Looking for a Hassle-free Club to Join on the North Shore

Explain why the round limits are ridiculous. At what point do you NEED more then 5 rounds to target shoot?
When I'm practicing for IDPA, I need full magazines. If I shot IPSC, those magazines would be quite large. If I'm practicing defensive shooting, I need full magazines.

do you really need 30 rounds in your AR to practice shooting?
If I was practicing defensive shooting with my AR, I just might want full magazines.

Or are you just lazy and decided you needed to take a stand on "Something" and this was it.
Different people will look at the same rule and say it is acceptable or not. So I really think this is a bit uncalled for.

As mentioned before, the 5 round limit is something that comes from the NRA which most clubs are sponsored by the NRA and must follow their "rules".
We've been affiliated with the NRA and have never had that rule.

Just like most clubs require you to be a member of the NRA.
Most clubs don't require this.

If you find a club with no rules. Let me know. I'll be sure to stay far away while people shoot gangster style and don't clear firelines before going down range.
Let's try to be civil, even if we disagree.
Explain why the round limits are ridiculous. At what point do you NEED more then 5 rounds to target shoot? do you really need 30 rounds in your AR to practice shooting? Or are you just lazy and decided you needed to take a stand on "Something" and this was it.

Round limits are ridiculous, because whether or not I have 1 round, 5 rounds or 30 rounds in my magazine should be of no concern to anyone. If I'm responsible enough to be granted and maintain my firearms license no club should have the audacity to infringe on my rights.

And to suggest I'm advocating that clubs should be a free-for-all with no rules, where people are shooting 'gangster style' is equally ridiculous.
How is that talking out of both sides. It's a rule, not a LAW. Every club has rules to keep people safe.

Don't you really mean, cover their ass? Rules don't keep people safe... people actually being safe and acting responsibly is what helps insure safety.

Only way around it is to build your own range and even then you have to abide by local/state/federal laws.

Well, you can join a club that has rules that are more amenable to you. It's not
rocket science.

The 5 round limit is to stem the morons who like to belt loop auto their guns, insure no stray rounds should something happen and the gun go full auto.

And a rule is going to prevent someone from acting like a moron and putting the club
at risk? It -might- weed out some bad people, but the true morons are going to
do whatever they want when nobody is (supposedly) watching.

I have been a member of MANY clubs (I change clubs whenever I move) I've never seen one without any kinds of Rules. Explain why the round limits are ridiculous. At what point do you NEED more then 5 rounds to target shoot? do you really need 30 rounds in your AR to practice shooting? Or are you just lazy and decided you needed to take a stand on "Something" and this was it.

Why does anyone need a gun? [rolleyes] That's about as dumb of a question
as asking why someone wants to fill their magazine up. Are you related to the late Bill Ruger? "No honest man needs more than 10 rounds..." [thinking]

As mentioned before, the 5 round limit is something that comes from the NRA which most clubs are sponsored by the NRA and must follow their "rules". Just like most clubs require you to be a member of the NRA.

I call BS. There are a bunch of NRA affiliated clubs in MA and a bunch of them have no such rule. It's mostly the over-paranoid clubs inside/near the 128/95 loop that have this affectation. (BTW, for those reading, there are likely some reasonable clubs in that area, but they're clearly not in the majority, numbers wise. )

How is that talking out of both sides. It's a rule, not a LAW. Every club has rules to keep people safe. Only way around it is to build your own range and even then you have to abide by local/state/federal laws.

The 5 round limit is to stem the morons who like to belt loop auto their guns, insure no stray rounds should something happen and the gun go full auto. I have been a member of MANY clubs (I change clubs whenever I move) I've never seen one without any kinds of Rules. Explain why the round limits are ridiculous. At what point do you NEED more then 5 rounds to target shoot? do you really need 30 rounds in your AR to practice shooting? Or are you just lazy and decided you needed to take a stand on "Something" and this was it.
As mentioned before, the 5 round limit is something that comes from the NRA which most clubs are sponsored by the NRA and must follow their "rules". Just like most clubs require you to be a member of the NRA.

IPSC/IPDA needs more, and they are allowed more at various ranges.

If you find a club with no rules. Let me know. I'll be sure to stay far away while people shoot gangster style and don't clear firelines before going down range.


Just a few weekends ago, i shot at a "free for all" with a few other shooters.

we had drop leg holsters, oakleys, chest rigs and MULTIPLE 29rd (never load 30rd in an AR mag BTW) AR 15 mags and OMG! pigs started flying around and we all turned into P-Diddy and 50cent and started shooting our GATS (mostly Glocks and 92FSs) in all directions because there were no stupid rules?


just maybe, we are freakin adults... the clubs with these round limits always have an excuse for their gun control. i'm not buying into the whole 'EVERYBODY WILL DIE IF WE DIDN'T HAVE RULES'
just maybe, we are freakin adults... the clubs with these round limits always have an excuse for their gun control. i'm not buying into the whole 'EVERYBODY WILL DIE IF WE DIDN'T HAVE RULES'
As I said, I don't agree with the round limits.

