If MA were given an enema, I know where the tube should go.

If MA were given an enema, where would the tube go?

  • Beacon Hill

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  • Framingham

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  • Quincy

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Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
160 Federal St, Boston, that's where.

How low can you get? Some miserable, misbegotten byblow of a diseased camel and a retarded goat stole a couple of magnetic RIBBONS off of my car!

I was in Boston this morning to do some work on a PBX (needed to power it down), and parked on Federal St across from 160. I was in the building for less than 45 minutes. I came out, got in and drove off.

I stopped in Needham on the way home to pick some stuff up at U-Do-It Electronics, and when I started walking away from my car I noticed that my yellow "support the troops" ribbon and my red, white & blue ribbon (with a Masonic emblem and the words Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth on it) had been STOLEN from the liftgate!

How low do you have to be to steal magnetic RIBBONS??

I gotta get a job outside of Boston... or maybe out of this state entirely. Yeesh.

Thanks for letting me vent.

I had one stolen off my car in Northampton. I let my nephew use it to go back and forth to work. I am surprised since hubby has been driving my car that none of my ribbons have been stolen.
my buddy had them stolen off his truck in Medford repeatedly. Then he put his NRA decal in the window and it stopped.

Framingham? why Framingham?

I dont fault you on not adding Cambridge, the hose goes right IN cambridge, to suck out the winning town.
Moderator said:
Lynne said:
Who says it only has to be one enema??? Make it multi tube - share the wealth. :D

A multi-tube Enema? Well looks like I'm not eating for a week. Thanks Lynne

Any time luv. ..especially after seeing your response to SR in the occupation thread. [lol] [lol] [lol]
Lynne said:
Moderator said:
Lynne said:
Who says it only has to be one enema??? Make it multi tube - share the wealth. :D

A multi-tube Enema? Well looks like I'm not eating for a week. Thanks Lynne

Any time luv. ..especially after seeing your response to SR in the occupation thread. [lol] [lol] [lol]

NO car decorations are safe in Boston. I drove my wife's Explorer in one day and parked in the big lot between the federal couthouse and the Courthouse T stop and someone stole the sorcerer Mickey antenna topper from her car.

And you can't even get that antenna topper any more... the one that was stolen looked like the hat that Mickey Mouse wore in Sorcerer's Apprentice; the new ones that we had to replace it with are a black ball, with mouse ears and a sorcerer's hat on top of it. Not the same.

God, I hate working in Boston.

KMaurer said:
dwarven1 said:
God, I hate working in Boston.

I worked on Beacon Hill for close to 9 years. I drove into Boston a grand total of 3 times over that period. :P

Yeah, well... until last month when I asked the "kid" I work with (there's 3 techs - the two senior techs are 58 and 45, and the level 2 tech is 27) if he wanted to pick up some extra cash by taking my on-call week, I drove in one week in 4 (when we had 4 techs) or one week in 3 (fourth guy got fired).

Since we get 8 hours of pay for a week of on call, plus whatever actual time we work, and expenses for taking our car into the city, he jumped at it. Far as I'm concerned, he's welcome to it. I know that my pager won't go off at night now, since I leave it at work when I leave for home!

Unfortunately, I had to install a Meridian Mail system yesterday, and to do so I needed to power down our phone system at 99 Summer St. Can't really do that during the work week, and I wanted to leave myself enough time just in case Murphy decided to come visit. Ergo, I drove in on a Saturday.

Why would you need an enema tube?

Just hook up the business end of an air hose, connected to a giant compressor, to the mouth of the Charles and flush both Cambridge and Boston out the colon of New England in one fell swoop.
Re: Why would you need an enema tube?

mAss Backwards said:
Just hook up the business end of an air hose, connected to a giant compressor, to the mouth of the Charles and flush both Cambridge and Boston out the colon of New England in one fell swoop.

We just need to relocate the one company in Cambridge that doesn't have a galloping hardon for the military first... Where can we put Draper Labs if we get rid of Cambridge? (they do guidance systems for everything from 16" guns in WW2 to the Apollo spacecraft to the Trident ICBMs - we definitely still need them around.)

[rant mode]Boston isn't the only place where magnetic ribbons get stolen from your vehicle.

My wife used to work at University Mall in South Burlington (VT). The ribbons that USED to be on the back of our Jeep were stolen TWICE. Now, since we figured we couldn't stop it, she put new ones INSIDE the windows.

Damn, I hate the G-D, F@#$ing Liberal Anti-War, Bleeding Heart trash thats in the Burlington area sometimes. Yeah, it only takes a couple of them to really frost my butt. The cowardly bastards don't have the sack to come up to our faces, they have to sneak behind our cars.[/rant mode]
Nickle said:
Damn, I hate the G-D, F@#$ing Liberal Anti-War, Bleeding Heart trash thats in the Burlington area sometimes. Yeah, it only takes a couple of them to really frost my butt. The cowardly bastards don't have the sack to come up to our faces, they have to sneak behind our cars.

See, that's what I don't understand.

One of the ribbons that was stolen was red, white & blue, with the symbol for the Freemasons (the Square & Compasses) in the middle, and it said "Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth".

So what does that mean? My ribbons were stolen by a Knight of Columbus or a Moose or an Elk? (No, I don't really believe that - I'm being sarcastic).

I mean, OK, if someone hates our military, I understand why s/he stole the Support Our Troops ribbon, but why steal the Masonic one?

That would assume that the thief either could read or knew what the square and compass indicate. The asshat most likely just saw red, white and blue and assumed that it must have been one of those war-mongering Americans. (Simple-minded twits wouldn't have the slightest clue that those are also the colors of the French, Dutch, Russian, Norwegian and a whole bunch of other flags.)

KMaurer said:
That would assume that the thief either could read or knew what the square and compass indicate. The asshat most likely just saw red, white and blue and assumed that it must have been one of those war-mongering Americans.

War-mongering Americans who put the phrase "Brotherly love, relief and truth" on the ribbon??? That would really take some kind of a really brain-dead in-DUH-vidual!

Heck, the last war-mongering that Freemasons did was done by guys named Franklin, Hancock, Revere, Washington, etc. Two hundred and twenty nine years ago!!
dwarven1 said:
War-mongering Americans who put the phrase "Brotherly love, relief and truth" on the ribbon??? That would really take some kind of a really brain-dead in-DUH-vidual!

Heck, the last war-mongering that Freemasons did was done by guys named Franklin, Hancock, Revere, Washington, etc. Two hundred and twnety nine years ago!!

Again, requireing the totally unfounded assumption that the perp was actually capable of reading English. Even then, "Brotherly love, relief and truth" might really be code words for some sort of Pax Americana plot. After all, look at what "equality" and "diversity" are now supposed to mean: preferences, and a lot of different people all thinking the same way. :( :(

BTW, are you a member of DNRC as well as the Masons?

KMaurer said:
dwarven1 said:
War-mongering Americans who put the phrase "Brotherly love, relief and truth" on the ribbon??? That would really take some kind of a really brain-dead in-DUH-vidual!

Again, requireing the totally unfounded assumption that the perp was actually capable of reading English.

Ken beat me to it. That's given that the ass hats can read (never mind English, just read period).
dwarven1 said:
KMaurer said:
BTW, are you a member of DNRC as well as the Masons?

Yes, and so's my wife. She's the Minister in Charge of Torturing the Data Until It Confesses.

So many inDuhviduals, so little ammunition. I guess that's why we have WMD's, including (such diverse elements as) sarcasm and satire. Sarcasm, satire and ... Damn, I'll come in again.

Ken (temporarly assigned to the perennially underfunded mixing metaphores project)
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