Just bought an M2 conversion kit


NES Member
Jan 27, 2009
Central NH and Boston Metro West
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So I just bought a M2 conversion kit.

I love shooting my M1 Carbine, so a full auto version should be even better, right.


I'm not sure, but the price was right.
Anyone with any insight into the joys of this toy please chime in.


Conversion kit is the registered part.

It goes into any old M1. Also, this is not a kluge crap way of doing things, like a DIAS in an AR15.

When the War Department decided they wanted to make a version of the M1 Carbine select fire halfway through WWII, the design was done with the intention that it would be field retrofitable to existing guns.

Here is a vid from Adco that pretty well describes it.

Ok so how does one buy a M2 kit. My plan was to but a M2 when I finally got my MA MG permit.
2 kids later those plans came to a full stop....now looking around I see it appears there are less transferable items for sale right now.
No experience myself, but my dad had one in the Philippines late in the war and called it an ammo waster...said couldn't hit anything with it on full auto...
Ok so how does one buy a M2 kit. My plan was to but a M2 when I finally got my MA MG permit.
2 kids later those plans came to a full stop....now looking around I see it appears there are less transferable items for sale right now.

There are plenty around, if you know where to look.

Get on midwest tactical / Frank Goepfert's email list. He gets new stuff daily. He sends out a couple a week and they are always fun to look at.

Obviously GB is a choice.

But another choice that some don't know about is sturmgewehr.com in the NFA section.


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No experience myself, but my dad had one in the Philippines late in the war and called it an ammo waster...said couldn't hit anything with it on full auto...

That's pretty much the case with any assault rifle run full auto. First shot goes true then all the rest are just "area fire".
Ok so how does one buy a M2 kit. My plan was to but a M2 when I finally got my MA MG permit.
2 kids later those plans came to a full stop....now looking around I see it appears there are less transferable items for sale right now.

Same way as a complete M2 carbine, find a registered kit and same process as complete gun. But don't expect it to be any cheaper, the "host" gun is essentially "free". About the only "premium" priced M2 carbines are original (C&R) M2 marked guns. Basically all the other M2 are conversions (or re-welds), I've seen registered receivers, registered trigger groups, mine was a registered "trip" lever. All the parts were/are readily available, so until 86 it was literally as easy filing a Form 1 and collecting the needed parts, engrave your info on one of them and you had a "registered M2 kit".

I do miss my M2 carbine, they are great little guns
The m1 carbine is honestly my favorite long gun of all time. An m2 would be a great addition. Probably not in this lifetime though :-(
Yeah, I,Wil be lucky to pick up anything ... 3 kids , cost of living......my pay is not keeping up.
Just got the invoice from the seller. Form 3 is approved and item is on its way once my check clears.

Woo hoo. I've stocked up on carbine ammo since I started this thread.

Now I'm having second thoughts about using my only M1 carbine, a pristine better than service grade Inland CMP gun, as a host.

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nice looking rifle there. wish i had known ove the cmp back when they had carbines. i think i should buy another garand before that supply dried up, never know when but it'll come eventually
Just found out it shipped. Very exciting.

I'm thinking that this would be an awesome host.

Well, you all are not going to believe this but the kit was lost in transit.

I'm very disappointed. It went into the FedEx facility in South Windsor CT and never came out.
I completed an ATF Form 3310.6 and spoke to an ATF investigator. It must have been lost because to the untrained eye an M2 conversion kit just looks like a box of levers and machine parts. Too bad.
Well, you all are not going to believe this but the kit was lost in transit.

I'm very disappointed. It went into the FedEx facility in South Windsor CT and never came out.
I completed an ATF Form 3310.6 and spoke to an ATF investigator. It must have been lost because to the untrained eye an M2 conversion kit just looks like a box of levers and machine parts. Too bad.
I wonder if it will show up once the employees on the shift in question have the BATFmen start askkng questions. Maybe you're right, but what a coincidence for a registered MG part to go missing.

And bummer for you, especially when it was all planned out!
Its been 2 months since it went missing. I held out hope it would turn up. The shipper shipped on 12/17. It was right in the thick of the Christmas chaos. I don't know if you read about all the trouble FedEx had over Christmas, but it was a mess.

I reported it within 48 hours as required. But I still expected it to turn up. Because again, it really is pretty useless unless you know what it is and own an M1 Carbine. But no joy. I just got a refund check from the seller.

No experience myself, but my dad had one in the Philippines late in the war and called it an ammo waster...said couldn't hit anything with it on full auto...
Early in the Vietnam war we had full auto M14's, try hitting anything with that !
If I recall correctly the M2 has a high cyclic rate so if you ever get to build one, get lots of ammo and I don't know about CT but in Ma, you can't let anyone without a MG license even touch one of your MGs. I don't know if that's legal but who wants to be the test case?
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