How many of you carry tactical knives while carrying your firearm?

K-Bar if your going to carry a knife carry a knife.....only kidding. I have a S+W assist open, nothing fancy but its sharp, works every time and if I happen to loose it i am not out a bunch of cash.

I have one in my car and motorcycle as well as a multi tool.

As to K-Bars I have 2. One traditional which all the proceeds of the purchase went to the Adopt a Marine campaign which is for wounded Marines and the second is the poly handled one which I purchased from the Support the Troops fund raiser. They are a large knife granted , and not for everyday use but heck they have served our country well. Kinda like the 1911.
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I carry a handgun strong side at three o clock every day. Clipped in my off hand left pocket is a spyderco waved endura. If some one goes for a gun grab I have a force option that I can access with my off hand. That being said it gets used for opening boxes and chores more than anything.

The new ish spydercos are drilled and tapped in four locations for multiple carry options. There prices are also very good. I would rather carry an emmerson and have for years. I have come to realize I want the knife on my left side and I am not gonna spend 300 + for a left handed emerson wave.
I usually rotate through a small selection of sport utility knives(hate the term tactical), mostly Spyderco and benchmade. I don't carry a knife for self defense purposes though, especially a folder. I suppose I mostly carry a knife out of habit, as I don't really need one daily. As far as assisted opening goes, I have owned a few and they were fun, but I tend to view them as a gimmick. Most modern one handed openers are just as quick opening, so I don't see the need for spring assist. More parts, more potential for failure.
I carry one. It's the GOAL/NES Buck they sold a year or two ago. Why do I carry it? Remember the woman that died because her scarf got caught in the escalator at Downtown Crossing? No one had a knife, all they could do is watch helplessly while she strangled to death.

That's why I carry a folding knife.

I've more-or-less always carried a knife since I was about 10 or so (and no, it wasn't a stone blade!) just because you never know when you'll need it. I've really never had an "emergency" situation that needed a knife, though too many times to count, it's been useful. Even if just to trim a bit of a pizza slice when nobody's looking. [laugh]

On my wedding day, one of my groomsmen, trying to "catch" me said "Can I borrow your knife"...I handed it to him. [grin]

Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
I carry a handgun strong side at three o clock every day. Clipped in my off hand left pocket is a spyderco waved endura. If some one goes for a gun grab I have a force option that I can access with my off hand.

That certainly seems like an effective form of weapon retention. Would you draw and hold it reverse or standard grip?
I carry a buck multi tool that has a very good blade on it for the sole purpose of having something if I am in a place where I can't carry. I live on the border of RI so if we head to the bike path its on me.
Jecce, not to highjack the thread, but I think it's relevant.
What is your opinion on a spring assist knifes. Is a person looking for trouble by carrying a spring assisted knife, although it being technically legal?

Your knife that you carry every day can instantly become a 5 year felony if you are arrested for a breach of the peace even if the knife was never seen or removed from your pocket. Again, probable cause is a low standard of proof.
Kershaw. Don't know about "tactical", but it is a useful tool. ... and an occasional conversation starter: while trying to get coffee for an interviewee at work, had to open a new box of k-cups. Pull out knife, flip open one handed, and slice open box. Then I hear a sort of shaky voice "yyou hhave yyour ownn knife?" Guess it was a good thing I hadn't pulled out my multitool (which I reflexively open one-handed as well, using the same motion one would for a balisong). Pliers might have sent him running for the hills.

I can just see 30 years from now somebody looking at my son saying "Holy crap! A Spork?????" Apparently knives are going the way of guns - out of common experience and into mythology.

The other box-opening incident at work resulted in a new employee saying: "I guess I know where to go when we need weapons!" Without so much as pausing to check for duplicate threads, I replied: "It's a tool, not a weapon, and why would you be going towards weapons?" Her reply: "I'm from the Bronx."

Your knife that you carry every day can instantly become a 5 year felony if you are arrested for a breach of the peace even if the knife was never seen or removed from your pocket. Again, probable cause is a low standard of proof.

It's probably a bad idea, regarding your pocket knife, to answer yes to "do you have any weapons on you"; Correct? Does a knife, regardless of legality, become a weapon legally once it is described by the carrier as a weapon?
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Spyderco manix II w/ spyderedge and ziptie mod. Nothing I own has ever deployed from pocket to open faster.

Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.


I'm a huge Emerson fan. The wave turns a knife into a viable self defense weapon. You can draw and slash in one fluid motion, and it's much faster than an auto. You can draw a wave with a free hand to retain your firearm, block a punch or a baseball bat, or while you're on top of a ladder hanging from a wall. They're made to last too, with Ti and SS liners, and their single edge grind makes them real easy to sharpen.

I can draw and slice faster than I can get a firearm onto target and fire, fwiw.

And, IMO, anyone who carries a firearm should be worried about retention, and should train how to fight for that firearm. Nothing says "Don't touch my gun, go away" like some slashes to the hand tendons and ACL.
Why not a small fixed blade?

I have had a Kershaw that the clip broke on and then opened in my pocket, that was enough for me to not pocket carry it anymore. I have a CRKT M16 that I like a lot, and am looking for a smaller version of the same model.

