Justice Kavanaugh

"Citizens of Maine" showing their true bipartisanship:
Collins’s decision reverberates in Maine - The Boston Globe
Grocery bag in hand, Mariusz Jankowski walked briskly through the Hannaford Supermarket parking lot Friday evening, but it wasn’t only because he was in a rush.
“I’m still boiling from what I heard,” the 61-year-old Portland resident said.
“Some of us told our stories, to her face, in her office, and she sat there with a concerned look on her face. And then that’s it,” said Catherine Perreault, a 46-year-old Portland resident who said she traveled to Washington, D.C., last week to push Collins to vote against Kavanaugh amid sexual assault allegations dating back to his high school and college years.

“There’s no connection between that and what happened” with her vote, said Perreault. “I feel gutted. I don’t know how she’s going to show her face in Maine.”

Portland is kinda liberal though right?

I was there this summer, looks like a tiny San Francisco, bums and all. Needs more feces in the streets, though.
They're already melting down. Dan Rather said:
So Collins misses her moment to be a hero, and the old bulls win again. Trump, McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, Graham—the whole lot of them-- win. Again. They are laughing, congratulating one another, and at least metaphorically are popping Champagne.

For most women and many men it’s a bitter, devastating loss. Which makes it all the sweeter for the old bulls, and for the forces of power, privilege and money everywhere. A sense that the nation’s climate of justice has taken another turn toward dark clouds rises. The age-old question for the country of whether we prioritize power, privilege and money over justice takes on renewed importance.

So I talk to the wife—the good, gentle wife—who is furious and deeply disappointed. Talk to my daughter—the lion-hearted eldest child—whose first words are, “Can we, will we survive this?” I answer, “Of course we can, and if we have the will and the spirit, we will not only, survive we will thrive. Eventually. But if, and only if, we are “get-up fighters.” Strong as she usually is, she doesn’t seem convinced.

So, I take a walk, to be alone with my thoughts and reminders to stay steady. Among the thoughts that emerge are these:

Cut through the clouds of the present, consider the long river of history, and one can see this as a breakthrough moment for women. To paraphrase the daughter who recently said in another context, "women have never had a better moment to be heard in politics, to make a difference.” That is, if they—and those of us men who support them—seize the moment (if they don’t miss the moment as Senator Collins has.)

What that requires is that women and the men who love them and hate what has happen adopt an attitude of “we can be beaten but never defeated.” Adopt it, cling to it and live it as a credo.

Be relentless. When things are bad, when the going is tough, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and carry forward. Also, maybe take as a goal what an old man once said to me: "keep trying, keep fighting, keep smiling every minute you’re alive; you’re going to be dead a long time.”

And recognize that you are not alone. Far from it. Look to your left and right, before you and behind you, at the millions who will support you on this journey for justice. Fill your lungs with the determined air of action. I find myself humming that old but powerful anthem of the Civil Rights Era. "We'll walk hand in hand!" "We are not afraid!" "We shall overcome!"

This statement in red is EXACTLY why I made my comments to Cowgirlup so many pages ago in this thread.

Women didn't "seize any moment" here - what they did is come off looking like a bunch of insane lunatics.

If women have never had a better moment than this to be heard , well then they failed and failed miserably.

They came off looking like liars, unreliable witnesses, ideology ridden marxists, partisan hacks, crying freaks who lose their shit at the slightest provocation............. etc.

They're going to reap the whirlwind on this one in the longer term IMHO.

Way to go ladies.
IMHO the crucial factor here is not the politicians - it's the "people". That's why I've concentrated on making comments on how feminists were so crucial in fomenting this whole shit show.

I just put a comment in from : Comment Of The Week: The Sexual Polarity Reverses


Speaking of which, on a recent biz trip, a newly awakened buddy returns to tell me “Im really starting to love Trump”. Then goes on about how two of his uber drivers were Rational Male readers and the normally passive goodwhite guys in Chicago were all spitting fire over the K trials.


The Kavanaugh hearings have been a real shiv-to-the-gut type wake-up call for a lot of people - *especially* men, because it's been an in your face screaming harpie example of how insane a certain segment of society is, and how that segment now controls to some extent things that happen at the highest levels of government.

People need to be able to relate political issues back to their own personal life - at least most people do.

That's why there's so many cray cray women in the streets thinking it's the apocalypse - because their insane or not, they still think this personally affects them.

