was threatened to have happened to.

Not saying it's for me, but just pointing out the obvious conclusion from the law which someone will eventually make.

Coyote33 said:
Getting back on topic, ... [offtopic]


Hey, you ASKED for the cite, and I gave it. Then a "be careful", yet nobody on here knows anyone who this even was threatened to have happened to.

Not saying it's for me, but just pointing out the obvious conclusion from the law which someone will eventually make.


I do. Client confidentiality precludes me from discussing the facts.
The risk you take with an unconcealed gun is getting your LTC suspended or revoked due to your supposed lack of judgment and unsuitability.
A while back the GOAL message discussed the case of an individual with a Class A LTC who had this happen. He was carrying legally, picked up a pizza, and as he walked out of the pizza parlor, with the pizza in his hand, the wind blew his coat open. A police officer saw him, stopped him and checked his license. The police officer let him go about his business, but reported the incident to the chief of police in the person's home town. The chief then pulled his license.

Concerning IWB, I've got some high quality IWB holsters, from Sparks and Rusty Sherrick. I've found that IWB just isn't comfortable for me. It tends to cause back pain for me. So I usually carry OWB.

As for printing when bending over, that's usually pretty easy to avoid -- don't bend over, bend at your knees instead. Also, the farther around to your back that you carry the gun, the more it will print when bending over. That is, carrying at the 5 o'clock position will print more when bending over than carrying at 3 o'clock.

Another thing that I've noticed is that some IWB holsters print more when bending over than others. I've got a Wilson Combat IWB holster that puts the grip up relatively high above your belt That prints a lot more than my Rusty Sherrick IWB holsters that position the grip lower down, close to the top of the belt. YMMV.
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C-pher said:
Provided that you're not Fatty McButterpants like myself. Then you would have to buy all new clothes two or three inches larger than you normally wear, as well as a larger belt.

SOTB/IWB is my preferred way to carry anything larger than my backup 5-shot. I have always been larger than the average guy, so I can relate to your concerns.

Adam_MA said:

A good, one-sided point of view. We can find fault with everything if we try hard enough. Choosing the right holster for CCW also requires the right clothing. You just can't continue to wear the same old stuff once you add the holstered weapon. They don't show the IWB holster, but the OWB, which - IMO - might as well be on the hip for the same amount of concealment. These just don't work for larger guys.

That being said, I still use the SOB, with the palm out configuration. And its not over my spine, but nestled toward the right over the right pocket.

I'm actually still "tailoring" my CCW gear. I started out with the bare minmum/basic itiems. I always had carried a cell phone and pocket knife/tool, so I then added my weapon, a spare mag, and a small flashlight. Recentally I have added pepper spray as a non-lethal alternative. I would like to go to carrying two mags, but wonder if two are needed? N_O
I would like to go to carrying two mags, but wonder if two are needed?
How many rounds in your magazines? The answer might be different if you are carrying an officer's model, rather than a Glock 17.
10 rounds. I'm carrying a Sig 229(.40). I figured one extra mag as a backup, mostly for some unforseen malfunction with the primary mag. I often find that my mag prints more than my 229 and I'm looking at a new mag carrier(My current is a Milt Sparks single).
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I'm actually still "tailoring" my CCW gear. I started out with the bare minmum/basic itiems. I always had carried a cell phone and pocket knife/tool, so I then added my weapon, a spare mag, and a small flashlight. Recentally I have added pepper spray as a non-lethal alternative. I would like to go to carrying two mags, but wonder if two are needed? N_O

Well, you're hauling alot of stuff. Are you active LEO? If not, I'd question the need for all of that, especially two mags.

If you need more than a second mag, you're in deep. :)

Jaxon said:
Well, you're hauling alot of stuff. Are you active LEO? If not, I'd question the need for all of that, especially two mags.

If you need more than a second mag, you're in deep. :)


When I carry I usually carry a spare, unless I'm trying to avoid having
anything on my belt other than the gun. Granted most of the time one
mag would be enough.... but theres always that corner case. Some
will argue that a 2nd mag is good in case of a malf with the first, but frankly
I think thatif the mag you have loaded in the gun malfs, you're probably screwed
anyways. I basically carry the 2nd cause itss a good feeling to have more
ammo on tap... and it doesnt take a whole lot of effort to conceal
a magazine.

drgrant said:
When I carry I usually carry a spare, unless I'm trying to avoid having anything on my belt other than the gun. <SNIP>-Mike

Sorry, I should have been clearer. I questioned the need for a "third" mag. I always carry a spare mag or moon-clip, depending on which weapon I'm carrying.

Jaxon said:
Well, you're hauling alot of stuff. Are you active LEO? If not, I'd question the need for all of that, especially two mags.

If you need more than a second mag, you're in deep. :)


I don't know if I consider that all that much stuff. I mean, it's good pratice to carry a flashlight and pepper spray. If all you have is your weapon, then you might use it when it wasn't needed. And now you're fighting a battle in the courts you might not have needed to fight.

If all you need is to blind a guy with a flashlight or your pepper spray, and that gives you enough time to get away...then you never needed to use your gun.

