Justice Kavanaugh

Keep your arms close by and your powder dry...this is going to get downright dirty. I hope they are sequestering these Senators in a safehouse until the vote tomorrow. I'm hoping that Daines' plane stays in the air...
I actually appreciated collins’ speech. Lengthy, yes, but she systematically went through every issue that has been raised, including extensive research on his decisions, touching on all the issues that his detractors have complained about and systematically debunked them. We actually need more of this factual approach and less of the raw emotional and ideological crap. Pure analytical approach. Refreshing, regardless of whether you agree with her or not. You have to give her credit - she did her homework.
If I were a US Senator right now, especially one that is a swing vote for K, I'd go totally incommunicado...turn my cell phone and computer off until after the vote tomorrow. Emcon condition A...
It ain't over until the final vote is cast, but yes, I hope that we are in that position tomorrow.

It will be glorious watching the meltdown,more than the after Trump meltdown.

Honestly,I am more interested to see a complete meltdown by the left than seeing Cavanaugh on the SCOTUS.:D
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I just got done touring the comments sections on a few far left websites. I hope this thing goes down in the next 20 minutes so I can stand up and walk out of here without embarrassing myself.
Moms Demand Action must be losing their shit right now.

Why do all these women's groups give themselves names like Moms Demand Action and PoundMeToo - and then run around complaining that men are groping their titties?

Then they wonder why men think women are insane...............................
I actually appreciated collins’ speech. Lengthy, yes, but she systematically went through every issue that has been raised, including extensive research on his decisions, touching on all the issues that his detractors have complained about and systematically debunked them. We actually need more of this factual approach and less of the raw emotional and ideological crap. Pure analytical approach. Refreshing, regardless of whether you agree with her or not. You have to give her credit - she did her homework.

I had previously thought that Susan Collins was a bit slow and maybe feeble minded. She is sharp as a tack even though she speaks slowly. Her speech was so compelling. This speech might go down in history as one of our nation's best. If only the left will take their fingers out of their ears and listen.

How is it that these protesters are allowed to roam the halls of the senate, get on restricted elevators, and even infiltrate the senate gallery? Is this how easy it would be for a terrorist to come in and blow up the senate chambers? I think new security measures are in order.

I'm pretty sure they do get signed in, most likely by a (D) Senator.
I thought Collins speech was long but she did hit every point that there was no proof. I hope Kavanaugh does get confirmed tomorrow. I told my wife this morning there doesn’t seem to be any security there if you can just walk up to the senators.
It will be glorious watching the meltdown,more than the after Trump meltdown.

Honestly,I am more interested to see a complete meltdown by the left than seeing Cavanaugh on the SCOTUS.

The best part is the residual bonus multiplier effect for every non moonbat in america. The more these people go full retard the more they self-isolate from everyone else. Including a constant trickle of middle dems divorcing the party, etc, or independents who often voted dem making a choice to stay far away, etc.

The scraping/screeching noise will be horrific, but in the long term they're just burying and isolating themselves even further with this.

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