Same principle works for men: when they see a whole bunch of women running around screaming about multiple gang rapes and how they were assaulted , but can't remember any real details - and then they see feminist leaders screaming about how women should always be believed - and men should just be automatically guilty................ now they can see a visceral threat to themselves , right here - and right now.

I see stories popping up all over the place with men making comments supporting Mike Pence's comment about not taking dinner alone with a woman. Guys who say they're managers - who will never talk alone with a woman, stuff like that.

This whole thing is going to have some lasting effects. And the craziness - which was supported by the Democrats - is going to be felt at the voting booth.

Commies destroyed all normal relationships in 1 month! They made all men potential felons for life. We, MA residents, know already how that feels. Commies also opened a Pandora box filled with all kind of people who need a serious medical attention but they were told that they can now attack the republic without any consequences whatsoever. Once you give candy to a crying child you better make sure you have enough candy for years to come. Commies tend to run out of candies almost immediately after they are elected, and when deviants similar to Stalin and Nikolai Yezhov - Wikipedia will be raping them and killing them they will start understanding that they were out of their mind when they carelessly opened the gates of hell.
This statement in red is EXACTLY why I made my comments to Cowgirlup so many pages ago in this thread.

Women didn't "seize any moment" here - what they did is come off looking like a bunch of insane lunatics.

If women have never had a better moment than this to be heard , well then they failed and failed miserably.

They came off looking like liars, unreliable witnesses, ideology ridden marxists, partisan hacks, crying freaks who lose their shit at the slightest provocation............. etc.

They're going to reap the whirlwind on this one in the longer term IMHO.

Way to go ladies.

Unfortunately, and I hate to say it, you are correct again. [bow]
Friend of Dr. Ford Felt Pressure to Revisit Statement - Save My Sweden
A person close to the former classmates said it was her understanding that mutual friends of Dr. Ford and Ms. Keyser, including Ms. McLean, had contacted Ms. Keyser after her initial statement to warn her that her statement was being used by Republicans to rebut the allegation against Judge Kavanaugh. The friends told Ms. Keyser that if she had intended to say she didn’t remember the party—not that it had never happened—that she should clarify her statement, the person said, adding that the friends hadn’t “pressured” Ms. Keyser.

Judge Kavanaugh and his allies also lobbied former classmates to defend him. Ahead of a Sept. 23 New Yorker article about an allegation by Deborah Ramirez that Judge Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her in their freshman year at Yale, a former classmate, Karen Yarasavage, said she had gotten a call from “Brett’s guy” and that “Brett asked me to go on record,” according to a memo about the conversation by another former classmate. Ms. Yarasavage is quoted anonymously in the New Yorker piece, the memo said. The judge denied the claim that he exposed himself.

Judge Kavanaugh, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Thursday, said he had been “subjected to wrongful and sometimes vicious allegations” and that his youth had been “ridiculously distorted.”

If confirmed, he wrote, he would “keep an open mind in every case, and always strive to preserve the Constitution.”

Ms. Keyser’s interview with the FBI—which is subject to perjury laws—may influence the Senate debate on the judge’s confirmation. Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.), who has said he would vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, told reporters earlier Thursday that he found the most significant interviews in the FBI report to be those from people close to Dr. Ford who wanted to corroborate her account and were “sympathetic in wishing they could, but they could not.”

Howard Walsh, a lawyer for Ms. Keyser, declined to comment.

The FBI declined to comment on the investigation.

+ Let's not forget about "accomplishments" of #Me2:
Veil-Safe Plan: Iran's Khamenei Sees The Hijab As The Answer To #MeToo Woes
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, an opponent of gender equality whose establishment enforces discriminatory laws against women, has marked the one-year anniversary of the global #metoo movement by offering strict Islamic dress as a solution to the problems women face in the West.

The overture comes amid ongoing criticism of punishments in Iran against women who have publicly protested the country’s dress code or lawyers who have defended them, as well as of Iran’s execution this week of a young woman convicted for the stabbing death of her husband when she was a minor, reportedly after years of domestic abuse.

“The disaster of countless sexual assaults on Western women -- including incidents leading to #MeToo campaign – and Islam’s proposal to resolve it,” Khamenei said in a tweet alongside a video montage of women in the West coming forward about their personal experiences of sexual assault and abuse or decrying such violence.

View: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/1047540289265647616


+ I almost forgot What Would Monica Do:
Appearing Friday on ABC's Good Morning America, Lewinsky says the #DefyTheName campaign calls on people to change their social media names to include the names they were bullied by. Lewinsky says she'll now be known as ''Monica Chunky Slut Stalker That Woman Lewinsky.''
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They came off looking like liars, unreliable witnesses, ideology ridden marxists, partisan hacks, crying freaks who lose their shit at the slightest provocation............. etc.

