How long did your LTC-A take in your town???

Did they call the other 3 people? I asked for none resticted LTC class A and the person who processed it didn't even read the assurance part and said hey you can get target and hunting. I didn't want to complaint becuase I didn't want to have them to say no and take their sweet a$$ time. I'll write a letter or call the cheif to see if I can get a unresticted one later.

Waltham's Licensing Officer's name is Gormley... he is a real peach. You have to hound that dude. Yeah they never give out ALP for the first time. Always T&H. They never called any of my references.
Waltham's Licensing Officer's name is Gormley... he is a real peach. You have to hound that dude. Yeah they never give out ALP for the first time. Always T&H. They never called any of my references.

When I called him today he said it came in. When i picked up my LTC I saw the issue date was 6/25/09. My wait time was 14 business days and who knows how long it took to get there and how long it was sitting there. I'm just happy I got my LTC.
I live in Watertown, MA

  • 05/15/2009: Applied at local PD for a LTC A for "all lawful purposes"
  • 06/18/2009: Confirmed MA State Police background check done & at local PD
  • 06/23/2009: Interviewed by local PD regarding need for LTC A
  • 07/08/2009: Picked up LTC A "Target Only" at local PD in the morning
... and then I went and picked up four rifles at Four Seasons that afternoon [grin]

A total elapsed time of 54 days.
I live in Boston:

6-18-09: Submitted application, did interview, and had prints and photo taken
6-19-09: Moon Island range test
7-17-09: LTC A restricted "sport and target no concealed carry"

now it's time to buy a gun...[smile]
I live in Dartmouth. I called to set up my interview and was given an appointment 5 weeks out on May 8th. I went for the interview and it went very smooth. Applied for class A, no restrictions. Was told it would take about 6 weeks and to not call them, they'd call me. * weeks later I received a call informing me my license had arrived and I could pick it up at the station.
which communities to avoid

anyone have any advice on which communities to avoid trying to get a LTC-A in? I'm moving within eastern Mass. and I'm trying to figure out which communities are going to give me a hard time...anyone live in Middleboro and have a LTC-A?
anyone have any advice on which communities to avoid trying to get a LTC-A in? I'm moving within eastern Mass. and I'm trying to figure out which communities are going to give me a hard time...anyone live in Middleboro and have a LTC-A?
Take a look at the map at the top of this post and stick with the green towns and avoid the red and black towns like the plague.
Met with LEO Nov. 29/08, check was cashed mid Jan called and left voice mail (just curious how are things going?) no reply, couple weeks later sent email-no reply. Feb 29 get the call, go down pick up my LTC A. Well, noticed later on that my name was spelled wrong,...crap...After talking to a few people and my conscience working on me (I was in the service, I'm in the system) I decide to do the right thing and bring the license back to be corrected, LEO said he'd give it to the licensing board and he'd get back to me. I waited two months, called and talked to LEO "just curious how are things going?" he said he'd give it to the licensing board and he'd get back to me, waited a few weeks called left a voice mail-no answer, couple weeks later emailed-no answer now I'm at 4 months. BTW it's Somerset
Going to hand in my application in Belmont later today, Just need to wait 2 days before i make the appointment for the interview. Has anyone on NES applied in Belmont recently with the LO?
Jimminy Christmas!!! 18 weeks... that's insane. I'm a new resident and was trying to finally bring my firarms up from my previous residence out of state. I'm in Somerville, and it took me 5 weeks, after finally getting the "interview". Wait was less of an issue than the restrictions they put on my "LTC-A" limiting me to target and hunting even though I specified 'All legal purposes, concealed carry, self-defense' (which I guess due to the restrictions makes it more of an anti-LTC. I'm continuously befuddled by the restrictions local departments put on law-abiding citizens. I guess the police in Somerville appearently CAN be everywhere at once and protect every citizen, so I don't have a purpose to carry a handgun. (sarchasm... no disrespect to LEOs, just frustration at the situation. At least I have a pseudo-LTC-A in Somerville. I understand in Cambridge or Boston, I'd be even worse off). Good to know even a combat veteran cannot be trusted to carry a firearm in my town.
A women who took the Women on Target class I put together at Nenameseck in Palmer applied for her LTC in Ware and received an unrestricted LTC in a little over 2 weeks.
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