Keltec Sub 2000

I've had mine for 6, 7 years and love it. Mine takes Beretta 92 mags, which is cool because pre-bans are available. I'd love to have one of the Gen 2 models mainly because I like the new handguard. I put the quadrail on mine back in the day because it was the cool setup, but it's kind of useless to someone like myself that doesn't hang a bunch of crap off of it. If I saw a .40 model for a good price, I'd snag it just to have another caliber option. I don't currently have anything in .40 though, so no extra ammo or mags.[frown]
I had a Glock 9mm Sub2k, sold it because someone made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Replaced it with a Multi-Mag Version ($20 for a mag adapter or something like that) in Beretta Mags. Beretta PreBans are reportedly readily available, so it's going to be my trunk gun (if I actually do that).
Hey Noxin, where did you get the adapter?

I just picked up a s2k in G17 config, but am interested in the not-as-expensiveness of Beretta Mags.

Terminator, there seem to be .40 models at every shop I go to. Its the 9mm that are impossible to find imo.

I held out for 9mm for the same reason as you; I didnt want to stock .40 for one gun.

I've had mine for 6, 7 years and love it. Mine takes Beretta 92 mags, which is cool because pre-bans are available. I'd love to have one of the Gen 2 models mainly because I like the new handguard. I put the quadrail on mine back in the day because it was the cool setup, but it's kind of useless to someone like myself that doesn't hang a bunch of crap off of it. If I saw a .40 model for a good price, I'd snag it just to have another caliber option. I don't currently have anything in .40 though, so no extra ammo or mags.[frown]
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Mike is right, the U-notch dont fit without a little sand massaging of the grip. Just use 220/400/600/1200 grit sandpaper and it will look just the same. I understand the apprehension to modify it, I am facing the same thing now with the ejection port. I am a lefty (so I shoulder on my right) and the ejection port peppers my right cheek with gas and debris/ Not terribly enjoyable. I have a few ideas to expand the shroud, but do I really want to modify it that far? Maybe I set the Unicorn free...

Sq Notch fit perfect , U notch will if you slightly sand down the Grip on your Gun which I will not do. I even changed to the older floor plates on the U to see if they will fit but NADA
I bought a gen1 9mm about 12 years ago. I had to send it back to Kel Tec and have the sear replaced after a month of owning it because it started to double fire. Since then I've only had to take it apart once because of a pin that somehow moved and caused the trigger to bind. These aren't perfect guns and I'd never trust my life to one but we are talking Kel Tec here. Still, I've fired well over a thousand rounds through mine so I can't complain. They're kind of a pain in the ass to work on but like I said... Kel Tec.

If you're having trouble cycling certain ammo types, polish the feed ramp. Just about every Sub2000 I've seen needs to have it done.

Sounds like an improvement :)
Mike is right, the U-notch dont fit without a little sand massaging of the grip. Just use 220/400/600/1200 grit sandpaper and it will look just the same. I understand the apprehension to modify it, I am facing the same thing now with the ejection port. I am a lefty (so I shoulder on my right) and the ejection port peppers my right cheek with gas and debris/ Not terribly enjoyable. I have a few ideas to expand the shroud, but do I really want to modify it that far? Maybe I set the Unicorn free...

Just picked one up in .40 yesterday and had same experience with my u notched pr bans. Just how much needs to be sanded off? Thanks
Just picked one up in .40 yesterday and had same experience with my u notched pr bans. Just how much needs to be sanded off? Thanks

You can always sand a little bit at a time with lower grit and check how your magazine sits. Once you've got a good fit then finish off with progressively higher grit sand paper until you've got a polished look and feel. The key here is to use slightly higher sand paper with each pass. If you've ever worked with wood before then you'll know what I mean. Going from 100 then immediately to 1000 won't come out very smooth.
You can always sand a little bit at a time with lower grit and check how your magazine sits. Once you've got a good fit then finish off with progressively higher grit sand paper until you've got a polished look and feel. The key here is to use slightly higher sand paper with each pass. If you've ever worked with wood before then you'll know what I mean. Going from 100 then immediately to 1000 won't come out very smooth.

