Lee crimp die issue again


NES Member
Oct 3, 2016
Formerly Massachusetts but now MONTANA!
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I thought I had this solved. Nope. Every half dozen or so rounds the crimp die pulls my bullet out. I've taken it apart. I made sure the sleeve was in the right way. I cleaned it with hoppes. No go. Never had issues with Lee and 9mm, which is basically the same thing. I've done tens of thousands of rounds in 9mm.

I'm at my wits end. Is it the die? I'm about to go out and buy a different set.
Includes Carbide Full Length Sizing Die, Bullet Seating Die, Powder Thru Expanding Die, Carbide Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper

Bullet seating die should also crimp - seat/crimp in one step which sucks, knock the carbide sizing ring out of the FCD or grab another seating die.

If you were local, I'd just print out a seating die and you could use your current seating die without the stem to crimp.
the Lee 4pc set *does* include the FCD.

From the catalog:
Lee Deluxe Pistol 4-Die Set 78.00

You are correct. My bad.

Lee has been responding and I'm in the process answering questions. I will keep you guys posted.
Quick check would be to seat a number of rounds without the crimp swap your seater over and use it to crimp - that will tell you 100% that it's the FCD (which I'm 99.9% certain it is)
Includes Carbide Full Length Sizing Die, Bullet Seating Die, Powder Thru Expanding Die, Carbide Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper

Bullet seating die should also crimp - seat/crimp in one step which sucks, knock the carbide sizing ring out of the FCD or grab another seating die.

If you were local, I'd just print out a seating die and you could use your current seating die without the stem to crimp.

I am confused.
Why does the seating die also crimp when this comes with a separate crimp die?
I am confused.
Why does the seating die also crimp when this comes with a separate crimp die?
They usually do since the 3 die set only includes the seater
Difference is with the 4 die you set the seater die higher so the crimp section never engages

Seating and crimping in two operations is always better except when using the Lee FCD with the carbide sizing ring that screws up cast/plated bullets and doesn't do good things to jacketed either
So, you are telling me LEE is selling a 4 die set with 2 dies that crimp? [laugh]

I am not surprised by this.
I am confused.
Why does the seating die also crimp when this comes with a separate crimp die?
Because all Lee seating dies come with the ability to crimp. You can forgo that by raising the die body and lowering the seating stem. The FCD takes out bulges while applying the crimp, so it sounds like the OP may have some bulge issues and the FCD is removing them, but is causing the bullet to be pulled.

Could also be a neck tension issue. I've had plenty of that in .45 ACP to the point I bought an undersize sizing die.
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