I was pulled in to a HR meeting at work due to the 2a.

Oct 8, 2012
Nanny State
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It finally happened. I had a meeting with my HR department and was asked/ warned not to discuss the second amendment, guns, ammo, or any pertaining to any kind of firearm. Here is the sad part, the only time I ever discuss any of this at work is when I am on my lunch break. During the meeting, I advised HR that if they/ or the people who made the complaint only understood the process that was required to get the permit, that they would understand that I am not one of the people who they should worry about. Then they mentioned Sandyhook. My reaction at that pont wasn't as polite. I told HR that i was extremely offended that they would bring up that conversation with me. I pointed out that by them bringing up Sandyhook, they where essentially accusing me of doing something that I would never do, and make me out to be some sort of villain. I then filed a grievance with HR against HR and advised them that next time they want to talk to me about something, that they should be more professional about it and do it with an attorney who specializes in employer to employee abuse. Now I am at my desk waiting to see if I get fired or keep my job.
I would be filing a complaint to. They just got dune lumping you into a group of people who kill children. Stay classy, HR.
I'm guessing with the way you say they talked to you, comparing you to a mass murderer, they're just looking for a reason to fire you.
She agreed that the 2a shouldnt be talked about at work, but she also said that what i do on my lunch break is my business.
What about religion, race, politics? Are these subjects also off limits to the sheeple? I'd wear my NRA hat to work tomorrow if I were you.
I'm guessing with the way you say they talked to you, comparing you to a mass murderer, they're just looking for a reason to fire you.
Nope, some wussy anti-gun liberal went to HR and said they were afraid of you because you own scary guns. You are being discriminated against for your beliefs. any attorney's here to offer an opinion and advise? MY GF's sister is a HR guru. If they harass you further I will ask her for an opinion on their treatment of you.
Scary gun owner you!
I think your employer is creating a hostile work environment.
You have rights you know.
I would find fellow employees discussing last nights episode of the view frightening.
Who will protect me?!?!?
I would take a few deep breaths, maybe even take the rest of the day off. Employment can't be taken for granted nowadays, however I doubt they're stupid enough to take any action against you so it's up to you if you just want to let it all blow over or if you want to pursue some kind of apology or whatever. I personally would relax and sleep on this a night or 10.
The HR dept. must be run by a bunch of amateurs. I would ask for a written apology or threaten to go to the state labor board.

This, and great job standing up for yourself. The Sandy Hook comment was way out of line. I wouldn't expect you to tell us where it is you work, but I'd love to know just out of curiosity.

Good luck with it all.
Although this is sad, I can't believe anyone is surprised by this. In most HR departments any conversation that offends can get you written up. This is the way of the world. Live with it or go work for yourself. The good news for you is that should you be "offended" by hr, or anyone discussing banning guns, you can file a complaint too. Hr will be mandated to take action on this, and hit the antis as well.
If they fired you I'm sure someone in the media would LOVE to pick up the story.

Yeah, they'd spin it that a law abiding gun owner threatened to shoot up the place like Sandy Hook, but thanks to the quick thinking of the HR staff and an increased police presence at the office, the crisis was avoided. What media outlet around here would take his side?
Don't wait for HR to be stupid again, get some legal advice and start the paper trail. Legal may advise you to take action now.
Never speak with HR again without a recording device; and make sure you tell them the mic is on...
Out of curiosity, which amendments are you permitted by your employer to discuss on your own time?

And just a piece of friendly advice no matter how strong your urges are do not openly post who your employer is, not that you would. Good luck.

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Ask them if your First Amendment Right protects your ability to discuss your Second Amendment Right.

You need to be mindfull of anyone around you that may overhear even a civil conversation you're having and take it out of context. If they mistake these conversations for a "gun nut rant" and suspect that you're creating a hostile workplace, HR will have to take "some" action. The conversation they had with you might just be that action.

Also, keep in mind that the First Amendment only applies to the government and even then has limitations. It doesn't give you any protection at your work place and also doesn't extend to schools.
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