I wrote a letter to the Boston globe

Key point from comments:

--Only LEO's should carry guns because training.*

*Excluding LEO's that have seen combat because PTSD.
*Excluding LEO's that haven't seen combat because "you don't know how you will react under fire until you've been there".

Well written OP, and congrats!

The comments make my head spin. Liberals are more concerned with the concealed carrier than any potential shooter. And they use John Wayne as some kind of slur. When did it become a bad thing to be a hero?
The comments make my head spin. Liberals are more concerned with the concealed carrier than any potential shooter.

They are concerned because they just learned that there are people legally carrying guns among them, and they don't know how to react. I'm not kidding, a substantial part of MA population, especially inside 128, have no idea that regular folks are allowed to carry guns.
I just saw this on the Globe's web site and was hoping it was a member here.

Very nicely done. So perfectly written. Long enough to make the point. Short enough so people keep reading. (My writing is too wordy, so I admire the ability to ake a point with brevity)

May I plagiarize some of what you wrote in my future efforts??
The comments seem to berate the author/OP for thinking he is Rambo and can save a train full of people. Yet I bet if he had instead said that he would only protect himself and his loved ones, he would be berated for being selfish and cowardly. You just can't reason with some people.
These are the pseudo pacifists that think violence begets violence. Fighting back against the criminal or crazy in their mind only makes it worse. One can't reason with people that logically challenged.

Licensed carrier on a train is a fear to them but the career felon doing the same illegally is not?

Good, lawful, or civilized people need to be better at violence than bad, unlawful, or uncivilized people. To the extent that the good people are so much better at violence, they rarely need to engage in use, as the bad are deterred or utterly defeated.

It's because they're afraid. Afraid of everything, but especially afraid of losing a fight. They think if they fight back against the criminal it will be worse for them because their baseline is that that have no confidence in their ability to protect themselves. They're pussies and cowards and project that on to everyone else. The result is that they hate and envy the type of person who CAN fight or at least has enough confidence and sense of self worth to think it's worthwhile to fight. They think well since I'm a helpless little pussyfag it's not fair that other people might have better outcomes so since I'm a bitch-ass coward who's afraid of guns, no one ought to be able to have them.
The retweets and reposting are so awwsome!

I'm wondering if I have a better chance of winning the next Powerball versus the chances of Bill Evans reposting your letter.
The comments make my head spin... they use John Wayne as some kind of slur. When did it become a bad thing to be a hero?

This struck me, too. If someone is capable and willing to defend a stranger, it's only ok if you're a cop?

Some comments suggest that the OP is delusional because he sees himself as a potential "hero," but isn't that exactly the same mentality that causes many people to go into law enforcement (to help people)?

The difference seems to be that they believe cops are "trained." What they don't understand is that most cops are not "gun people," they only shoot a few boxes of ammo per year (just enough to qualify), and many of us shoot handguns more accurately than most cops because we train much more often.
The comments blow me away!
This editorial is from "The Onion" right? This has to be a joke. Where was this dialogue lifted from, some Marvel comic book? In just a few short sentences, this editorial clearly lays out one of the many problems with guns today... Self styled, delusional vigilantes who fancy themselves to play the role of Liam Neeson in their own real life action drama version of "Taken". Leave the gun at home in a locked safe A.L. and buy a set of headphones for the train ride before you go and hurt yourself or God forbid kill some innocent bystander. A.L. people is exhibit 1 as to why we need better gun regulation in this great country of hours.
The comments blow me away!
Leave the gun at home in a locked safe A.L. and buy a set of headphones for the train ride.

I actually had my headphones on. I was curious enough buy what this guy was saying that I turned off Adele and I don't turn off Adele for anybody...
****ing Bostonians.

Psuedo-intellectual pussies, if they were only half as bright as they think they are.

Yes, I read the ****ing comments. [sad2]
The comments are exactly why my GUN won't help anyone but me and my family in MA. In a free state? Yeah I'll help anyone in need. In MA? Blow your rape whistle. I'll gun my way out of trouble and leave all the pants pissing liberals to die. **** them.

This link shows over 300 comments at this point - wonder why it's a bit different than your link....

^^^this is weird...some comments are good and some aren't...it's scary how many crazy people are out there that twisted/picked apart the letter...those are the crazy people...comments will be good lunchtime reading/entertainment...i wish there was a like/dislike/neutral requirement for each comment 1st post by a commenter (each user could only do it once) so there was a poll to tally up supporters vs non-supporters
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