Justice Kavanaugh

The Boston Globe today;
But the battle over Kavanaugh may only be beginning: Representative Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, told The New York Times his party will investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh if Democrats retake the chamber in November.

Yup, Representative Jerrold Nadler wants to revert back to the medieval ages for a Cadaver Synod (Cadaver Trial) in the year 897. That's when Pope Stephen VI had Pope Formosus corpse exhumed and had it put on trial for perjury. Since Pope Formosus's corpse couldn't respond at trial, Stephen declared him guilty and had his "papacy retroactively declared null."

I suspect the Dems will have cadaver synods for both Keg Kav and Deplorable Don. [laugh]

Cadaver Synod - Wikipedia

BTW, the vote is expected to take place at 4:52 pm today. [party] [iwojima]
You can send Charlie Faker a message. And give Mickey mouse a lift.

Let me tell you about Charlie Cry Me A River and his responses to messages. I have funded his campaign and I have given him a lot of money. Not because I have money hanging around but because I wanted MA without commies. He was sending me thank you notes and greetings ....Then, I started sending messages and every one of them was answered either by his son who was probably sleeping on the plane again, or by a robocall. Charlie is busy promoting everything Trump did for us and taking a credit for something he has opposed from the beginning. Charlie is a cancer.
I am the only one that thinks the far left has a list of pre-prepared allies that they can draw from for any acqusation against any objective. We know they are better prepared as an opponent. Nothing surprises me anymore. IE ….need a sword faller for an Supreme Court Justice call these numbers off the list.

The right is too busy working to have time for that nonsense.
My pure 100% BS speculation is that Ford sent Feinstein’s office mail, just like many constituents send mail to their senator. She wanted Feinstein to vote no, and added something that she knew was not true, but was trying to reinforce the reason for the no vote. She wanted to remain anonymous because she knew it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately for Ford, Feinstein’s office saw it differently; seeing it as a possible ace up the sleeve if needed. Feinstein ended up playing the card by leaking the name. Then Ford was like “OH GOSH DARN” now what do I do. She could either backtrack or double down. They ended up trying the latter, trying to make stuff up to support her statement in the mail and it all fell apart.

IMO, I don’t know that Ford was originally intending to destroy BK, so much as she was trying to get Feinstein to vote no, although that changed when she double down. It was the lack of Feinstein’s office not vetting the information that caused this circus, otherwise it would just have been a no vote.

Not letting anyone off the hook, just speculating on the chain of events.
My pure 100% BS speculation is that Ford sent Feinstein’s office mail, just like many constituents send mail to their senator. She wanted Feinstein to vote no, and added something that she knew was not true, but was trying to reinforce the reason for the no vote. She wanted to remain anonymous because she knew it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately for Ford, Feinstein’s office saw it differently; seeing it as a possible ace up the sleeve if needed. Feinstein ended up playing the card by leaking the name. Then Ford was like “OH GOSH DARN” now what do I do. She could either backtrack or double down. They ended up trying the latter, trying to make stuff up to support her statement in the mail and it all fell apart.

IMO, I don’t know that Ford was originally intending to destroy BK, so much as she was trying to get Feinstein to vote no, although that changed when she double down. It was the lack of Feinstein’s office not vetting the information that caused this circus, otherwise it would just have been a no vote.

Not letting anyone off the hook, just speculating on the chain of events.
I don’t think there was any danger that Feinstein would vote “yes” to Kavanaugh.
My pure 100% BS speculation is that Ford sent Feinstein’s office mail, just like many constituents send mail to their senator. She wanted Feinstein to vote no, and added something that she knew was not true, but was trying to reinforce the reason for the no vote. She wanted to remain anonymous because she knew it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately for Ford, Feinstein’s office saw it differently; seeing it as a possible ace up the sleeve if needed. Feinstein ended up playing the card by leaking the name. Then Ford was like “OH GOSH DARN” now what do I do. She could either backtrack or double down. They ended up trying the latter, trying to make stuff up to support her statement in the mail and it all fell apart.

IMO, I don’t know that Ford was originally intending to destroy BK, so much as she was trying to get Feinstein to vote no, although that changed when she double down. It was the lack of Feinstein’s office not vetting the information that caused this circus, otherwise it would just have been a no vote.

Not letting anyone off the hook, just speculating on the chain of events.

