Did the same. The first lesson was classroom. LISTEN UP PEOPLE! Every one on the road is drunk, on drugs and attempting to commit suicide! You drive defensively and think 3 steps ahead of the a**h***s.
Loved teaching a newbie how to back up an articulating ladder truck. First lesson was to back it up in a straight line for 1/8 mile. Second lesson was to back it up in an "S" curve and then do it twice again.
Most are not. Liberty Mutual had a great skid course. My best driver was a WWII marine. He took the 16 wheeler out on the course and did a 360, then set it up on one side and back down. The instructor was pale and said he had never seen a truck driven like that. I drove 5 speed standard transmission trucks and never used the clutch unless we were stopped.
There you go! I did the same with anyone that said that it could not be done and did it rapidly, safely and using only mirrors. I had a district chief ask me at a fire if I could get the truck into the rear of two buildings, both had bay windows in that driveway. I looked, said yes, but he would have to buy 2 mirrors since it was that close. 3 family fully involved next door and he said put in the the back. I clipped both mirrors but only bent them back, no damage.
30 years on the line. NO accidents. Blind intersections will kill you. Yellow lights will kill you. Green lights will kill you dead and fast. Look both ways and Then proceed.
0330, week night, blind intersection, green light, reds and siren running, I pulled to 2nd gear almost stopping looking for traffic and a gasoline tanker blew the red at 30 MPH!
Keep it safe out there gang!