Jay Severin back on the air, discussing Boston PD using 'assault rifles' as I type

Uhmmm, I think you have more important things to think about Devalue. [angry]


Gov. Blasts Station For Returning Severin To Talk Show
Host Suspended After Making Comments About Mexicans

BOSTON -- Gov. Deval Patrick blasted a local radio station for allowing one of its talk show hosts to return to the airwaves after making derogatory statements about Mexican immigrants.

Jay Severin returned to his 96.9 FM WTKK show this week after he was suspended for the comments he made during a discussion about swine flu. Severin called Mexican immigrants "criminaliens," "primitives," "leeches," and exporters of "women with mustaches and VD" last month.

During the governor's monthly segment on WTKK, Patrick said he was "embarrassed" to be associated with the station, according to the Boston Herald.

"I found Jay Severin’s comments on the air about Mexicans hateful and hurtful, really just way over the line and I was just as disappointed, frankly, that the station chose to let him resume broadcasting this week," Patrick said.

The governor said there should be a way to engage on issues "without demeaning people who differ from us in background or point of view," the Herald reported.

Greater Media, Inc. said in a statement last weekend that Severin understands repeated comments won't be tolerated. On the air Tuesday, Severin said he was "truly regretful" for his April remarks and apologized.

Awwww, pobrecita. Patrick not liking him is a statement on his behalf IMO [laugh]

Heaven forbid the gov's unhappy about something.

Iffn ya don't like it luv, feel free to leave. [rolleyes]
Screw him. He appears on Jim the Red and Margery the anti-gun liberal`s show. Good, maybe he won`t appear anymore. Personally, and from what I`ve read, I think Severin`s suspension had more to do with his salary than it did about what he said about criminaliens.
i like Severin, even thou he can seem a little elitist at times.
Screw him. He appears on Jim the Red and Margery the anti-gun liberal`s show. Good, maybe he won`t appear anymore. Personally, and from what I`ve read, I think Severin`s suspension had more to do with his salary than it did about what he said about criminaliens.
i like Severin, even thou he can seem a little elitist at times.

Ding ding ding! The whole thing reads to me like enforced salary negotiations with the suspension as a club to beat Severin with. Both his and the stations ratings have gone down as has TKK's advertising rev. Sounds like a little contract renegotiation to me.
Deval said:
During the governor's monthly segment on WTKK, Patrick said he was "embarrassed" to be associated with the station, according to the Boston Herald.

Good, perhaps he will disassociate himself from WTKK.
Ding ding ding! The whole thing reads to me like enforced salary negotiations with the suspension as a club to beat Severin with. Both his and the stations ratings have gone down as has TKK's advertising rev. Sounds like a little contract renegotiation to me.

I like Jay's show but it has waaaay too many commercials for my tastes.

I like michael Graham's show a lot more. He's not an inflated gas bag. But Jay is on on comute time and Jay'll do.
It is according to the dictionary (websters), Mass General Law, and the United States Code. What source material can you point to that states it needs to be select fire in order to be an assualt rifle?

I think you'll find all of those define an "assault weapon", not an "assault rifle." The later is defined by most military sources as a select-fire weapon using an intermediate cartridge, excluding anything that's merely semi-automatic, such as your great grandfather's Auto-5 shotgun.

I think you'll find all of those define an "assault weapon", not an "assault rifle." The later is defined by most military sources as a select-fire weapon using an intermediate cartridge, excluding anything that's merely semi-automatic, such as your great grandfather's Auto-5 shotgun.



Please take a moment to look back a few pages and you'll see more on this topic. Websters has defined "Assault Rifle" since 1972. The MGL has defined "Assault Weapon" since 1994 (when it referenced the USC). Encyclopedia Britannica equates rifle to weapon.


I think Severin is a little bit more of his OLD self now that he's returned.

He's pointing out both sides of arguments (gay marriage specifically this week), which I what I enjoyed about him years ago. I quit listening for a long time after Romney started running, because he started toting the neoconservative line... which he still kind of is in respects to his thoughts on our middle east relations.

With any luck, he continues on this streak and comes off more and more Libertarian, as he did in days of old.