That's actually very plausible. The fact that Ford's own witnesses have no knowledge of the alleged incident and that Ford's memory fixated on certain details (like she only had one beer that night) with absolutely know recollection of larger key details (what night it was, whose house it was, how many people were in the room, how she got there, how she got home, etc) does lend credence to the possibility it was a hastily fabricated story, put together after Feinstein decided to play that card.
If the Dems start going down the road of impeachment of people/appointments they dont like you better believe its going to go the same way for them as harry reid making the 2/3 majority requirement go away........
No it wont. I'd like it to be an eye for an eye but the Republicans dont have the stomach for it. Tbh, I think a good amount of the GOP are accessories to the lefts bs. So for a lot of them its not a question of having the balls or not, its that they are allies of the left and only pretend to be adversaries in public.
My pure 100% BS speculation is that Ford sent Feinstein’s office mail, just like many constituents send mail to their senator. She wanted Feinstein to vote no, and added something that she knew was not true, but was trying to reinforce the reason for the no vote. She wanted to remain anonymous because she knew it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately for Ford, Feinstein’s office saw it differently; seeing it as a possible ace up the sleeve if needed. Feinstein ended up playing the card by leaking the name. Then Ford was like “OH GOSH DARN” now what do I do. She could either backtrack or double down. They ended up trying the latter, trying to make stuff up to support her statement in the mail and it all fell apart.

IMO, I don’t know that Ford was originally intending to destroy BK, so much as she was trying to get Feinstein to vote no, although that changed when she double down. It was the lack of Feinstein’s office not vetting the information that caused this circus, otherwise it would just have been a no vote.

Not letting anyone off the hook, just speculating on the chain of events.

IMO, I think Feinstein's motive(s) were more nefarious than not just vetting information reaching her office. Ford didn't need to convince DiFi to vote no because DiFi said she was voting no within 24 hours of Trump nominating him. As Keg Kav said, this had nothing to do with advise and consent; it was search and destroy Kav by any means possible.
My pure 100% BS speculation is that Ford sent Feinstein’s office mail, just like many constituents send mail to their senator. She wanted Feinstein to vote no, and added something that she knew was not true, but was trying to reinforce the reason for the no vote. She wanted to remain anonymous because she knew it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately for Ford, Feinstein’s office saw it differently; seeing it as a possible ace up the sleeve if needed. Feinstein ended up playing the card by leaking the name. Then Ford was like “OH GOSH DARN” now what do I do. She could either backtrack or double down. They ended up trying the latter, trying to make stuff up to support her statement in the mail and it all fell apart.

IMO, I don’t know that Ford was originally intending to destroy BK, so much as she was trying to get Feinstein to vote no, although that changed when she double down. It was the lack of Feinstein’s office not vetting the information that caused this circus, otherwise it would just have been a no vote.

Not letting anyone off the hook, just speculating on the chain of events.

Honestly, she could have saved the stamp. Feinstein would have voted no because TDS, no matter what.
My pure 100% BS speculation is that Ford sent Feinstein’s office mail, just like many constituents send mail to their senator. She wanted Feinstein to vote no, and added something that she knew was not true, but was trying to reinforce the reason for the no vote. She wanted to remain anonymous because she knew it wasn’t true.

Unfortunately for Ford, Feinstein’s office saw it differently; seeing it as a possible ace up the sleeve if needed. Feinstein ended up playing the card by leaking the name. Then Ford was like “OH GOSH DARN” now what do I do. She could either backtrack or double down. They ended up trying the latter, trying to make stuff up to support her statement in the mail and it all fell apart.

IMO, I don’t know that Ford was originally intending to destroy BK, so much as she was trying to get Feinstein to vote no, although that changed when she double down. It was the lack of Feinstein’s office not vetting the information that caused this circus, otherwise it would just have been a no vote.

Not letting anyone off the hook, just speculating on the chain of events.

Again, you are underestimating those who are behind democrats. This was planned, executed well, and it almost accomplished it's goals.
Dems have in their plans generic placeholders and they fill roles later on. First, they need to brainwash masses, #Me2, one example for many.
They have a slim playbook: Sex, beer, taxes. "Doctor" Ford was absolutely irrelevant. It could have been PhD. Joe, that one would be even spicier.
Again, you are underestimating those who are behind democrats. This was planned, executed well, and it almost accomplished it's goals.
Dems have in their plans generic placeholders and they fill roles later on. First, they need to brainwash masses, #Me2, one example for many.
They have a slim playbook: Sex, beer, taxes. "Doctor" Ford was absolutely irrelevant. It could have been PhD. Joe, that one would be even spicier.

Don't take your eyes off the ball just yet. They still could win. It isn't over until the proverbial large boned woman sings.
Not letting anyone off the hook, just speculating on the chain of events.
Are we speculating now? Ok, here is my tinfoil theory.

Look at the lawyers.

Everyone seems to be glossing over the random fixers who showed up and started orchestrating behind the scenes. Ramirez wasn't certain that Kav was waving his dongle in her face, but became totally sure after she spoke to her lawyers. Ford was not certain of anything until she got coached for 6 days straight. It's my belief that these women underwent some trauma in their past, but after intense psychological influence by the legal team they became weapons in Feinstein's hands.

The reason why I believe that is that if you look at Ford's testimony, it's painful, it clearly happened - but all the details around the perpetrator look forced, someone put that into her mouth.

