Interview questions


NES Member
May 28, 2008
22 Acacia Ave
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My good friend will soon become a member to this site (currently a lurker) so I figured I would start embarassing him now. He recently took his NRA course and is getting ready for the application and interview. He lives in Green Westfield. Many of you guys are much more articulate than I, and I would appreciate any sample questions and answers for him. I tried searching and weeding through threads. I figured a thread just on interview Q&A would be helpful to any newbie looking for quick info. Thanks guys and gals
The only question that came into play for me when they were trying to undersell me an inferior license was "Can I defend myself with that license?." Obviously only a class A ALP will let you conceal carry unrestricted so they knew they had to answer "No" to which you can respond "Well, I'd like the class A ALP then."
definitely depends on the town and their officers.

i wasn't asked any questions related to the license, when i was filling out the application we talked about the weather and pets. we also had a good laugh about the ice storm, the PC were doing the online application on was running on emergency power since the power was still out and the police station was on generator power. the power would click on and off followed by all sorts of curse words from all the officers in the station. [laugh]

best of luck to your friend, if it's a green town hopefully the process will be smooth and easy.
I was asked "so you work at ****" (to which I responded "yessir")

Then he asked me why I wanted the permit ("mostly target shooting, but also self defense").

That was it for me in Somerville.
In Arlington, the infamous Lt White took all of the stuff I wrote under reason of issuance and crossed it out. Then he wrote in All Lawful Purposes. Most folks didn't like White, but for some reason he liked me.

The guy that replaced him in Arlington will ask only one question, "Did you have to wait long?" and then he will give the ALP.
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