How did you find NES?

I was told by Jwilson about the site. I worked on the banner soon after joining, and every time I log in, and look at the banner I think about the great history that it has.. not only for America, but for us... the people of NES.
I was trolling the "Hometown" forum on ARF. There was a thread about the Shriner's gun show and Len posted something about checking his Shriner's schedule. Being a Mason, I PM'ed him about his Shriner comment. He then filled me in on NES. Been here since and very rarely ever check ARF Hometown now.
I Googled "2 Girls 1 Cup" and NES was the first hit.
I'm at werk. I'm so glad I know how the minds work around here and did NOT google that. I take it form the puking the the sight is not good.

C-pher is to blame for my being here.
I was shocked to see so many people behind enemy lines in an organized community.

Me too. Up until that time, I really thought I was in a minority - none of my close friends are shooters at all and the gun shops in Berkshire County barely cater to my taste in weaponry. We here in WMA have an historic distrust of most people east beyond the Connecticut River, so I was surprised to find so many out that way.
Since becoming a full member at NES, I have found some of the most top-shelf people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting....
I was steered here from I posted a question about LTC's in my hometown. Someone mentioned to check this place out. I did, and never looked back. I'm starting to get into as well. Great site as well but the graphics aren't as work friendly. God forbid if the sheep saw an AR on my computer. I'd have the ATF, MSP, FBI, & security on my ass.
pre-LTCA online learnin' about gun laws, carry issues, etc.

Not sure exactly what brought be over here but I remember being stuck here once I found it. Was instrumental in learning the MA laws and the ins and out of carry as a newbie to the handgun world.
I was reading the gun forum at and there were a couple of people from Massachusetts who posted. (Don't worry, I won't "out" you.) Eventually, someone referred to a posting on Northeast Shooters, so I came here.

Unfortunately, I didn't lurk for long enough before I foolishly joined and posted. Let's just say that my *ahem* indoctrination came quickly and with a vengance.

It's been awhile... I think I migrated my way here from Sigforum or while doing research for some MA gun law crap. (I think it had something to do with the intricacies of handgun compliance crap) Then I realized... hey, waitaminute, NES has a LOT of good stuff (and people) on it!

I removed your picture. This is a regular normal thread, and most of us check these boards from work. A picture of half naked women, in a thread like this that is not titled with NSFW, is clearly NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Cut the shit!
I removed your picture. This is a regular normal thread, and most of us check these boards from work. A picture of half naked women, in a thread like this that is not titled with NSFW, is clearly NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Cut the shit!

Damn straight it's not acceptable!

Half naked is only a tease. [smile]
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