MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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Yet, every one of them voted for the same old state rep or senator that pushed this crap through. They'll feel that this is more "common sense" gun control and that you're a "gun nut."

Thus will it ever be in Massachusetts.

I received several calls at the start of covid asking how the person could get a gun - They all were very unhappy when I told them the laws they felt were common sense precluded them from getting one and that I was not about to risk going to jail to let them borrow a gun.
He's living in a shack down south working at McDonald's but he's free. Never posts any pictures of his property/area showing how great it is.
He’s not wrong though. At some point everyone needs to consider the “cost” of living as a potential felon, especially if you’re risk tolerance is low and you plan on complying. “Freedom isn’t free” and all that.

It would be nice, however, if all the “we’d stack tyrants like cordwood!” talk was coming from someone that didn’t live in a state with a Democratic Governor that shut down during COVID.
That's the problem with people who value money more than their freedom. You are THE PROBLEM.

Your money means nothing when you don't have the ability to spend it and enjoy it as YOU see fit but rather must conform to how the NANNY STATE says you WILL.'

I spend my money as my please, I have all the guns I want, and have a great life, it's nice making good money.
How's the job at McDonald's going? 😆
Post Healey are copies or duplicates so therefore most are now ASWs based on the feature test and being copies or duplicates. That barrel shroud language wipes everything out.

Second, is it lawfull for you to possess. If it’s not an ASW, yes. If it is an ASW, was it lawfully possessed on 8/1/24. If it was lawfully possessed on 8/1/24 then it continues to be lawful to possess.
Thank you for the concise summary @CrackPot . Greatly appreciated.

Correct me if I'm wrong but under the new language, a permanently fixed mag AR (built that way post 2016 with Mean Arms Lock, not manufactured as fixed mag) would be considered a copy/duplicate as SECTION 16 (f) states a copy/duplicate shall mean a firearm that was manufactured or subsequently configured with an ability to accept a detachable magazine. Therefore it would be illegal under the new laws. But, that fixed mag configuration is currently legal to own. Will it be legal to own if the law takes effect after 8/1/24?
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Here's an interesting question.
If 30 round AR mags are OK to possess in the home or at the range, but not for carry, are 30 round PMags now legal in MA?
1534 (c) Subsection (a) shall not apply to large capacity feeding devices lawfully possessed on
1535 September 13, 1994 only if such possession is: (i) on private property owned or legally
1536 controlled by the person in possession of the large capacity feeding device; (ii) on private
1537 property that is not open to the public with the express permission of the property owner or the
1538 property owner’s authorized agent; (iii) while on the premises of a licensed firearms dealer or
1539 gunsmith for the purpose of lawful repair; (iv) at a licensed firing range or sports shooting
1540 competition venue; or (v) while traveling to and from these locations; provided, that the large
1541 capacity feeding device is stored unloaded and secured in a locked container in accordance with
1542 sections 131C and 131L. A person authorized under this subsection to possess a large capacity
1543 feeding device may only transfer the device to an heir or devisee, a person residing outside the
1544 commonwealth, or a licensed dealer.
1534 (c) Subsection (a) shall not apply to large capacity feeding devices lawfully possessed on1535 September 13, 1994 only if such possession is: (i) on private property owned or legally1536 controlled by the person in possession of the large capacity feeding device; (ii) on private1537 property that is not open to the public with the express permission of the property owner or the1538 property owner’s authorized agent; (iii) while on the premises of a licensed firearms dealer or1539 gunsmith for the purpose of lawful repair; (iv) at a licensed firing range or sports shooting1540 competition venue; or (v) while traveling to and from these locations; provided, that the large1541 capacity feeding device is stored unloaded and secured in a locked container in accordance with1542 sections 131C and 131L. A person authorized under this subsection to possess a large capacity1543 feeding device may only transfer the device to an heir or devisee, a person residing outside the1544 commonwealth, or a licensed dealer.
Thanks. I missed that
Thank you for the concise summary @CrackPot . Greatly appreciated.

Correct me if I'm wrong but under the new language, a permanently fixed mag AR (built that way post 2016, not manufactured) would be considered a copy/duplicate as SECTION 16 (f) states a copy/duplicate shall mean a firearm that was manufactured or subsequently configured with an ability to accept a detachable magazine. Therefore it would be illegal under the new laws. But, that fixed mag configuration is currently legal to own. Will it be legal to own if the law takes effect after 8/1/24?
If it was manufactured as a fixed mag lower, like the DSI ones then it looks fine. Roster issues for new sales notwithstanding.
Yes, because a dealer's opinion of complex legal interpretation is so much more impactful than people trained and experienced in that exact job.
Keep in mind, these guys engage counsel to ensure what they’re doing is legal and pass state and ATF inspections. I trust his opinion over mine or yours.

If you have any issue, call two lawyers. You’ll get two different opinions. Both may be right.
I spend my money as my please, I have all the guns I want, and have a great life, it's nice making good money.
How's the job at McDonald's going? 😆

I'm retired son.....and you suckers are paying my retirement. How's that for another dick in the ass?

And after 8/1/2024 I can still buy anything I want without nanny state approval. Your attempts to mock me are just another admission of your love for the state to be in control of your life with regard to guns.
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I'm retired son.....and you suckers are paying my retirement. How's that for another dick in the ass?
I feel kinda bad quitting at 55...but not funding retards at the state or federal level anymore......makes it better. I guess my interest income will be taxed at the federal level, so they still get some. Can't get away from it federally. Being in a no income tax state will be nice.
So what would the legal requirements be for purchases made before the August 1 deadline, but say a shop doesn't have in stock and has to be shipped in, arriving after August 1?

