Justice Kavanaugh

post 4503

I hope I am wrong,but there is no way Cavanaugh gets confirmed in this media controlled climate.Any politicians that vote yes will be deemed sexist and rape supporters.

Once again,Liberal tactics win against Republicans afraid to offend anybody by standing on their principles.

too bad nothing is at stake, you could have at least offered to eat your shoe!
How is it that these protesters are allowed to roam the halls of the senate, get on restricted elevators, and even infiltrate the senate gallery? Is this how easy it would be for a terrorist to come in and blow up the senate chambers? I think new security measures are in order.
My guess is they are invited by the opposition. They are there and they have a job to do.
Smother her with a pillow in her sleep while she's on a hunting retreat, then ensure there's no autopsy.

Ginsberg strikes me more of a beach bitch, so find a Confederate shark, put a laser beam on his freakin' head, and give him his marching orders.

He can go into the Shark Hall of Fame next to Jaws and Megalodon.
Trump and the R’s should develop a plan for when the Ginsburg is no longer able to serve.

Yea they should. Because you know the left already has a plan for every republican appointed judge on every court of appeals could possibly appoint someone from. This demonstrates those plans were cooked up years in advance too. So - get on it Rs. The battle appears over but the war goes on.
Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) | Twitter

I wonder what real effect protesters have on a person. My experiences tell me that if you start screaming in the face of someone or even cause an inconvenience to someone that the primal response is to do the exact opposite of what the protester wants. Who wants to cooperate with irrational and childish behavior. I am curious if the protesting actually caused any undecided senator to actually vote for Kav, perhaps even on a subconscious level.
I wonder what real effect protesters have on a person. My experiences tell me that if you start screaming in the face of someone or even cause an inconvenience to someone that the primal response is to do the exact opposite of what the protester wants. Who wants to cooperate with irrational and childish behavior. I am curious if the protesting actually caused any undecided senator to actually vote for Kav, perhaps even on a subconscious level.

I think all the threats to Collins and her staff backfired on the dems. Who wants to be seen giving in to that shit?
Baker should take a lesson from Collins. Before you jump to conclusions and make statements that are clearly just pandering, why don’t you do some homework.
I think all the threats to Collins and her staff backfired on the dems. Who wants to be seen giving in to that shit?


Constituents: "So we wanted you to do this, but you didn't do it only because you were scared of some howling ultra moonbat with poorly done colored hair? "

The optics of that look horrifically bad. I mean she probably could have made up some other excuse, but the horse would have been out of the barn by that
point. EG- that she had been influenced by harassement of leftists.

I had previously thought that Susan Collins was a bit slow and maybe feeble minded. She is sharp as a tack even though she speaks slowly. Her speech was so compelling. This speech might go down in history as one of our nation's best. If only the left will take their fingers out of their ears and listen.

I think her speech was one for the ages, should be mandatory viewing in High School Social Studies classes. She made an awful lot of people look very small and gave plenty of cover to a few that needed it.
pretty sure Murkowski just pooped on her own career. the people of AK will replace her over this. both Manchin and Collins have a lot to lose if they vote no, but I think Manchin has a few IQ points on Collins (which isn't saying much) so he is aware that he needs to vote yes.

it is truly amazing how out-of-touch these people are with their own constituency.
Its the Obamacare vote all over again. Everyone hated it but they voted for it anyway.
Manchin will payback this vote to the Dems in spades on the next important vote.

There is a better than average chance he's going to lose his seat to the current attorney general. It is a very tight race with polls showing manchin down 3%. This could be his hail mary!
I think all the threats to Collins and her staff backfired on the dems. Who wants to be seen giving in to that shit?

If you listen to her speech it wasn’t even close for her, she was voting yes all along. She chose to keep her powder dry and for good reason. Her speech really shamed a lot of Dems and it carries more weight since she’s a woman and a moderate. This was the intellectual counterpart to Lindsey Graham’s Fire & brimstone. If Kavanaugh gets confirmed he owes it to those two and for being a tough son of a bitch and not taking Dems shit.
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