Xringer, My M&P's do that everytime I slam a mag into the gun...I LOVE IT! It's definitely an advantage when reloading during IDPA matches.
If it doesn't release every time, you're not hitting it hard enough.
Whenever I drop the slide or close a bolt on most firearms, I aim them into a backstop.
Just in case, a malfunction causes the weapon to fire as soon as the round is chambered.
But, do I have to carefully point my M&P9 at the backstop when inserting a mag?
When I watch someone in a hurry (at 11 seconds in the video below), I see the muzzle might be angled upwards.
Maybe Over the backstop, as the mag is inserted.
Three (3) kinds of IDPA Reload - YouTube
At the WSA club, they don't want us pointing a loaded weapon above the back stop.
They want all lead to remain on club grounds.
Anyways, after I insert the mag, I point the pistol towards the target, pull back on the slide and release it.
If it were to fire for some reason, it's not going to be skyward.
If it were to go full auto, I'm in a shooting position and might be able to control the recoil.
But if it went full auto, while my elbow was bent with the muzzle pointed up at 45 deg,
and left 45 deg, about 1 foot from my chest, with 10 rounds??
I don't know if there would be a chance any control at all.
Am I being overly cautious?