How many of you carry tactical knives while carrying your firearm?

That sounds like a cool class. When, and where does he usually offer it? This is the first I have heard of these type of classes somewhat locally. Generally you have to fly somewhere for that type of training. Every martial system that I have ever studied had some elements of defending against a knife wielding attacker, but none focused on offensive use of a knife, which I feel is more critical to surviving a real street encounter than trying to defend yourself.

The class was in New Hampshire this past February. I believe this was his first time teaching his full length seminar in New England. It was a blast, and well worth it. Mike is an amazing teacher. Here is the link to the MBC site. All the info you could want....

Search youtube for "staysafemedia" to check out clips from his DVD's.

He doesn't really teach "offensive" use of a knife. It's using the knife as a defensive tool to stop the attacker's ability to harm you.
I carry a knife always, Benchmade RSK MK1, because sometimes things need cuttin'.

I look at it as a tool, not necessarily a weapon.

ETA: It's also handy for popping Mylar birthday balloons.
Those effin mylar birthday balloons really grind my gears (eye twitch)
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How you fight is more important than what you fight with. Self defense does not work, offense does

So would that be self offense? Sounds kinda creepy. I like it. [wink]

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Well that is where I learned how to be a gun fighting ninja, so maybe I should stick to what works.

21 foot rule, pfft.

I used my spring assisted Kershaw Scallion to carve up large chunk of pot roast I had for lunch today at work. It's a small blade, but it reduced that hunk of beef into bite sized pieces in short order. The 10 or 15 older Portuegese ladies at the next table were in awe. Not sure if that is tactical or not.....

funny story about that clip. There was a almost 3 minute long chorographed sword fighting scene suppose to appear there in the movie where Indy wrestled a scimitar away from one of the other attackers and fought the guy, but supposedly the cast all had the runs, so in the morning when discussing the shot Harrison Ford asked if he still had his pistol. Continuity checked the filmed scenes and said yes. So Harrison Ford asked, "Why don't I just shooting him so we can all get out of here"
The class was in New Hampshire this past February. I believe this was his first time teaching his full length seminar in New England. It was a blast, and well worth it. Mike is an amazing teacher. Here is the link to the MBC site. All the info you could want....

Search youtube for "staysafemedia" to check out clips from his DVD's.

He doesn't really teach "offensive" use of a knife. It's using the knife as a defensive tool to stop the attacker's ability to harm you.

Thank you, I will definitely check that out!
Yeah, I spend a bit of time in W&SS and the hunting/fishing sub-forum myself. I waste a lot of time in Levine's sub-forum as well.
I went full hypocrite and ordered one. Damn you guys, you made me go ninja.



Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.
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My new carry folder is a Zero Tolerance 0350TS Spring Assisted 3.25inch blade. The blade has black and grey stripes which look very cool. I'm pretty psyched.

My daily knife carry is a Leatherman Wave, a Benchmade Osborne Axis lock, and a Lennox folding utility knife


I have several knives to choose from. Some are auto, some are spring assist, some are manual open. The knives that get used the most have strong blades, axis lock, and hold a good edge.

Funny thing is, the most dangerous knife I carry is the Lennox. Those blades are very sharp and the edge lasts
I suppose it could confuse a LEO that doesn't know the difference?

Case in point, a guy I know went and got himself arrested.( I had nothing to do with it, but was around after the fact, so I was frisked as well) I had a non-assisted knife with a "flipper" (CRKT M16-01K) and the two officers spend a good 5 minutes trying to decide among themselves if it was a "Switchblade"; I could hear them going back and fourth with one another. They decided it wasn't, and gave it back.

Unlike our crazy firearms laws, it's been my expeirience most cops have a pretty clear understanding on this one--if it opens soley by pushing a button on the handle and not touching the blade (and, of course, has a blade longer than 1.5") its a per se DW.

The issue I have seen in the past when it comes to per se dangerous weapons under 269/10(b) is other cops not distinguishing between "carrying" and "possession"--for example, seizing a double bladed knife they found in a residential search warrant.

All I can say is if you get pinched on a per se DW charge, likely kiss your LTC goodbye.


Your knife that you carry every day can instantly become a 5 year felony if you are arrested for a breach of the peace even if the knife was never seen or removed from your pocket. Again, probable cause is a low standard of proof.

That, as well as an arrest based on a warrant...which may seem like it would never apply to you, unless you forgot to register your dog or notify your town clerk when it died...
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