I usually carry a cheap S&W that I wouldn't be upset about losing. It is black, so I guess that makes it tactical.
Why not a small fixed blade?

I have had a Kershaw that the clip broke on and then opened in my pocket, that was enough for me to not pocket carry it anymore. I have a CRKT M16 that I like a lot, and am looking for a smaller version of the same model.

I usually carry a cheap S&W that I wouldn't be upset about losing. It is black, so I guess that makes it tactical.

i dont usually carry my kershaw with it clipped to my pocket. Thats why i went with the smaller one, so i could just toss it in my pocket and go.

i used to have a kershaw ken onion oso sweet that had a surprisingly tough pocket clip for how small it was
Kershaw Leek here... I don't consider it tactical and could never imagine pulling it in a fight. Just a knife to cut stuff.

Funny how we are largely devided into two clans. Kershaw vs CRKT

I'm hoping to get one or the other for Fathers Day!

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
No love for Benchmade?? I carry a mini-griptilian daily. I'm a big fan of the axis lock. Tactical? Not really. Primary purpose is utility. If I were to carry a knife for tactical purposes I would go get some training.
KA BAR. On the hip.

Not really, but I would if I could. If I have a knife, its usually just a little folder - I think it was a smith and wesson but the decal fell off the handle.
Remember the woman that died because her scarf got caught in the escalator at Downtown Crossing? No one had a knife, all they could do is watch helplessly while she strangled to death.

That's why I carry a folding knife.

A similar incident prompted my first knife purchase. It was a car wreck and subsequent car fire. The woman couldn't get her seat belt unbuckled. The first person on the scene saw what was happening, pulled out his trusty pocket knife, cut the belt off of her and pulled her through the window. That woman would have bought the farm that day if that guy hadn't had his trusty folder with him. There were five of us to the scene and he was the only one with a knife. Been carrying one since.
No love for Benchmade?? I carry a mini-griptilian daily. I'm a big fan of the axis lock. Tactical? Not really. Primary purpose is utility. If I were to carry a knife for tactical purposes I would go get some training.

I carried Mini Grip for years(555hg) and loved it. Right now I'm carrying a Mini Onslaught, it has a very thin blade with a lot of belly(154cm steel, easy to sharpen and holds a decent edge for a while). It's probably the best slicer I've ever carried.
No love for Benchmade?? I carry a mini-griptilian daily. I'm a big fan of the axis lock. Tactical? Not really. Primary purpose is utility. If I were to carry a knife for tactical purposes I would go get some training.

i would carry a benchmade, but i cant see spending that much on a knife when Kershaws are generally cheaper and just as good for what i used them for.
Everyday - I just switched from a Kershaw Needs Work (Spring assist) to a Spyderco Pacific plain edge (lockback folder) - both are very fast opening with practice.
Everyday - I just switched from a Kershaw Needs Work (Spring assist) to a Spyderco Pacific plain edge (lockback folder) - both are very fast opening with practice.

How are you liking the H1 steel on the Pacific Salt? I liked the completely rustproof aspect, but was disappointed with the edge holding of the steel and sold it. Though I'm told it work hardens, so maybe I should have given it more time?

Your knife that you carry every day can instantly become a 5 year felony if you are arrested for a breach of the peace even if the knife was never seen or removed from your pocket. Again, probable cause is a low standard of proof.

A tape measure is just a tool until it gets thrown at someone's head.

That said, I don't carry a tactical knife. I do occasionally carry pocket-sized tools.

For Jesse, how does this case play in to the discussion here?"
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Atty Cohen,
PM me about spring assist knives. BPD will often charge you under 269 10b with carrying a switch blade if you have a spring assist. Most officers do not know the difference, and neither do ADA's. I have had to use an expert twice to get charges dismissed. I can say that in both cases, other charges led primarily to the arrests.
It's probably a bad idea, regarding your pocket knife, to answer yes to "do you have any weapons on you"; Correct? Does a knife, regardless of legality, become a weapon legally once it is described by the carrier as a weapon?

Why are you answering officer's questions? Police are trained to investigate crimes, your answers can only be used one way.
Federal definition:

15 U.S.C. §§ 1241–1245

Mass Definition:

Ch.269 Sec.10(b)

Basically, a switchblade has to have some button lever etc that allowed the blade to be opened solely by spring power. An Assisted opener requires manipulation of the blade (or an extension thereof) and generally, must be manually opened about 30 degrees before the spring takes over. Legally, that makes them NOT a switchblade[grin]

This is the standard, but keep in mind you will have to educate any judge or ADA as to this standard. I have litigated this specific issue twice before.

These guys make amazing yet affordable knives. I have a M-21, which is pretty big, but I still carry it almost every day. I carry it mostly as a tool, but if I need it for defending myself, its more than capable. Mine isn't spring loaded simply because the opening is extremely smooth, and typically assisted opening is over kill and unnecessary.

+1 on crt
i carry a crt natural 2 everyday it's an ast. open tactical folder with bone scales it has the classic look that i like
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