Knives are in your pocket, so that's not much more than you keys. And a cell you just put on your other side of your belt.

You can keep an extra mag in your back pocket, or a jacket pocket in the winter.

Just my thoughts...
C-pher said:
I don't know if I consider that all that much stuff. I mean, it's good pratice to carry a flashlight and pepper spray. If all you have is your weapon, then you might use it when it wasn't needed. And now you're fighting a battle in the courts you might not have needed to fight.

If all you need is to blind a guy with a flashlight or your pepper spray, and that gives you enough time to get away...then you never needed to use your gun.

Knives are in your pocket, so that's not much more than you keys. And a cell you just put on your other side of your belt.

You can keep an extra mag in your back pocket, or a jacket pocket in the winter.

Just my thoughts...

I don't disagree with the reasoning, I just find the extra gear borderline necesary. To each his own, eh?

derek said:
If I was more diciplined I would carry more gear. I only carry a second mag when I go to a hot zone. [devil2]

I see that as a different set of circumstances. Carrying more gear in a "hot zone" would be preferable. However, what justicifcation is there for a civilian carrying concealed to go to a "hot zone"? There are areas in Boston that I wouldnt' set foot in without the usual load-out. So, the idea that I CCW is moot.

Normal, everyday CCW issues wouldn't require "more gear" (IMO). Its pro-active vs. re-active and I'm not sure civilians have that choice.

I have carried anything from a 4" N Frame revolver to a tiny little NAA revovler and not been detected.

The quality of the holster makes a difference as does the belt.

Cross X has given some good suggestions. Along with those I will add Alessi Watch Six DT (originally made in cooperation with Sparks) and the Alessi Hide out as excellent IWB.

The Alessi Belt slide OWB holster is also a good alternative. It rides high and close.

Another fine holster maker is Tucker Leather. They make a real nice IWB for a fair price and delivery is not bad either.

Best holster I ever had was from Andy Arratoonian. Horse Shoe Leather. Real nice gear but a real long wait.

Best of luck in the search.
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Actually, I wasn't sure if a 3rd mag is needed or even a good idea. I check out several forums and always get different answers. I would love the chance to speak with some LEO's in my area(Or any area really) and find out how they percieve civilans who carry extra stuff like pepper spray and a small flashlight. The last thing I want is for an LEO to get the mistaken impression that I believe myself to be "Dirty Harry" or somthing!

The pepper spray I got because I believe, from what I have read, that avoiding the need to actually use my firearm is a positive on may levels. The flashlight, leathermans tool, and cell really don't take up much room, and I find that I use them the most....
Jaxon said:
I see that as a different set of circumstances. Carrying more gear in a "hot zone" would be preferable. However, what justicifcation is there for a civilian carrying concealed to go to a "hot zone"? There are areas in Boston that I wouldnt' set foot in without the usual load-out. So, the idea that I CCW is moot.

Normal, everyday CCW issues wouldn't require "more gear" (IMO). Its pro-active vs. re-active and I'm not sure civilians have that choice.


By hot zone I mean an area with likely gang activity. When the SHTF the likelyhood of having to engage multiple targets increases. I don't carry a second mag when I go to the gerocery store in Spencer. If I present it will "most likely" be V.S. one person.

Should I carry a second mag every time I leave the house? Yes, but I don't.
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For the longest time I didn't carry a second mag. That was until I saw a video of a live gun fight where the guy was defending himself against 1 perp. The perp's Buddy's then seemingly came out of nowhere. The only thing that saved his ass, was that he had cover, and enough rounds to keep the battle going until THEY were out of ammo and had to surrender.

Since seeing that, I have made a conscious effort to NEVER leave the house with just the mag that's in the gun.

Darius and Jon over at GOAL have this great little thing that goes on your key chain that is pepper spray. It's right there with your keys. And if you don't know what it is, it looks like a Kubaton. Other than that, carrying a good defensive flash light doesn't take that much space... Really, if you do it, it's a not a lot more gear, and you don't look like you're trying to be "Dirty Harry."

I just think of it like this. If I'm going to tighten a screw into a board, and all I have is a hammer, then that screw is going to be hammered in.

If a guy comes at me with a knife, and all I have is a gun... It might not be the correct tool...

That's all I'm getting at.

And maybe I'm thinking of this wrong. But if you were to get into an altercation, and you were to pepper spray the BG. and they found out that you had a gun... You might be looked on a lot better by the judge and jury. Maybe because you were seen as a responsible gun owner because you didn't use it for a situation that didn't require it, but where you would have if that's all you had.

But maybe I over think some things...
derek said:

By hot zone I mean an area with likely gang activity. When the SHTF the likely hood of having to engage multiple targets increases. I don't carry a second mag when I go to the gerocery store in Spencer. If I present it will "most likely" be V.S. one person.

Should I carry a second mag every time I leave the house? Yes, but I don't.
Yes, I knew exactly what you meant with my reference to Boston. Again, I don't have an issue with a second mag, or speedloader, moon-clip, etc. It was the third mag I thought might be excessive.

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