Infinite Jester
Navy Veteran
All is useless without some land to grow food and a clean well for water. Some basic animal husbandry would also be helpful.
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All is useless without some land to grow food and a clean well for water. Some basic animal husbandry would also be helpful.
Maybe so, but the guy I knew that got himself and his family out of N. Korea in the late 1970s had to use gold for all the bribes and illegal transportation. It was the one universal currency.I wouldn't buy gold or silver, someone else sets the value of it so it's open for corruption.
Fair enough, not trying to talk anyone into anything here...just handing out free (and probably worthless) adviceI remember the first gold and silver run up and how prices were manipulated, took 20 years to get prices up the again and by then inflation wiped out the gain. Will it be a mad max in the financial zone when they hyperinflate out of the trillions in debt?
Maybe so, but the guy I knew that got himself and his family out of N. Korea in the late 1970s had to use gold for all the bribes and illegal transportation. It was the one universal currency.
Ever figure out the number of people per square mile in your area? The trucks stop and the land will be ravaged.
Ever figure out the number of people per square mile in your area? The trucks stop and the land will be ravaged.
Look at my location.
Fair enough, not trying to talk anyone into anything here...just handing out free (and probably worthless) advice![]()
If the world does go "Mad Max"; let us all hope that Flaming Guitar Guy is there, too
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The only way it goes Mad Max, Walking Dead etc is if the power grid goes down for an extended period, say entire US for a month. Also people will likely behave better if they think everything will go back to normal soon.
So what could cause this? Some kind of natural disaster (meteor, massive solar flare etc). Some kind of attack with multiple nukes or EMP nukes. Some kind of massive cyber attack. All 3 are pretty unlikely.
What's much more likely IMO is another Great Depression as the US collapses under bad debts, financial engineering and decades of artificial economic expansion contracting back to the mean.
I think the most likely scenario for a collapse of our society is a deadly viral pandemic. Something that spreads very quickly and kills quickly. There is a point I would imagine where soldiers, police, doctors, etc would stop showing up for work out of fear for their own lives or to simply protect their own families.
Plus if you think about it, some personnel, for example, the people responsible for operating power plants and keeping electricity flowing, how many of those could the country afford to lose to a deadly plague before the electric grid began to fail. It's probably highly unlikely that there are more than a tiny handful of people in this country who would know how to keep Hoover Dam functional for example.
From what I have read on this, a loss of about 20% of the population would be devastating enough that our technological society would be thrust into the dark ages. Forget the constitution when it's everyone out for themselves for whatever food or fresh water is left.
? Where does this come from, natural or man made?
Does anyone have a scenario that they believe is going to happen?
Read Lucifer's Hammer...
I think the top 3 likely scenarios are:
.1 Severe financial depression. Not a full collapse, but damn close to it. This will lead to massive civil unrest and martial law in the cities.
The suburbs and far boonies will not have .gov troops because they will be spread too thin. Neighborhood militias will be formed.
2. Some sort of pandemic like a superflu or some such. It's really just a matter of time as we see things like Ebola and new shit like Zitka every year.
3. A more localized event like a meteor strike, severe earth quake or a rogue nuke lit off by the religion of peace.
I think the most likely scenario for a collapse of our society is a deadly viral pandemic. Something that spreads very quickly and kills quickly. There is a point I would imagine where soldiers, police, doctors, etc would stop showing up for work out of fear for their own lives or to simply protect their own families.
Plus if you think about it, some personnel, for example, the people responsible for operating power plants and keeping electricity flowing, how many of those could the country afford to lose to a deadly plague before the electric grid began to fail. It's probably highly unlikely that there are more than a tiny handful of people in this country who would know how to keep Hoover Dam functional for example.
From what I have read on this, a loss of about 20% of the population would be devastating enough that our technological society would be thrust into the dark ages. Forget the constitution when it's everyone out for themselves for whatever food or fresh water is left.
I think one of these event tv series would do it justice, two 10-episode seasons would about tell the story. Season 1 leads up to Hammerfall, season 2 covers the events after.Good book, I bought two copies to loan out to friends. They should have made a movie about this book....
Buy gold and silver. It's no longer about building wealth, it's about protecting the wealth you have
The only way it goes Mad Max, Walking Dead etc is if the power grid goes down for an extended period, say entire US for a month. Also people will likely behave better if they think everything will go back to normal soon.
So what could cause this? Some kind of natural disaster (meteor, massive solar flare etc). Some kind of attack with multiple nukes or EMP nukes. Some kind of massive cyber attack. All 3 are pretty unlikely.
What's much more likely IMO is another Great Depression as the US collapses under bad debts, financial engineering and decades of artificial economic expansion contracting back to the mean.