Does paperwork need to be filled out pre August 1 for the legal transfer after? Or is the pre August 1 purchase date enough for legal transfer, even though that'd technically be done post August 1?
So what would the legal requirements be for purchases made before the August 1 deadline, but say a shop doesn't have in stock and has to be shipped in, arriving after August 1?

Does paperwork need to be filled out pre August 1 for the legal transfer after? Or is the pre August 1 purchase date enough for legal transfer, even though that'd technically be done post August 1?

I believe the purchase date is the date money changes hands. I've seen that posted elsewhere in this thread.


I also believe the state's not about to take you to court for filing on 02 Aug vs 01 Aug.
Where is the discussion around ammo purchases?. Goals summary says very little. In reading the bill it now appears dealers will have to "register the transfer or purchase of" all ammo sales to include all details about the purchaser. That registration is held locally however, no central system. Was this discussed 100 pages ago?
How in the hell would they possibly track these sales? Do they have a system set up , do they have staff to run these systems? Nonsense is what it is , you can drive over to NH and they'll not know , so what would the purpose be?
So what would the legal requirements be for purchases made before the August 1 deadline, but say a shop doesn't have in stock and has to be shipped in, arriving after August 1?

Does paperwork need to be filled out pre August 1 for the legal transfer after? Or is the pre August 1 purchase date enough for legal transfer, even though that'd technically be done post August 1?
You've been asleep since 2005........might as well go back to sleep's too fvcking late.
Understood, but not all of us can move and find jobs that pay $200K. And, I will say it again, guns are not my life, my family and friends are and being near them is the most important thing in my life.
I think no one has issue with that and its all a very personal decision to move. Im moving for the freedom to be closer to family. Perks are wife is getting a big raise, no income taxes, I cash out of my real estate and buy where we want, and I can take some time off or totally retire. I can visit my kids anytime I want and stay with them in CT or NC if I'm not working. Or my parents up in MA. Getting the foot off of my throat with guns is just a perk for me in all this. Its not a need......

People telling anyone to move just because of this bill are retarded..........realistically if your all about gun freedom you should have moved a long time ago.

We've had erosion of gun freedom and freedom in general ever since I've been in this state. But like you, with land, in red area of the state...its tolerable....and honestly after this will continue to be probably as the pol tards won't know which end is up with all these new laws for at least a year or more. These laws are for pantshitters, and we have no lack of them in MA.

Dealers will be taking this one hard if there are even any left after this, and that will be the problem......
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So which types of guns would have had to have been owned or registered or whatever prior to her 2016 decree, according to the Guida interpretation? ARs and AKs but what else? Uzis? Were there other guns?

Asked more directly, do SP5s and other HK clones fall right alongside ARs as far as this 2016 v. 2024 interpretation dispute goes?
Here's an interesting question.
If 30 round AR mags are OK to possess in the home or at the range, but not for carry, are 30 round PMags now legal in MA?
I guess if Magpul was making PMags in 1994 then yes; since that entire section is related to pre-1994 "pre-bans".
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This one has lowers for $30
Why bother paying more to finish them yourself.
+ transfer fee or $35 or so, unless you know a guy
What makes you think she is working on anything other than pushing herself into the Biden debacle and getting some press this weekend? She added all this to her resume in 2016.
This.....she's doing so much bobbing and weaving finding out whose ass to kiss to get a high level fed position or even a VP prospect.....her head is spinning.

She just hasn't had the time to sign this thing....its not about why/when/or if she's looking at it. It might be just she wants to sign it with enough fanfare to get the spotlight, and she's putting that all together.

Theres a reason this motherfxcker wasn't lagged til midnight July 31st the traditional ass reaming way........ its that all day long. She wanted to claim she signed the toughest gun bill in the nation and try and get her name in lights on the Dem ticket. I mean, being a gay woman has her half way there, don't think they couldn't strut her ass out there as a VEEP pick. At the very least I see her as an AG in a dem Win.

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This.....she's doing so much bobbing and weaving finding out whose ass to kiss to get a high level fed position or even a VP prospect.....her head is spinning.

She just hasn't had the time to sign this thing....its not about why/when/or if she's looking at it. It might be just she wants to sign it with enough fanfare to get the spotlight, and she's putting that all together.

Theres a reason this motherfxcker wasn't lagged til midnight July 31st the traditional ass reaming way........ its that all day long. She wanted to claim she signed the toughest gun bill in the nation and try and get her name in lights on the Dem ticket. I mean, being a gay woman has her half way there, don't think they couldn't strut her ass out there as a VEEP pick. At the very least I see her as an AG in a dem Win.


I think Kamala would be a blithering idiot to pick Maura Healy as her VP running mate. Meaning, she might very well do it.

I think, if that happens, it would mean a number of better choices had already said "no" before she got down the list to talk to Healy.
Not sure if this has been posted previously or even helps with understanding this mess at all but attached is a "summary of the bill" that my state rep sent to me when I explained concerns that I was being made a felon by this bill and wanted clarification.
In case you are wondering this provided zero clarification for me.


I think Kamala would be a blithering idiot to pick Maura Healy as her VP running mate. Meaning, she might very well do it.

I think, if that happens, it would mean a number of better choices had already said "no" before she got down the list to talk to Healy.
Well.......she actually is a blithering idiot......
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