NES Member
Last weekend I bought a couple of MagPul 30 round magazines at $12.00/each. The ones with a window in the side were $1.00 more. The newest generation, which the seller basically said had a different baseplate were $18.00. The seller said that they had to come up with new versions every few years so that people would buy the latest version.
I think he might have forgot to charge me sales tax.
I think he might have forgot to charge me sales tax.

This is true. Free staters can buy good normal cap AR mags 10-12 bucks a pop, shipped to your door. Why would anyone want to pay more than 10 bucks for stuff that’s 30 years old? I’ll do 5 bucks a magazine if any ma**h*** wants to sell me their pre-ban mags. Anyone? 6 if you don’t make me drive far to get them.