I think Collins excellent speech is a good counterpoint to every one of those things you mention. She was none of that.
The Boston Globe today;
But the battle over Kavanaugh may only be beginning: Representative Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, told The New York Times his party will investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh if Democrats retake the chamber in November.

View: https://youtu.be/CR_xacOAxu4


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Women didn't "seize any moment" here - what they did is come off looking like a bunch of insane lunatics.

If women have never had a better moment than this to be heard , well then they failed and failed miserably.

"They" did not necessarily fail. They were Co-opted by evil forces that had a very different agenda.

i think a couple of positive things did emerge from this train wreck.

1) men, generally, are now more aware that there IS a sexual harassment/abuse problem that MOST women have experienced.

2) Women, generally, now realize that if they are seriously abused, they need to TELL SOMEONE in authority--either the cops or the school/work. If they keep it silent for decades, no-one will believe them later on.

3) There needs to be a DISCUSSION about male/female relationships. Men, being horny dogs, are going to continue to try to get laid. Not every flirt from a man is sexual harassment! It is human nature for this sort of interaction to take place. So there needs to be a renewed effort to COMMUNICATE. THAT is where the ongoing discussion needs to be going on. If some guy at work compliments a woman he likes on her clothing, and she screams RAPE! to HR.....Well that is NOT moving things forward at all. Communication and understanding is needed from both sides
everyone made fun, or were fake abhorred, when Trump said this:

but in hind sight, it cut thru all the B.S. and showed what a flimsy case against Kavanaugh there was. I suspect Susan Collins, after she calmed down, actually realized she had to agree with what Trump said!

and i am sure Manchin watched all the clapping hands in that audience too!
Folks really, really should view this entire series of tweets exposing the communist organizers methods.

The woman in the video below was later identified as Winnie Wong, founder of People for Bernie Sanders.

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The claims just get more and more outlandish. Like MOST women, TERRIBLE EXPERIENCES.

Good grief, try being the average man and you'd know what terrible experiences with the opposite sex felt like.

They are collectively the most privileged demographic in human history and they can't stop whining.

Claire Sadar | Ahval

She’s a Muslim rights activist. I’m sure she’d have better experiences with men if she went to say, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia.
The Boston Globe today;
But the battle over Kavanaugh may only be beginning: Representative Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, told The New York Times his party will investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh if Democrats retake the chamber in November.

View: https://youtu.be/CR_xacOAxu4

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You know what's painful about living in Massachusetts? It's that knowing your vote means nothing. That you aren't represented. When I was watching that jackass Sheldon Whitehouse grill Kavanaugh and now this Nadler moron I realized that there's not much you can do living in a state like Mass. There's nothing I can do about these democrats from other states and there's nothing I can do about idiots like liz warren. Still gotta vote though...I guess.
Hundreds march through Boston to protest Kavanaugh confirmation - The Boston Globe

Screaming chants like “Down with Kavanaugh, you are not above the law,” the protesters marched from Beacon Hill through the city around 8 p.m., gathering in front of the Edward W. Brooke courthouse.

“I am sad. I am frustrated,” Tori Bilcik of Believe Survivors Boston told the crowd. “But most of all I am furious.”

Other women expressed frustration and “rage exhaustion” and questioned whether their voices would be heard – but said they felt they had to keep showing up to demonstrate.

“This whole process has just made me very angry, and like most women, I’ve had terrible experiences with sexual harassment, “ said Claire Sadar, 35, of Brighton, who held a sign showing a picture of US Senator Susan Collins and the words, “The Patriarchy Persists because women are complicit.”

“This is something that’s just personally offensive to see that even other women will be dismissive of people’s claims,” she added. It’s important to show up and continue to try to shame people into doing the right thing. We’ve seen that that can sometimes work. You can never stop trying cause that’s what they want you to do — to give up.”

Collins, the Maine Republican moderate whose Friday afternoon speech in support of Kavanaugh’s confirmation paved the way for an anticipated majority vote in the Senate on Saturday, was a particular target of scorn among the crowd. Bilcik also blasted her through a bullhorn, criticizing Collins’s claim that she believed the allegations of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford. “To say she believed Dr. Ford is a survivor but that Kavanaugh is not the perpetrator is an insult to survivors everywhere,” Bilcik said.