On the other hand, stop by our club and I'll show you lots of bullet holes in a header 3 feet above a bright orange line labeled "targets below here." Morons do exist and without fulltime range officers it is very hard to track them down.

I can think of at least 3 clubs that have been accused of having rounds escape the range, and it has caused them huge grief. That's less of an issue in rural areas, but within 128 and even close outside it, this is a real issue.
As I said, I don't agree with the round limits.

On the other hand, stop by our club and I'll show you lots of bullet holes in a header 3 feet above a bright orange line labeled "targets below here." Morons do exist and without fulltime range officers it is very hard to track them down.

I can think of at least 3 clubs that have been accused of having rounds escape the range, and it has caused them huge grief. That's less of an issue in rural areas, but within 128 and even close outside it, this is a real issue.

same here. [wink] when one of the "said" clubs claims to have 24hr survailence, yet NEVER address the problem with the offenders, only punish the masses... kinda like Democrats [laugh]

i recall the whole 'THERE IS NO REASON TO SHOOT AN AR-15 AT LESS THAN 75' Letter
same here. [wink] when one of the "said" clubs claims to have 24hr survailence, yet NEVER address the problem with the offenders, only punish the masses... kinda like Democrats [laugh]
At our club, we'll be happy to address the problem with offender, just as soon as we can figure out who it is. Really, if I knew who was doing it, we'd deal with it very quickly. We have dealt with offenders in the past, sometimes very harshly - "don't let the door hit you in the backside..."

We don't have 24 hr surveillance. We don't have power anywhere near our outdoor range and can't afford to string power 500' outdoors. Even if we did, it would require one heck of a surveillance camera to be able to spot bullet holes across a 25' wide backstop, so that we could then review the video, determine when the hole in the backstop occurred, and who fired that shot. If you can explain to me how we can do this cheaply and easily, I'm all ears.

Seriously. Please tell me how I can determine who fired that round into the header.

i recall the whole 'THERE IS NO REASON TO SHOOT AN AR-15 AT LESS THAN 75' Letter
You lost me. I assume you are talking about some club other than mine.
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Sadly you are fighting against the tide here. This issue has been done and the result is usually the closing of the thread. While I hate the rules often referenced here Re: 1 round and 75ft rule. They were put in place due to members not being able to land a round on paper at the distances offered by each range.

While we would all like to think that our sport is safe, especially safe due to the controls the state puts on us just to get a license. It is just not the case. For example, The 75ft rule referenced was put in place due to the damage done from hi-power rifles shot indoor at 30ish feet etc. This was a result of shooters not being able to hit the target and thus shooting the baffles, walls, floor, air system etc. Does it suck, sure. Is it unfair to the rest of the shooters who can keep their rounds on target, yes. Should shooters keep their rounds on target so these rules are not put in place, again yes. I have done work on these ranges and the places rounds have struck always amaze me.

On the out door ranges I have seen rounds that have been so poorly placed that you can not understand what the shooter could have been aiming at.

Each club has an obligation to keep its members happy, I agree, some of these rules suck. Within the 128 loop on the other hand, we, the shooters and in most cases guests in the community, also have an outweighing obligation to the surrounding communities to keep those who live there safe. I think even the biggest advocate of shooting would not want to live down range of a club that allowed 1 round per hour,day, week, year, decade escape from its property.

At the last members shoot they had to shut down the range on 2 occasions to remind shooters to keep their rounds below the berm and I witnessed several branches being shot and dropping from trees 20ft over the berm. I saw a guy shooting a pistol and his rounds hitting the ground 20,50 ft then 50 yds in front of him. This shooting at a limo that was 100ish yds away from the line, during a shoot with very competent RSOs in attendance watching the line, what would be the outcome if those shooters were shooting toward 128, 93 or a small town, how about your neighbor hood?

While I agree the rules at many of these clubs need to be changed they also need to balance the safety of the people surrounding these communities. Does one round suck, yes. No rounds sucks even more which would be the best possible outcome of a range closing due to one round escaping because one shooter can not put a round down range?

To the OP.

