IFAK. What am I missing?

The original powder stuff (that cam brought up a couple posts above) is frown upon now, I think, and has been for years. The quick clot gauze replaced it and seemed to be well received, but perhaps that too is now out of favor. I’m not sure what the current TCCC viewpoint is.

I believe that was due to folks literally packing it (powder) deep into large wounds and the Docs having to take more time to completely flush it all out before treating and to prevent infection once it’s sealed again.

That’s when the gauze came about that was infused with it and didn’t require that type of flush to treatment time.

There’s also individual use plungers now filled with say, a dozen small sponges infused with quickclot agents. You push the turkey baster looking syringe into the wound, press the plunger and it feeds sponges into it. Much easier for the docs to remove quickly.

On smaller but somewhat clean, deep cuts the powder can be used topically and doesn’t need to be packed, sprinkle it over the top, steri strip it, sprinkle some more and wrap it tight til you can get the proper sutures if needed.
Don’t lock your minds into a singular SOP simply because that’s the way it’s always been in your experience and you only ever carried one size pouch. People should evolve and adapt to what the individual needs and environment is.


IMO first aid kits should be tailored to the activity. The kit that lives in your range bag should be stocked differently than the one that goes into your tackle box.

IMO first aid kits should be tailored to the activity. The kit that lives in your range bag should be stocked differently than the one that goes into your tackle box.

Yes, but there’s a difference between a first aid kit and an acronym-ized “IFAK”. An IFAK can be tailored to the situation(like adding an epi-pen if you have deadly allergies) but the intent is still immediate life saving care. A personal tailored first aid kit for whatever you’re doing is great though and more useful to most people.
I put my kit together for the range, with a focus on gunshot wounds.
Every class or organized competition I go to, they ask who has Medical Training, Im always dumb enough to volunteer. My EMT is long expired, but I figure they award EFMBs for life
No way will I sit on my hands if someone gets accidentally shot.


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The last class I went to, I asked about modern quick clot. It was explained to me that it is basically clay powder and is chemically inert. It does not create any heat.
Multi-part series intro might give you an idea of what goes on/what it takes; but be patient with it, there is good info in there...
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I guess you do!

Is this an ankle holster that is serving as an IFAK, or is it purposely designed?

Photo of load-out please... [smile]
That looks pretty good for trail running out in the sticks and such. Does it stay secure?
I guess you do!

Is this an ankle holster that is serving as an IFAK, or is it purposely designed?

Photo of load-out please... [smile]

It is a purpose built AIFAK by Ryker Nylon Gear.
I don't have any pictures of what is in it, but here is a list (the contents sometimes fluctuates).
- seat belt cutter.
- mini EMT shears.
- two HyFin Chest Seals.
- two 3"x 4 yard rolled gauze.
- one old school USGI pressure bandage.
- Arclite Cuda.

That looks pretty good for trail running out in the sticks and such. Does it stay secure?
I don't trail run, but it stays secure enough for me on the infrequent run of <100 yards.
Nice load-out for its size. Good vid also.

I've got stubby legs though. If I ran the IFAK and a BUG rig, there would be so much cross-friction that It would double as a fire-starter... [rofl2]
I do love my Daltech Boot Wrap ankle BUG rig though... Thanks cams!
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I do love my ankle BUG rig though... Thanks cams!
Ankle carry is great. Nothing to jab you in the ribs sitting in the car, and most people who see a little bulge on your ankle aren't expecting a gun so never connect the dots. I'm partial to a J frame airweight in one of these neoprene holsters:
I use a Daltech Boot Wrap ankle rig that I was turned onto by cams... [smile]
I only wear Boots...or, tactical sandals. [rofl2]

I do have to point out, I usually wear the ankle rig with boots. With sneakers, it slides down too much for my taste, though I suppose I could fix that with one of those straps that reaches above the calf. It still works, but it's just not as perfect as with boots.
I do have to point out, I usually wear the ankle rig with boots. With sneakers, it slides down too much for my taste, though I suppose I could fix that with one of those straps that reaches above the calf. It still works, but it's just not as perfect as with boots.
Yeah, the boot wrap is super secure and has no wobble on presentation. Not sure I'd ever use the garter-belt thingy...

Glad you like it brother. 👌🏻
Super comfortable, slim, secure, doesn’t move an inch all day long and you forget you’re wearing it.
Yep. One of the best recommendations I've ever gotten. Must be the Source...
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I do have to point out, I usually wear the ankle rig with boots. With sneakers, it slides down too much for my taste, though I suppose I could fix that with one of those straps that reaches above the calf. It still works, but it's just not as perfect as with boots.

Try the Daltech, it’s made for that exact reason. Only like 30-40.00 and holds up very well.

It comes stock with one sewn in pouch w/ Velcro closure for a spare mag on the opposite side. I contacted their CS and asked for 2 pouches to be sewn instead of 1. No problem at all she said.
It fits Glock mags, 1911 mags, LCP mags, knife, flashlight, whatever, stretchy and secured. Very useful little holster set up.
Yeah, the boot wrap is super secure and has no wobble on presentation. Not sure I'd ever use the garter-belt thingy...

Yep. One of the best recommendations I've ever gotten. Must be the Source...

Oh shit. lol I wouldn’t go that far man, I was prolly just sober that night. 😂😂😂🤪
I suppose it would make an excellent IFAK ankle rig to...

I pack a J-frame and nothing in the spare mag slot. Might have to try a CAT or RATS TQ in it...

I guess you do!

Is this an ankle holster that is serving as an IFAK, or is it purposely designed?

Photo of load-out please... [smile]

John Lovell from warrior poet wears an ankle IFAK. They have their own version:

I personally don’t have one, but respect Lovell and his thought processes from what I know of him.
I enjoy his vids. I think he had one reviewing different TQ's with a Combat Medic that was interesting...
I've been seriously considering buying one of his. All the others I've seen simply don't fit under my pants, but this one seems like it might.
Also, to ensure the pants will adequately cover and keep my ankle gun & ankle trauma kit concealed, I use the distance of my splayed fingers (~9") to check the cuff.

Cargo pantcuff width.jpg
Some guys are losing point of what an IFAK is vs having a first aid/medical bag

A vast majority don’t realize that they are to be used on you, by someone else, so you don’t die where you were hit/fell and are to hopefully keep you alive long enough to get to safety/definitive care. People think they are aid bags.
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