And here we go again, I regret this very much, we keep running into this again and again on our forum. No escape from this! [crying]

Meet Tori Bilcik:
JVS CareerSolution | Career counseling | Job search | Social media coaching: Meet An Emerging Jewish Leader: Tori Bilcik
View attachment 249339

Tori appears to be a reporter now, so we have news reporting on news

“Down with Kavanaugh, you are not above the law,”

I'm so tired of hearing that from people who don't even understand law and due process.

“To say she believed Dr. Ford is a survivor but that Kavanaugh is not the perpetrator is an insult to survivors everywhere,”

These protesters want a scapegoat. They don't care who or if he's even guilty. They just want to lay the sins of a small amount of men at Kav's feet so they can feel like someone pays.

Let them protest all they want. Hopefully within Boston proper until I get out of MA.
Commies destroyed all normal relationships in 1 month! They made all men potential felons for life. We, MA residents, know already how that feels. Commies also opened a Pandora box filled with all kind of people who need a serious medical attention but they were told that they can now attack the republic without any consequences whatsoever. Once you give candy to a crying child you better make sure you have enough candy for years to come. Commies tend to run out of candies almost immediately after they are elected, and when deviants similar to Stalin and Nikolai Yezhov - Wikipedia will be raping them and killing them they will start understanding that they were out of their mind when they carelessly opened the gates of hell.

I don't think they did it in one month.

As I've said in this thread a few times - I started reading hard core feminist literature way back when I was in college - and that was 35 years ago. What I've seen happening over the course of the Kavanaugh debacle hasn't really surprised me all that much. All of the same things were present back in the 1980s - it just wasn't as universally recognized and the internet didn't exist so the lunacy couldn't propagate out to as many people. It was largely confined to college campuses - which is where I first started clueing in - because even on the state university campus I was attending , there was a certain element of rape hysteria going on. All of the "men are always guilty" and "women never lie about rape" crap - was being propagated by hardcore feminist "academics" like Andrea Dworkin as far back as the 1970s and 1980s.

What is going on now is an indication of how deeply the rot has set in within the university system - and the K-12 public school system. Since all those hardcore feminists have ensconced themselves into academia and have been teaching their bullshit for at least 40 years now. It's the exponential lilypad scenario: on day one you have one lilypad on the lake. One day two you have two. On day three you have four - exponential increase. Do the math. Four decades of teaching feminist though on university campuses eventually leads to a significant portion of the population whose minds are corrupted. Trigger them and it leads to mass meltdowns and protests in the streets. The hysteria taught on college campuses for decades now - has fully permeated into the culture , laws, and thought processes of a good portion of the population.

The real question is: how do you clean that shit up? That's what people REALLY need to be thinking about now. But you can't acknowledge that there even needs to be a cleanup - until you admit that those piles of shit all over the street are a problem.

IMHO what HAS happened in one month, is that a whole bunch of the male population has finally got it demonstrated to them in very clear and brutal terms: exactly how far down the rabbit hole that "feminism" has gone. When you see a guy who is at the very highest reaches of government having his life destroyed by a number of women who are coming up with utterly crazy accusations - which don't seem to have much evidence behind them - and the full weight of the government and FBI can't seem to make it stop - well then you compare that against stories you've heard, and other guys you know - whose lives have been destroyed by women. Then you also compare that against the women in your own life - who probably almost universally have had at least one episode where they did something that made the main male in their life go "what the flying fruck was that all about - she was just acting like a complete lunatic and talking about shit that literally never even happened"

You put A (female craziness displayed in a public forum at the highest reaches of our society) plus B (female craziness displayed in our own personal life) together, and you = C (Craziness that can affect me personally and is fully supported by the law).

Now you're got men fully "woke" to the fact they can completely screwed over for literally nothing. And even a guy like Brett Kavanaugh can have his life completely destroyed and there's not much he can do about it.

What chance does some guy driving a truck for a living have? Nobody is going to give a shit.

I read a comment on another site where a person pointed out that most people simply will refuse to live with the Sword of Damocles perpetually hanging over their neck.

That's the realization that I think a lot of *men* have had : there's a sword at their neck. And they are going to have to do something about it.
I think Collins excellent speech is a good counterpoint to every one of those things you mention. She was none of that.

I haven't listened to Collins' speech yet , but yes : I agree. And that is exactly what I told Cowgirlup much earlier in this thread.

If women TRULY want to be taken seriously - THEY are going to have to be the ones to bury the crazy feminists within their midst.

Nobody seemed to understand my point then - do you understand now?

