I want an ALP

May 1, 2005
Somerville, MA
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Do you think it would be worth my time to try and contact the Chief of Somerville to see if I can get the "Sporting and Target" taken off my LTC A or do I have to wait until I move to a new town?
Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

Hints, suggestions, love and adoration are all appreciated...
I think you'll have to re-apply for any new changes to take effect.

Yes, of course its worth your time.
Unless you know 1) they DONT issued ALP's... then you chance getting dennied, or only getting a Class-B, there goes your full-cap mags

Just apply for a machine gun permit, and makee waves when you dont get it....
I just renewed my LTC for the 3th time in Somerville. With my original as well as the two prior renewals, all I was able to get was target and sporting and then I was lucky enough to get "employment" added.

I am happy to say that dilligence does pay off however, this time I finally received my ALP. My suggestion is to plan plan plan.. Make sure you have a firm "letter of purpose" as to why you should have an ALP and then have letters of character from friends , relatives and employers attesting to your character.

My experiences with SPD have always been pleasant and professional, albeit a bit frustrating when you dont get the ALP. Show them why you should have it and they will grant it

Note to self - I need to exercise my right to carry more while I DO have it......stationed in Boston but I am living in Nashua.......nothing quite as beautiful as carrying through downtown Boston in pinko commie land [twisted]
Make sure you have a firm "letter of purpose" as to why you should have an ALP and then have letters of character from friends , relatives and employers attesting to your character.

This is a load of BS!...if you have no criminal record and are not an "un-suitable" person, then there is no reason that they shouldn't issue you an ALP. Why should I need a letter of character from my friends,relatives or employer. Looks to me like you're guilty until proven innocent. [evil] :x

Just my .02 cents [wink]
This is a load of BS!...if you have no criminal record and are not an "un-suitable" person, then there is no reason that they shouldn't issue you an ALP. Why should I need a letter of character from my friends,relatives or employer.

Entirely true, but so what? As my granddaddy used to say (long before Starbucks) "should have", "would have", "might have" and "could have" in one hand and a nickel in the other will get you a cup of coffee. I guess I should change that to at least $1.25 (more if you're the Starbucks sort) but you'll notice that I haven't.

While I agree with you Mike that you shouldn't have to do it. If you want it bad enough in a community where it is difficult to get, you play by the rules and go the extra step to get it.

What I wrote was what it took me to get an ALP. It took me many years to learn that if you didnt go the extra mile in Somerville, then you will not have a chance at getting what you want. I now know that I'd rather do more and have an ALP than to be indiginant at the realization that they arent playing fair and walking away with a ""T & S " typed on my LTC.

MikeD122 said:
Make sure you have a firm "letter of purpose" as to why you should have an ALP and then have letters of character from friends , relatives and employers attesting to your character.

This is a load of BS!...if you have no criminal record and are not an "un-suitable" person, then there is no reason that they shouldn't issue you an ALP. Why should I need a letter of character from my friends,relatives or employer. Looks to me like you're guilty until proven innocent. [evil] :x

Just my .02 cents [wink]

Yes it is BS not to get an ALP, however, the only license you get is the Class C or FID card - that's the only one that's "shall issue" in this state. Either the Chief's haven't figured out that criminals won't go through this process, or, they're anti gun... Guess which one my pick is?
I live in Worcester and I had to do those letters of recomendation.Ya it's BS,but it's what you have to do.I just typed them up myself and had the 2 people sign them.I made sure to put my military service as a 11B.

Being that I am from California where it is impossible to get a LTC concealed unless you are a politician or a movie star,it wasn't that big of a deal.It would suck if you moved here from a common sense like state (NH,VA etc...) where all you have to go through is a background check.

Good luck and just play by the rules,this is Kennedy land ya know :)
Yeh, I've said it in the past that I'm moving to Arlington, which is a "green" town sited at packing.org. My lease is up in October. It took me a lot of hard work just to get my LTC A S&T so it'd be pretty hard to get an ALP in Somerville I suppose. But I like to complain about it. I mean, if I'm trustworthy enough to own a gun then why can't I carry it... It just doesn't make sense.
SiameseRat said:
I mean, if I'm trustworthy enough to own a gun then why can't I carry it... It just doesn't make sense.

And, this is the common sense question that NO ONE has ever been able to answer with an intelligent reply.
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