How'd I get a stripe??


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
I've been noticing stripes on many of the posters' avatars, what looks like an oak leaf on TonyD's, sergeant's stripes on Lynn, and apparently Derek is a bird colonel.

Now, my first thought was "Oh, Derek is putting people's rank insignia above their avatars - neat!" Then I noticed a first time poster with a stripe... OK, he hasn't mentioned serving, so that can't be it. Then I noticed a stripe above MY avatar... and I don't think that a former security guard counts for getting a stripe!! :-)

So, Derek... since you're a colonel and TonyD is a Major (? - not sure about that... isn't Lt Col a gold oak leaf?), are the rank insignia for forum purposes? Moderators, etc?

Just wondering.

PS - Got the info on my soldier from Operation AC - looks like s/he's an MP. The first name could be either man or woman; I'll have to write and find out.

"Watson... you see but you do not observe." - S. Holmes

I now observe that Lynne, with sergeant's stripes has 390 posts and a user level of 3. Mrs Wildweasel (love the name AND the avatar!) has 200+ posts and two stripes... and I, of course, have less than 100 posts.

I begin to see a pattern here. :-)


I added a Rank package to the forum based on the number of Posts.

Member Level 1 0 Posts PVT
Member Level 2 100 Posts CPL
Member Level 3 250 Posts SGT
Member Level 4 500 Posts LT
Member Level 5 1000 Posts CAPT

Gold oak leaf is Major and Silver oak leaf is a LT. Col. Post and ye shall be rewarded. :D

From the beginning of this forum, it appears that each of us who are Moderators were instantly promoted to Major! 8) I might be wrong but I expect that our "rank" stays constant.

Derek as owner of the forum became a full bird Colonel!

Somehow I expect Lynne to become a General over time if the software allows for it! [mrgreen]

This is a better system than something that the new owner of did for moderators. New Moderators were appointed and the new owner over there added >500 posts to each of their totals to make them look like they'd been there a long time (not true in some cases) to "add credibility". It caused lots of flak over there.

IMNSHO, number of posts does not indicate knowledge or credibility. Read some of a person's posts and make your own decisions on who is credible or not.
Oh, now this is weird... in Netscape Navigator 7.2 I don't see the rank insignia, but I see the poster lever twice.

""Curiouser and curiouser", said Alice."

I noticed the same thing. At first I thought that something had changed with the set-up and it just hadn't affected me because my machine is logged on 24/7. Nope. Then I changed the style in my profile, still just "Level 2 / Level 2".

Neither Netscape nor Firefox is doing anything funny with the display. If you check the page source, you'll see that the source has no images for the level, just the double tap level list. There's something in the PHP script that does things differently depending on what browser it sees you using. Unfortunately, this is one of those things. It simply doesn't try to insert the image on the second line as it does for MSIE and Opera.

Stripes are now showing up in Firefox.
I never realized they were missing until this thread since I only use Firefox.

dwarven1 said:
I suspect Derek has done something to enable them this morning...


I changed the path for the images. They always showed in IE but nothing else. There were some errors in the web log that I fixed.
derek said:

I added a Rank package to the forum based on the number of Posts.

Member Level 1 0 Posts PVT
Member Level 2 100 Posts CPL
Member Level 3 250 Posts SGT
Member Level 4 500 Posts LT
Member Level 5 1000 Posts CAPT

Gold oak leaf is Major and Silver oak leaf is a LT. Col. Post and ye shall be rewarded. :D


Member Level 1 0 Posts PVT
Member Level 2 500 Posts CPL
Member Level 3 1000 Posts SGT
Member Level 4 5000 Posts LT
Member Level 5 10000 Posts CAPT

I've modified them just a tad. [wink] They were too low to start with.
derek said:
Member Level 3 1000 Posts SGT
Member Level 4 5000 Posts LT
Member Level 5 10000 Posts CAPT

I've modified them just a tad. [wink] They were too low to start with.

Damn! I been busted! What'd I do?? [roll]
TonyD said:
Looks like everyone got a Page 11 entry! Office Hours, all around!!

Then again, we wouldn't want to step on anyone's rights, so if anybody really wants a General Court Martial, I suppose we should give them one. [wink] [twisted] [wink]

KMaurer said:
TonyD said:
Looks like everyone got a Page 11 entry! Office Hours, all around!!

Then again, we wouldn't want to step on anyone's rights, so if anybody really wants a General Court Martial, I suppose we should give them one.

What would be the charge? Post-whoring? (Hey, Darius... Can you finish this sentence: "The lawyer who represents himself has a ---- for a client"?
KMaurer said:
TonyD said:
Looks like everyone got a Page 11 entry! Office Hours, all around!!

Then again, we wouldn't want to step on anyone's rights, so if anybody really wants a General Court Martial, I suppose we should give them one. [wink] [twisted] [wink]


Can I be on the jury??? Oh wait...I'm not a former service member. [cry]
KMaurer said:
TonyD said:
Looks like everyone got a Page 11 entry! Office Hours, all around!!

Then again, we wouldn't want to step on anyone's rights, so if anybody really wants a General Court Martial, I suppose we should give them one. [wink] [twisted] [wink]


Looks like they all forego their right to Summary Court Martial. We can stick with NJP. [wink]
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