Here is a feminist I can and DO respect:

I don't think they did it in one month.

As I've said in this thread a few times - I started reading hard core feminist literature way back when I was in college - and that was 35 years ago. What I've seen happening over the course of the Kavanaugh debacle hasn't really surprised me all that much. All of the same things were present back in the 1980s - it just wasn't as universally recognized and the internet didn't exist so the lunacy couldn't propagate out to as many people. It was largely confined to college campuses - which is where I first started clueing in - because even on the state university campus I was attending , there was a certain element of rape hysteria going on. All of the "men are always guilty" and "women never lie about rape" crap - was being propagated by hardcore feminist "academics" like Andrea Dworkin as far back as the 1970s and 1980s.

What is going on now is an indication of how deeply the rot has set in within the university system - and the K-12 public school system. Since all those hardcore feminists have ensconced themselves into academia and have been teaching their bullshit for at least 40 years now. It's the exponential lilypad scenario: on day one you have one lilypad on the lake. One day two you have two. On day three you have four - exponential increase. Do the math. Four decades of teaching feminist though on university campuses eventually leads to a significant portion of the population whose minds are corrupted. Trigger them and it leads to mass meltdowns and protests in the streets. The hysteria taught on college campuses for decades now - has fully permeated into the culture , laws, and thought processes of a good portion of the population.

The real question is: how do you clean that shit up? That's what people REALLY need to be thinking about now. But you can't acknowledge that there even needs to be a cleanup - until you admit that those piles of shit all over the street are a problem.

IMHO what HAS happened in one month, is that a whole bunch of the male population has finally got it demonstrated to them in very clear and brutal terms: exactly how far down the rabbit hole that "feminism" has gone. When you see a guy who is at the very highest reaches of government having his life destroyed by a number of women who are coming up with utterly crazy accusations - which don't seem to have much evidence behind them - and the full weight of the government and FBI can't seem to make it stop - well then you compare that against stories you've heard, and other guys you know - whose lives have been destroyed by women. Then you also compare that against the women in your own life - who probably almost universally have had at least one episode where they did something that made the main male in their life go "what the flying fruck was that all about - she was just acting like a complete lunatic and talking about shit that literally never even happened"

You put A (female craziness displayed in a public forum at the highest reaches of our society) plus B (female craziness displayed in our own personal life) together, and you = C (Craziness that can affect me personally and is fully supported by the law).

Now you're got men fully "woke" to the fact they can completely screwed over for literally nothing. And even a guy like Brett Kavanaugh can have his life completely destroyed and there's not much he can do about it.

What chance does some guy driving a truck for a living have? Nobody is going to give a shit.

I read a comment on another site where a person pointed out that most people simply will refuse to live with the Sword of Damocles perpetually hanging over their neck.

That's the realization that I think a lot of *men* have had : there's a sword at their neck. And they are going to have to do something about it.

I like your post a lot! Thank you for correcting me. [bow]
So today is the day?

Anyone know the time?

Body armour? How many spare mags to carry today?
Or lock down and raise shields like it's the Purge?
"They" did not necessarily fail. They were Co-opted by evil forces that had a very different agenda.

i think a couple of positive things did emerge from this train wreck.

1) men, generally, are now more aware that there IS a sexual harassment/abuse problem that MOST women have experienced.

2) Women, generally, now realize that if they are seriously abused, they need to TELL SOMEONE in authority--either the cops or the school/work. If they keep it silent for decades, no-one will believe them later on.

3) There needs to be a DISCUSSION about male/female relationships. Men, being horny dogs, are going to continue to try to get laid. Not every flirt from a man is sexual harassment! It is human nature for this sort of interaction to take place. So there needs to be a renewed effort to COMMUNICATE. THAT is where the ongoing discussion needs to be going on. If some guy at work compliments a woman he likes on her clothing, and she screams RAPE! to HR.....Well that is NOT moving things forward at all. Communication and understanding is needed from both sides

Spanz, did you wake up early today? What is this? Was your account hacked by a pink virus? Your post will drive me to before the lunch heavy drinking!
In the same fashion many positive things emerged from gulags:
1) labor does keep you busy
2) reporting anything unusual early is always appreciated by the state
3) we need to have more discussions so KGB will get to solve problems faster

Did you eat this BS? This was all made up! Learn from Our President!

They invented sexual harassment! BS! Move on!
They came up with him being bankrupt! BS! Move on!
They cam up with Russia! BS! Move on!
They came up with taxes! BS! Move on!