Most of the clubs in the area you are interested in have rules. Some more than others. Most clubs have their info posted online. I would read the rules and find a club with rules you can abide. Then check it out in person, if you ask here someone from that club will surely allow you to come as their guest. Let them know what kind of shooting you would like to do and meet them to try it out. Good luck in your search.
+1 for M1911
+1 for jayme

Target carriers would never need to be replaced and baffles would be superfluous if shooters were on target every time and there'd be less need for rules.

In addition it seems curious that the baseline issue of responsibility gets a bit of a pass. If members took responsibility for themselves and all that went on around them then the miscreants could be identified and expelled. Cameras only come in handy either after someone reports a problem and then someone (else) volunteers to go back over the tapes or you have someone volunteer to monitor them 24/7.

Like M1911 I jointed a club (in my case within 128) that did not allow members to carry on club premises other than on the firing line. There was resistance (from one good ol' boy in particular, no longer on the board) but the rule was changed. I argued that I should have at least as much right, if not more, at my club as on the streets and that it is a gun club and people coming to it should either be prepared to see 'em or get used to 'em. I haven't won all my battles (yet) but I have seen improvement (and the occasional set back 'cause someone did something stupid).

I don't blame those who choose to drive a bit more to get to the "sand pit" or club of their choice that has been fortunate / foolish enough (no judgement here, just both perspectives) to have little to no restrictions.

I do respect the good intentions of those who put the work in to keep as many clubs open as we have. I wish there were even more clubs / options but it seems that at every club I've shot at (and there have been many) there is a small percentage of the membership that does almost all of the work and takes almost all of the flak. Thanks to all who do it. I can see that M1911 is one of those few and assume jayme is as well.

Again, if everyone shot straight or followed even the most basic safety rules then round count or rapid fire would not be an issue anywhere.
As one poster said, (maybe jaymce) at most clubs the rules are there in response to problems incurred in the past, or simply because of their location. Internal club polictics, in some cases, also dictate the atmosphere and rules of a club. My advice would be to choose a club that has rules you can live with. Or, get involved and help make changes from within.
More info.

The Lynn Rifle and Revolver Club is no-hassle. Pay your dues and get an access card. I believe you can shoot any time from 9am until 10pm seven days a week. You have to be an NRA member to join.

The place is nothing to brag about. It's handguns only. No magnums. There are 8 lanes and they're all 50 feet long. 50 feet is the only distance you're allowed to shoot at, although I have seen people ignore the "no mid-range shooting" signs and only send the target halfway to the back drop.

I'm a member only because it's close to my house and not because it's a great place.

Let me know if you want more information.

I live in Lynn and just got my LTC-A. Picked up a SWM&P 9 yesterday and I'm looking for a range nearby. Is this range still open? I'd be interested in applying for membership.
I live in Lynn and just got my LTC-A. Picked up a SWM&P 9 yesterday and I'm looking for a range nearby. Is this range still open? I'd be interested in applying for membership.

The place is still open. Drop by on a Wednesday around 7:00-8:00 PM. That's the day that there are "official" people there. You might want to call first (781-599-9882) just to be sure. They do require you to be an NRA member to join. Last I heard, there's a $100 processing fee plus $90 annual dues.

As I said, the place is nothing to get excited about. I joined because it's a 2-3 minute drive from my house. That's the main thing it has going for it. I like the fact that most of the time I go, I'm there by myself. They have a good ventilation system. The target distance is limited to 50 feet, which I think is a bit far when shooting sub-compact carry pistols.

It's at the corner of Walnut St and Dungeon Ave. 315 Walnut Street. If you look it up on Google Maps, it will show you the exact building. There is very little parking there. You may have to park in front Frye Park just a little further down Walnut St toward Rt 1.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Like M1911 I jointed a club (in my case within 128) that did not allow members to carry on club premises other than on the firing line. There was resistance (from one good ol' boy in particular, no longer on the board) but the rule was changed. I argued that I should have at least as much right, if not more, at my club as on the streets and that it is a gun club and people coming to it should either be prepared to see 'em or get used to 'em. I haven't won all my battles (yet) but I have seen improvement (and the occasional set back 'cause someone did something stupid).

Unless a club is going to have a gun clearing area with a safe backstop, such a rule can actually reduce rather than increase safety - as the inevitable result is people clearing guns while seated in their cars, before entering the clubhouse, etc.

As one poster said, (maybe jaymce) at most clubs the rules are there in response to problems incurred in the past, or simply because of their location. Internal club polictics, in some cases, also dictate the atmosphere and rules of a club. My advice would be to choose a club that has rules you can live with. Or, get involved and help make changes from within.