Roger that. Thanks!
Fred is correct, you need to go through grains in order. I only needed to sand is down about 1/4" at the absolute most. worth it in my opinion.

as I mentioned in one of the previous posts, I am considering a brass deflector of some time (more for gas and debris) as I shoot left. I will probably just fabricate one myself, but if anyone has a good idea on one I would appreciate it.
Fred is correct, you need to go through grains in order. I only needed to sand is down about 1/4" at the absolute most. worth it in my opinion. as I mentioned in one of the previous posts, I am considering a brass deflector of some time (more for gas and debris) as I shoot left. I will probably just fabricate one myself, but if anyone has a good idea on one I would appreciate it.
I don't have a sub2k but I'd like to pick one up someday and my girl is a lefty so this is something that I'd be interested in figuring out. Looking at pics of the layout of the ejection port area, I think you could mold a deflector out of some kydex and attach it using one or two of the screws in the grip or rear sight.
bear in mind that if sanding the magwell to fit a U-notch mag, it will fit a standard modern mag more loosely. maybe not much but it certainly won't be as snug. however this probably wouldn't present an issue of function.
There is always another option... Go to a free state and buy real mags and just assume that if anyone is looking at the notches you are already screwed.... Not that I would ever suggest this or do it myself...
I purchased a Sub 2k in 9mm today, just because I haven't decided whether or not to stay with .40 version or go with 9mm,and it was too hard to pass up. What is the consensus here?

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It is a great shooting and very reliable rifle. Unfortunately you can't mount a scope on then first gen sub 2000's. I am looking for a second generation 9mm Glock model. Hopefully I'll get lucky and find one soon.

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I purchased a Sub 2k in 9mm today, just because I haven't decided whether or not to stay with .40 version or go with 9mm,and it was too hard to pass up. What is the consensus here?

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My buddy owns a fist generation sub 2000. It is a great shooting and very reliable rifle. Unfortunately you can't mount a scope on then first gen sub 2000's. I am looking for a second generation 9mm Glock model. Hopefully I'll get lucky and find one soon.
Hey Noxin, where did you get the adapter?

I just picked up a s2k in G17 config, but am interested in the not-as-expensiveness of Beretta Mags.

Terminator, there seem to be .40 models at every shop I go to. Its the 9mm that are impossible to find imo.

I held out for 9mm for the same reason as you; I didnt want to stock .40 for one gun.

So from everything I've heard/read/Kel Tec told me.......once a glock, always a glock so you can't switch to the beretta mag.
It is a great shooting and very reliable rifle. Unfortunately you can't mount a scope on then first gen sub 2000's. I am looking for a second generation 9mm Glock model. Hopefully I'll get lucky and find one soon.

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My buddy owns a fist generation sub 2000. It is a great shooting and very reliable rifle. Unfortunately you can't mount a scope on then first gen sub 2000's. I am looking for a second generation 9mm Glock model. Hopefully I'll get lucky and find one soon.

Sure you can, you just need to want to do it.

And some instructions how to fix the slight wobble here.

Chuck on one of these,

And maybe something like one of these,
I have come to grips with it. (see what I did there?) Now that i bought some glock mags.

I didnt get the Beretta storm for a few reasons namely not liking the style...However, I didnt realize until after I got my sub2k that the CX4 is LEFT side ejecting. What thoughtful folks.

So from everything I've heard/read/Kel Tec told me.......once a glock, always a glock so you can't switch to the beretta mag.
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I have a Gen1 in 40SW w/ the factory quad-rail and it's been nothing but great. The red lion foreend is nice, but given the price I'd be better of putting that money into something else.
I have come to grips with it. (see what I did there?) Now that i bought some glock mags.

I didnt get the Beretta storm for a few reasons namely not liking the style...However, I didnt realize until after I got my sub2k that the CX4 is LEFT side ejecting. What thoughtful folks.

You can set it to eject or charge from either side. Takes about 3 minutes to swap the ejector, extractor and charging handle.
Im not ready to trade..yet.

I am going to devise a way expand the shroud that goes around the ejection port. Man, people are right about these guns. Lots of work needed before they are 100% usable. Cant deny that people are willing to do it, though.
Does anyone know if the grip length varies on these? I tried one which was (I think) Glock .40 config, and the grip felt too short for my hand. Wondering if there's versions with longer grip?

I was surprised how much I liked it, other than the grip.
I think they are all basically the same size, with a few 1/4" in between model types for magazine differences

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Does anyone know if the grip length varies on these? I tried one which was (I think) Glock .40 config, and the grip felt too short for my hand. Wondering if there's versions with longer grip?

I was surprised how much I liked it, other than the grip.

You can always buy a finger extension for the magazine.
Due to how the Glock mag release is set up in the Kel Tec, it rides very high. The Glock 17/22 model has the grip length of 19/23, and the 19/23 model is about the grip length of the 26/27.
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