You want to have a discussion? Really? With whom? Activists? [rofl]

Snap out of it, please, I love your posts and I felt this morning like you were violated by a blue wave. [slap]
I am the only one that thinks the far left has a list of pre-prepared allies that they can draw from for any acqusation against any objective. We know they are better prepared as an opponent. Nothing surprises me anymore. IE ….need a sword faller for an Supreme Court Justice call these numbers off the list.
You know what's painful about living in Massachusetts? It's that knowing your vote means nothing. That you aren't represented. When I was watching that jackass Sheldon Whitehouse grill Kavanaugh and now this Nadler moron I realized that there's not much you can do living in a state like Mass. There's nothing I can do about these democrats from other states and there's nothing I can do about idiots like liz warren. Still gotta vote though...I guess.
You can send Charlie Faker a message. And give Mickey mouse a lift.
"They" did not necessarily fail. They were Co-opted by evil forces that had a very different agenda.

i think a couple of positive things did emerge from this train wreck.

1) men, generally, are now more aware that there IS a sexual harassment/abuse problem that MOST women have experienced.

2) Women, generally, now realize that if they are seriously abused, they need to TELL SOMEONE in authority--either the cops or the school/work. If they keep it silent for decades, no-one will believe them later on.

3) There needs to be a DISCUSSION about male/female relationships. Men, being horny dogs, are going to continue to try to get laid. Not every flirt from a man is sexual harassment! It is human nature for this sort of interaction to take place. So there needs to be a renewed effort to COMMUNICATE. THAT is where the ongoing discussion needs to be going on. If some guy at work compliments a woman he likes on her clothing, and she screams RAPE! to HR.....Well that is NOT moving things forward at all. Communication and understanding is needed from both sides


They failed.

And they were not co-opted. At least not in the here and now, if there was co-option - it happened decades ago.

Listen to the video I posted just above by Camille Paglia - she goes over the issues in detail of how "feminism" went off the rails when 2nd wave feminism came into being.

We're well into 4th wave feminism now. So we're three generations into the craziness.

Yeah, maybe more men are "aware" there is a sexual harassment/abuse problem - but I can tell you what I've seen men comment online about and what I myself believe about that: It's largely a LIE.

All of the "50% of women are raped in college" stuff - is a LIE. It's a lie they've been propogating for decades now - but it's still a lie. It's like how 10-15 years ago certain groups were pushing out statistics saying that
some % of children are abducted. If you REALLY sat down and ran the numbers it came out to some astronomical number. And if you further sat down and applied those numbers to your own social circle you would have had
to know at least a few children who were abducted. Do you know ANY? I know I don't.

All of the rape statistics are nothing more then Fells Acre Day Care satanist craziness behavior - applied to rape stats. I simply do not believe them.

The thing you have to understand is the hardcore feminists have defined almost ANY male interaction with females to be unwarranted. That's where this "male gaze" nuttiness comes from. Even looking at a woman is "visual rape".

You might think I'm making this shit up - I am not. Go read some of the hardcore feminists if you don't believe me. Listen to the Paglia video - she addresses this subject.

So one of the issues you've got here - and it's a MAJOR one - is that hard core feminists have redefined almost all interaction with females as some form of "rape".

Not for nothing - but pretty much ALL of the hardcore feminists - and leaders of groups like NOW - were LESBIANS (and Marxists too BTW) . So you've got LESBIANS and Marxists setting an agenda for women in general. That is NEVER going to lead to any sort of "normal" outcome.

Commies always talk about "deconstruction" - well that's what you've got to do to fully understand the craziness that has become feminism. There's lie upon lie upon misunderstanding upon language manipulation upon abstraction upon ideology.
Collins speach was a plea for mercy to all of the nuts that have threatened violence/retaliation against her.......

She made her bed by seeking the squishy middle and putting herself in the spotlight as one of the few swing votes

You dont see any other republican who has showed a commitment to morals/principals being targeted/threatened to even a fraction of the same degree except possibly that turd from Alaska who similarly put multiple bulleseyes on herself

The take away for Collins is that if she doesnt want to be a target.....she shouldnt MAKE herself the target

You got it! Well said!

This is why I have told you that we need a new party. I do not care if we will call it Republican Party again, but what we have is way too naive for what commies have in store for us.

I do not want to give my money to someone who will not be a target. I am a target, my family is a target, I want you on my team and I want you to battle them like there is no life after they will take over our country.

You start talking about bipartisan BS and you are on your own because eventually they will fund you to fight me!
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