Sometimes, but they come from old line FUDD thinking -

- Nobody needs more than 5 rounds for the NRA gallery course, so that's the limit

- Rapid fire (in the USPSA/IDPA sense, not the NRA gallery sense) is not a legitimate form of shooting so it's prohibited

- Guns should come from a case, not a holster, so we'll ban drawing from a holster

- Carry? What's that? We don't want any of that radical stuff around here.
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I was afraid of that. There are 4 clubs within a few miles of my house but they range from overly-exclusive to just downright terrible.

If anyone knows of a sandpit I can shoot at over the border in NH, I would take that at this point...
Don't listen to the depressive personalities, there are plenty of good clubs around with low hassle factors. For obvious reasons they don't advertise "We have the fewest rules around." Be an RO at any club and you'll be amazed at the shit people pull.

Where do you live? I know people who think the North Shore extends from Newburyport to Pepperell.
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Unless a club is going to have a gun clearing area with a safe backstop, such a rule can actually reduce rather than increase safety - as the inevitable result is people clearing guns while seated in their cars, before entering the clubhouse, etc.
Yup. That was part of the logic that I used at my club. A holstered gun is a safe gun, and the safest place to clear a gun is on one of our ranges, pointed at the nice big backstop.

- Rapid fire (in the USPSA/IDPA sense, not the NRA gallery sense) is not a legitimate form of shooting so it's prohibited
That was not absolutely not the case at my club. There is not a single officer or board member at our who feels rapid fire "is not a legitimate form of shooting."

I was a club officer when we prohibited rapid fire on our indoor range, and was involved in all of the lengthy deliberations that led to that rule. That prohibition was put in place specifically because people were shooting up the baffles. We identified one individual and dealt with him, but there are others who have not been identified.
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how crowded does the indoor range tend to get on a regular basis?
nice group of people?

I don't shoot much indoors since you can't shoot jacketed or magnum rounds (biggest negative for this club). But the few times I've gone on the weekend to the indoor range, I'm usually the only guy there. I like shooting my steel plate so I always shoot outdoors. But yes the people are good, no insane rules like number of rounds in the gun etc.
Not sure where ya live but don't forget about Cape Ann Sportsmans Club in Gloucester. Great club.

I saw a lot of recommendations for Cape Ann, but it's about a 30 min drive, so probably too far for me, plus it's an hour from work. If I ever get a job in Gloucester that'd be perfect.
I was literally screamed at at Danvers, for having the temerity to pull targets from my range bag after the pistol line had been cleared.
I was ordered to put the targets back in my bag, and the RSO took two (not remotely similar) targets from another shooter (whose bag was behind the magic yellow paint line) and gave them to me.
This was all news to the other shooter, who was down the line during all this and wondering why I'd walk up to him and hand him two pieces or paper. [rolleyes]

I was a guest. I won't be returning.
I was literally screamed at at Danvers, for having the temerity to pull targets from my range bag after the pistol line had been cleared.
I was ordered to put the targets back in my bag, and the RSO took two (not remotely similar) targets from another shooter (whose bag was behind the magic yellow paint line) and gave them to me.
This was all news to the other shooter, who was down the line during all this and wondering why I'd walk up to him and hand him two pieces or paper. [rolleyes]

I was a guest. I won't be returning.

It's one of the safety regulations that you need to deal with at this club, and I would hope at any other club. If the pistol/rifle line is clear (actions open, no mags in guns, etc.), then you stay away from the station that you are set up on until the buzzer rings again. With people down range changing targets, the RO doesn't know what you are going to do when you head towards your station and he doesn't care if you are just reaching for targets. Safety is paramount. There is one RO that tends to go overboard, but I'm sure that he was specifically watching you since you were a guest.

OTOH, I can't tell you the number of times I have seen people go back to their station to pick up their guns while there are still people down range. Since the combined pistol/rifle shooting line is over 200' long, people need to be careful. The rules are posted right there at the range, so it's a simple matter of following them. The member that you were with should have explained the rules to you as well. I do this whenever I take a guest and have never encountered any problems with the RO.
I was literally screamed at at Danvers, for having the temerity to pull targets from my range bag after the pistol line had been cleared.
I was ordered to put the targets back in my bag, and the RSO took two (not remotely similar) targets from another shooter (whose bag was behind the magic yellow paint line) and gave them to me.
This was all news to the other shooter, who was down the line during all this and wondering why I'd walk up to him and hand him two pieces or paper. [rolleyes]

I was a guest. I won't be returning.

I won't go to any place that requires a RO to be present to shoot.
Another out yourself thread, just in time for the holidays.

Stop being ridiculous. If you can't handle firearm safety regulations at a club, then you shouldn't be shooting there. As I said, I've seen people reach for their guns when people are down range, and witnessed many muzzle sweeps (some at me) as well. I was also present inside the Trap gun house when someone "accidently" blew the over door off the stove, when about a dozen people were there.
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