The lawyers provide a degree of separation and plausible deniability and the final straw is when they refused to release the therapist notes unless the FBI spoke to Ford first. Why would you not release damning evidence without an interview? Unless you can coach the interviewee to say what you need her to say to provide spin on the notes.
How much noteworthy legislation has been passed by GOP senate since Reid pulled the nuclear option/violated the senate rules requiring a 2/3 majority?


Why do you think it would be any different with some other moonbat move/alteration of senate rules/customary practices?

Particularly in light of Trump quite literally picking up the GOP and vulnerable seats and making them competitive in Nov with rally after rally after rally......

Trump has shown a lot of GOP pols that having a brass set and a spine pays off......
You could be right. Ive been getting boned by the GOP for pretty much the entire time Ive bothered to pay attention to politics. (sometimes I wish I was a NFL/Dancing With the Stars/Kardashians/Netflix/Facebook type tbh) It wouldnt surprise me in the least if some last minute bs came about and Kav ended up either not getting the votes or some political shenanigans where the vote gets postponed over and over. The GOP has a long way to go before I have any sort of trust in them.
Yes, I am anyway. I could be totally mistaken.
Are we speculating now? Ok, here is my tinfoil theory.

I agree, and think we might be saying the same thing. You're pointing out the double down part. My primary point was that I think Ford was "simply" sending her senator a mail that included some BS, knew it was BS, but when Feinstein's office leaked it, she/they double downed, and started flushing out their BS. I'm not sure that "Ford" expected it to go public.

Look at the lawyers.

Everyone seems to be glossing over the random fixers who showed up and started orchestrating behind the scenes. Ramirez wasn't certain that Kav was waving his dongle in her face, but became totally sure after she spoke to her lawyers. Ford was not certain of anything until she got coached for 6 days straight. It's my belief that these women underwent some trauma in their past, but after intense psychological influence by the legal team they became weapons in Feinstein's hands.

The reason why I believe that is that if you look at Ford's testimony, it's painful, it clearly happened - but all the details around the perpetrator look forced, someone put that into her mouth.

The lawyers provide a degree of separation and plausible deniability and the final straw is when they refused to release the therapist notes unless the FBI spoke to Ford first. Why would you not release damning evidence without an interview? Unless you can coach the interviewee to say what you need her to say to provide spin on the notes.
The claims just get more and more outlandish. Like MOST women, TERRIBLE EXPERIENCES.

Good grief, try being the average man and you'd know what terrible experiences with the opposite sex felt like.

They are collectively the most privileged demographic in human history and they can't stop whining.
Seriously, if these whining dishrags legislate men out of the picture, and ban the 2A,

Who is going to stop the foreign hostile countries from invading with their men?
Nor did they seem to care when he just left some woman to die in the water.... apparently that's not abuse or something. Either that, or they're just trying to tell us that being senator is way below a Supreme Court Justice position....

My 'goto' buddy has an interesting point about the double standard:

Submarine Commander Kennedy, Genetically challenged Warren, and the others are 'elected'. Party BK, is appointed for life, not voted into the position. It's a big difference, in theory.
"Citizens of Maine" showing their true bipartisanship:
Collins’s decision reverberates in Maine - The Boston Globe

Grocery bag in hand, Mariusz Jankowski walked briskly through the Hannaford Supermarket parking lot Friday evening, but it wasn’t only because he was in a rush.

“I’m still boiling from what I heard,” the 61-year-old Portland resident said.
“Some of us told our stories, to her face, in her office, and she sat there with a concerned look on her face. And then that’s it,” said Catherine Perreault, a 46-year-old Portland resident who said she traveled to Washington, D.C., last week to push Collins to vote against Kavanaugh amid sexual assault allegations dating back to his high school and college years.

“There’s no connection between that and what happened” with her vote, said Perreault. “I feel gutted. I don’t know how she’s going to show her face in Maine.”

Catherine Perreault
Healthcare, Human Relations, & Non-Profit Professional

Portland, Maine
Civic & Social Organization
  1. Shalom House Inc,
  2. Pro Search, Inc.
  1. A Compay of Girls,
  2. True North Health Center,
  3. Maine Youth Action Network
  1. University of Southern Maine
Random interview, not a put up job from the globe, yea, that’s the story.[thinking]
Don't take your eyes off the ball just yet. They still could win. It isn't over until the proverbial large boned woman sings.

That is what I have been literally screaming since people began declaring victory yesterday.

The Dems have been masters at last minute surprises, don't expect them to stop now.
I am getting used to winning. The dems need to get used to losing. If everything that doesn't go their way results in a do-over what is the point?
1) men, generally, are now more aware that there IS a sexual harassment/abuse problem that MOST women have experienced.

Oh, puh-lease. You're buying right in to the nonsense. MOST women? This crap originates with the large minority of women who are ignored by men...they want.

For a woman the only thing worse than being noticed by men is not being noticed by men.
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This pic may have been posted already in this thread, but I don't remember seeing it.

Either way - worth repeating just for the meme effect.

Graham with a big smile on his face while some unhinged woman screams in the background:

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