I am helping a friend research a huge firearm collection. Any advice?

Dec 9, 2011
The peoples republic of Massachusetts
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I am helping a friend research a collection that was inherited from their parents. It's a huge collection of about 100 firearms.
I have been out of the milsurp game for a while and lost track of the values.
There are also many old Winchesters and Brownings etc.
I have not seen them yet but have a good amount of info.
Here are some of the milsurps to start.

CE41 K98k has sight and muzzle guards matching.
BYF43 K98K matching no sling.
CE44 98 (1941) mountain carbine
G33 40 (1942) mountain carbine
AC44 P38 matching Eagle 359
BYF43 P38 matching Eagle 135
P08 from 1942
Walther PP (WW2)
Local shop like Pack and Postal in Lancaster. They will price it out and make an offer. Family can take entire package or piece meal it out.
Good way to find out if you have run of the mill milsurp or something special.
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Yes, to an extent.
So am I, but I wasn't ready for my Dad's First Cousin's collection. It's been 9 years and it wasn't just firearms, Militaria, Railroadiana, Radios, Typewriters etc.
My parents basement and one garage bay are still full of stuff and they have two 20' steel containers in the yard, it used to be four. There were 987 Firearms.
I had the Armory in Woburn sell them off, some out of the shop but most were on gun broker.
So am I, but I wasn't ready for my Dad's First Cousin's collection. It's been 9 years and it wasn't just firearms, Militaria, Railroadiana, Radios, Typewriters etc.
My parents basement and one garage bay are still full of stuff and they have two 20' steel containers in the yard, it used to be four. There were 987 Firearms.
I had the Armory in Woburn sell them off, some out of the shop but most were on gun broker.
WOW. That is a ton of stuff.
WOW. That is a ton of stuff.
It took a while for the courts to grant my Dad control of the estate as there was no Will. We filled 9 Public Storage Units in Danvers. We had (2) 10'x30', (5) 10'x20', (1) 10'x15' & a Climate Controlled 10'x10'. All Firearms and Ammo went to a Bonded Warehouse. We also filled a 30 Yard Dumpster five times.
Noah's Motors in Saugus is the place for you

A few years ago I put manila tags on strong string on each of my rifles. One side of the tag gives the common name of the item and serial number, the reverse lists the caliber and type of ammo. Knives and bayonets get a tag too or a slip of paper in the items plastic bag.
I wouldn't want my family to not realize what s valuable if something should happen to me. For example, we just passed through the Covid business, and my neighbor found out he has advanced brain cancer (they misdiagnosed him for about a year) and there is always a threat of something sudden.
I have seen papers passed around listing firearms being sold by a widow. Sad.
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A few years ago I put manila tags on strong string on each of my rifles. One side of the tag gives the common name of the item and serial number, the reverse lists the caliber and type of ammo. Knives and bayonets get a tag too or a slip of paper in the items plastic bag.
I wouldn't want my family to not realize what s valuable if something should happen to me. For example, we just passed through the Covid business, and my neighbor found out he has advanced brain cancer (they misdiagnosed him for about a year) and there is always a threat of something sudden.
I seen papers passed around listing firearms being sold by a widow. Sad.
I plan to do that, and also use color coded tags to indicate which are family heirlooms and shouldn't be sold, which are collectors worth keeping long term, and which are just generic consumer items that can be sold for cash.
I have a list of mine but I like the idea of individual tags with all the important information.

My younger brother died Friday morning and according to his widow his weapons are spread throughout the house !! I Told her to look on his computer for a spread sheet listing of them, Hopefully, he made some sort of a list ! I told her that as she comes across them, to put them all in one place for when I get there !! I really doubt he had them individually tagged with notes. I had him listed in my will as the person to dispose of my collection when I die !! That didn't work out too well !! :(
Actually, starting many years ago, developed a system where I took plastic sleeves that go in 3-ring binders and made blank cover sheets for each gun I have. On the sheet I have the info on the gun - Mfr, caliber, date of mfr and space for drawing markings. Behind the cover sheet and in the sleeve I have the receipts and in many cases the actually letter I wrote in purchasing it. Some I actually have the page from the Shotgun news that the ad was in.
In other words, I have all the info and original documents on the gun in one (or more) 3-ring binder(s) and instead of digging the item out of storage, I can full the binder off the shelf and check.
I also made word docs for each gun and single sheet listings of serial numbers.
I have a list of mine but I like the idea of individual tags with all the important information.

My younger brother died Friday morning and according to his widow his weapons are spread throughout the house !! I Told her to look on his computer for a spread sheet listing of them, Hopefully, he made some sort of a list ! I told her that as she comes across them, to put them all in one place for when I get there !! I really doubt he had them individually tagged with notes. I had him listed in my will as the person to dispose of my collection when I die !! That didn't work out too well !! :(
My condolences on your loss. God bless.
I have a list of mine but I like the idea of individual tags with all the important information.

My younger brother died Friday morning and according to his widow his weapons are spread throughout the house !! I Told her to look on his computer for a spread sheet listing of them, Hopefully, he made some sort of a list ! I told her that as she comes across them, to put them all in one place for when I get there !! I really doubt he had them individually tagged with notes. I had him listed in my will as the person to dispose of my collection when I die !! That didn't work out too well !! :(
I'm sorry for your loss. I hope all works out well for your brother's family, including you.
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