I've been listening with much delight the last 2 days. During his suspension, I was listening to Alex Jones podcasts and fishing through AM talk stations [frown]
Trained by a Navy SEAL ? ... huh. While our Special Forces are holy men AFAIK , it doesn't mean they are good trainers. I believe every SF group does what we do - seek out the advice of civilian specialists/champions.

Still needs to get the Mass Approved Safety class. And deal w/ Manchester C.ofP.

... what caliber do ya think he carries ?

A few months ago he said he carries a .357.
Is is just me or has anyone else noticed that Jay has not referenced Michael Graham since his return. If he has then maybe I just missed it, but I wonder if there is a little behind the scenes bad blood going on. Or maybe it's like when a baseball palyer has a homerun drought all the players stay in the dugout to razz him... I dunno. I just think it would be a shame for those two to be at odds with each another.
Is is just me or has anyone else noticed that Jay has not referenced Michael Graham since his return. If he has then maybe I just missed it, but I wonder if there is a little behind the scenes bad blood going on. Or maybe it's like when a baseball palyer has a homerun drought all the players stay in the dugout to razz him... I dunno. I just think it would be a shame for those two to be at odds with each another.

He has! [wink]

Nothing to see here...move along.

Please take a moment to look back a few pages and you'll see more on this topic. Websters has defined "Assault Rifle" since 1972.
Have you found an online source for older Webster's dictionary definitions? I was not able to. I do have a 1985 Webster's, but it's the Collegiate version and does not define "assault weapon" or "assault rifle".
The MGL has defined "Assault Weapon" since 1994 (when it referenced the USC).
Ken is right here as the MGL and USC definitions of "assault weapon" do not include select or automatic fire rifles.
Encyclopedia Britannica equates rifle to weapon.
Kinda, sorta, but in some ways not really.

First, Britanica does not even define "assault weapon" (at leas online). Their basic definition of "assault rifle" is:
military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.
This, along with most of the rest of the definition, clearly defines an assault rifle to be an automatic fire military weapon consistent with the classical definition.

Then, at the end of the definition they add:
In those countries where assault rifles can be purchased in the civilian market, their sale is subject to various restrictions, such as the elimination of automatic action and of the capacity to fire high-performance military ammunition.
This line extends the definition to include semi-automatic assault weapons, yet it is inconsistent with the rest of the definition which say it is a military automatic fire rifle. To me this appears to be an after-thought, recent addition that confuses the whole matter.

As I alluded to above I'd be really interested in the history of the definition of "assault rifle" in Webster's (and/or Britanica). For example, what was the definition of "assault rifle" up until 1990 or so, and then during the federal AWB? Same for "assault weapon". When did semi-auto-only rifles become included in the definition of "assault rifle"?
I see he`s still going to be on WTKK. Hypocrite!

Of course he's staying. He's a Lib - they don't have the backbone to put their $'s where their mouths are usually. He'd lose his FREE podium to blather on about his wonderulness if he left the program.
I've heard him say he owns and M&P 9 and a snub S&W .357. Never heard him say he carries them though. Always implies they are in his home and for home protection.

Someone said he is married, how do you know?

Something bigger than what appears on the surface was going on. He has said a hundred comments in the past just as bad as the Mexican ones. In fact, I think he basically stated the same damn thing a bunch of times in the past.
He is married, I have met his wife. He also has a couple beautiful children as he says on the radio.

Thanks for the info... I had never heard him mention any of them, just vague references to "my family". I was never sure if that meant he's in a big old house all by himself and various relatives might come by.

I hope he keeps his (possibly alleged) sexual exploits to himself though. No need to publicly disrespect his family like that.
He is married, I have met his wife. He also has a couple beautiful children as he says on the radio.

I kinda knew that..

If you listen to him he plays himself off as pimp mac daddy with the Korean chicks.He is always alluding to how much he is infatuated with Katy Couric etc...

Bottom line is he really disrespects his wife(with his fantasy pimp exploits) on the radio.
I've heard him say he owns and M&P 9 and a snub S&W .357. Never heard him say he carries them though. Always implies they are in his home and for home protection.

Someone said he is married, how do you know?

Something bigger than what appears on the surface was going on. He has said a hundred comments in the past just as bad as the Mexican ones. In fact, I think he basically stated the same damn thing a bunch of times in the past.

he carries... there are pictures floating around on the web of him showing his holster at events he has attended. like the monthly live event at kens i think.
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