Justice Kavanaugh

She spoke for nearly a full hour – recounted each and every detail of Kavanaugh’s confirmation process….and how she had weighed the evidence and lack of corroboration – for and against him.

She did blast the person who leaked the Ford letter. Even as she was speaking Capitol Police were clearing protesters from in front of her office – arresting six.
Looks like there might be some nice compilation videos soon of people having a meltdown. I sometimes watch the ones from 2016 because I’m a sick mofo who feeds on their tears and sadness.
I cant wait to see those. I still watch the ones from the 2016 election. The liberal tears are now "direct action" so we are in a very dangerous time... pols have to confront this and take evil hacks like Soros out of the equation, maybe freeze all his assets.
I cant wait to see those. I still watch the ones from the 2016 election. The liberal tears are now "direct action" so we are in a very dangerous time... pols have to confront this and take evil hacks like Soros out of the equation, maybe freeze all his assets.
Freeze something else.
Charlie was on the news tonight and among the other things he doesn't like about Kavenaugh is his stance on the 2nd amendment .
Anyone still want to throw him a vote because he's better than a Dem ?

Crying Charlie is a hostage without any chance of being exchanged for a pound of rotten cabbage. NEVER EVER I WILL VOTE FOR THAT TRAITOR!
Elizabeth Warren
I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Brett Kavanaugh has disqualified himself from sitting on the Supreme Court – but Senate Republicans are preparing to confirm him anyway. Now is the time to march, to stand up, to speak out.
Pocahontas is painting faces.........Fools will follow her. Sessions needs to stop his addiction to melatonin!
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Kavanaugh should not be on Supreme Court, Baker says - The Boston Globe

“I’ve had concerns about Kavanaugh’s views, especially on Roe v. Wade, for quite a while,” Baker told reporters after an unrelated event at Harvard University. “I don’t think anything happened during the confirmation process to change my mind. So for that reason — primarily that reason, but others — I don’t believe he should be on the Supreme Court.”
Baker said he has “some concerns about some of his issues with respect to gun policy as well,” but emphasized that Kavanaugh’s view on Roe v. Wade, the 1973 abortion rights decision, is the issue he has been “primarily concerned about since the beginning.”
Hey, Charlie, you have no right to $ht on law abiding citizens when The House of Crying Bakers is not in order!
Little information available on status of groping case involving Gov. Charlie Baker's son, AJ Baker
At a meeting Wednesday with editors and reporters from The Republican / MassLive, Gov. Baker was asked whether the results of the investigation should be made public.

The governor said he supported the independent investigation from the beginning and said the allegations were serious.

"But the decisions with respect to the public release on this stuff, those belong to the U.S. Attorney, and he doesn't work for me," he said.

Gov. Baker said further questions should be directed at the U.S. Attorney. "Beyond that, it's a family (matter), and that's really who you should be directing your questions at," he said, referring to the U.S. Attorney.

View: https://youtu.be/LwsOywc2t0U
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Brain dead Pelosi compares Kav to Kim Jong Un according to Sen. Kennedy. Funny stuff from the sick left.

Louisiana Republican Sen. John N. Kennedy blasted House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi for comparing Judge Brett Kavanaugh to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

"I guess there's a similarity that people have with the people they respect," she said. "[He's] crazy about Putin, in love with Kim Jong Un, and thinks Kavanaugh is a great, upstanding person."

"He doesn't even know what he's talking about," she said of Trump.

Fox News
Brain dead Pelosi compares Kav to Kim Jong Un according to Sen. Kennedy. Funny stuff from the sick left.

This is mild. Lefties are traveling all around the globe giving interviews and speeches in which they keep throwing irrational dirt on Our President. Their statements are so bold that even commie European reporters can't believe it. The latest is from Madeline Albright:
Madeleine Albright: Given their own histories, I’m stunned by CEE states’ treatment of refugees | Radio Prague

“Donald Trump is the most undemocratic president in modern American history. I do not call him a fascist, but I think that there are a number of tendencies that make me very nervous.”
“One of the things that he’s done is to label people, particularly Muslims, that are coming into the country, or Mexicans as being drug dealers and terrorists and a number of different things.
“And that part is similar to this combination of authoritarian and fascist.
I wonder what real effect protesters have on a person. My experiences tell me that if you start screaming in the face of someone or even cause an inconvenience to someone that the primal response is to do the exact opposite of what the protester wants. Who wants to cooperate with irrational and childish behavior. I am curious if the protesting actually caused any undecided senator to actually vote for Kav, perhaps even on a subconscious level.
I agree, but George Soros only cares about optics and media coverage.
Yes it is, Lindsey's liberated his inner Chad.
Not sure if its just me but my feelings about the Republicans have gone from "Traitors!", to a raised eyebrow and a slight nod of the head to "Hell YEAH!" to a raised eyebrow and a nagging feeling that theyre setting me up to be stabbed in the back again. Have the Washington Generals of American politics gotten permission from the Globetrotters to start winning games?
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