Yes, some of us are stuck here and can't simply move to another state. All the free-state people do not seem to understand this. Look at Massachusetts, the birthplace of freedom. This is a prime example of what can happen in any state, especially if people actually "move to a free state" and vote the way they do here.Like clockwork, a post like this arises about once a day.
The "move to NH!" posts are, indeed, annoying. But so are the responses. It'd be great if we could all just agree, mutually, to stop talking about moving out of Massachusetts. EVERYONE here with over 100 posts has heard it before and it's not helping, either way.
I get it. MA sucks. I don't need to be told that, nor do I need to be gloated at by people who've moved. But those people don't need to be told about family obligations or roots, nor about "wanting to fight." Neither side is changing its mind. It'd be best if we'd all just stop, but in the meantime? I've just learned to ignore the move-to-NH crowd. They're not me, they don't make decisions for me, and I don't need to justify my choices to them.
To me, judging by the number of 2A people who show up at rallies and such, it is pathetic compared to the 600,000 gun owners in the state.
Strength is in numbers and unity. If we really wanted to make a difference, I believe we actually could.
Sadly, a lot of what I see on here is people asking about grandfathered stuff. That is the biggest worry. What about the 2A for our kids? What will be left of the Second Amendment for them? People died for our freedom. Don't forget what freedom was once worth..EVERYTHING!!!!